TY - BOOK ID - 65195412 TI - Mountains in the Greenhouse : Climate Change and the Mountains of the Western U.S.A. PY - 2020 SN - 3030424324 3030424316 PB - Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, DB - UniCat KW - Mountain climate KW - Climate, Highland KW - Climate, Mountain KW - Highland climate KW - Climatology KW - Weather KW - Effect of mountains on KW - Ecosystems. KW - Environment. KW - Ecology . KW - Environment, general. KW - Terrestial Ecology. KW - Balance of nature KW - Biology KW - Bionomics KW - Ecological processes KW - Ecological science KW - Ecological sciences KW - Environment KW - Environmental biology KW - Oecology KW - Environmental sciences KW - Population biology KW - Biocenoses KW - Biocoenoses KW - Biogeoecology KW - Biological communities KW - Biomes KW - Biotic community ecology KW - Communities, Biotic KW - Community ecology, Biotic KW - Ecological communities KW - Ecosystems KW - Natural communities KW - Ecology KW - Climatic changes. KW - Changes, Climatic KW - Changes in climate KW - Climate change KW - Climate change science KW - Climate changes KW - Climate variations KW - Climatic change KW - Climatic changes KW - Climatic fluctuations KW - Climatic variations KW - Global climate changes KW - Global climatic changes KW - Climate change mitigation KW - Teleconnections (Climatology) KW - Environmental aspects KW - Canvi climàtic KW - Muntanyes KW - Ecologia de les muntanyes KW - Estats Units d'Amèrica KW - Ecologia alpina KW - Ecologia de muntanya KW - Ecosistemes de muntanya KW - Ecosistemes muntanyosos KW - Ecologia KW - Flora alpina KW - Àrees de muntanya KW - Orografia KW - Pujols KW - Serralades KW - Serres (Geografia) KW - Turons KW - Zones de muntanya KW - Espais naturals KW - Alpinisme KW - Canvis climàtics KW - Canvi climàtic global KW - Cicles climàtics KW - Fluctuacions climàtiques KW - Oscil·lacions climàtiques KW - Variacions climàtiques KW - Climatologia KW - Degradació ambiental KW - Desertització KW - Canvi mediambiental global KW - Dendroclimatologia KW - Escalfament global KW - Paleoclimatologia KW - Temperatura atmosfèrica KW - E.U.A. KW - EE.UU. KW - EUA KW - Estados Unidos de América KW - Estats Units KW - U.S.A. KW - United States KW - United States of America KW - USA KW - Amèrica del Nord KW - Alabama KW - Alaska KW - Arizona KW - Arkansas KW - Califòrnia KW - Carolina del Nord KW - Carolina del Sud KW - Colorado KW - Connecticut KW - Dakota del Nord KW - Dakota del Sud KW - Delaware KW - Florida KW - Geòrgia KW - Guadalupe Mountains (Estats Units d'Amèrica : Serralada) KW - Hawaii KW - Idaho KW - Illinois KW - Indiana KW - Iowa KW - Kansas KW - Kentucky KW - Louisiana KW - Maine KW - Maryland KW - Massachusetts KW - Michigan KW - Minnesota KW - Mississipí KW - Missouri KW - Montana KW - Nebraska KW - Nevada KW - Nou Hampshire KW - Nou Mèxic KW - Nova Jersey KW - Nova York (Estat) KW - Oest (Estats Units d'Amèrica) KW - Ohio KW - Oklahoma KW - Oregon KW - Pennsilvània KW - Rhode Island KW - Tennessee KW - Texas KW - Utah KW - Vermont KW - Virgínia KW - Virgínia de l'Oest KW - Washington (Districte de Colúmbia) KW - Washington (Estat) KW - Wisconsin KW - Wyoming KW - Yellowstone National Park KW - Global environmental change KW - Est (Estats Units d'Amèrica) KW - Biotic communities. KW - Ecology. UR - https://www.unicat.be/uniCat?func=search&query=sysid:65195412 AB - This book is written for general readers with an interest in science, and offers the tools and ideas for understanding how climate change will affect mountains of the American West. A major goal of the book is to provide material that will not become quickly outdated, and it does so by conveying its topics through constants in ecological science that will remain unchanged and scientifically sound. The book is timely in its potential to be a long-term contribution, and is designed to inform the public about climate change in mountains accessibly and intelligibly. The major themes of the book include: 1) mountains of the American West as natural experiments that can distinguish the effects of climate change because they have been relatively free from human-caused changes, 2) mountains as regions with unique sensitivities that may change more rapidly than the Earth as a whole and foreshadow the nature and magnitude of change elsewhere, and 3) different interacting components of ecosystems in the face of a changing climate, including forest growth and mortality, ecological disturbance, and mountain hydrology. Readers will learn how these changes and interactions in mountains illuminate the complexity of ecological changes in other contexts around the world. ER -