TY - BOOK ID - 5058352 TI - How was it possible? : a Holocaust reader AU - Hayes, Peter AU - Schulweis, Harvey PY - 2015 SN - 0521329485 0521368235 9780521329484 0803274696 0803274890 0803274912 1336138971 PB - Lincoln, [Nebraska] ; London, [England] : University of Nebraska Press, DB - UniCat KW - Chemical industry KW - Mineral industries KW - World War, 1939-1945 KW - Industries chimiques KW - Mines KW - 2ème guerre mondiale KW - Political aspects KW - History KW - Aspect politique KW - Histoire KW - Industrie KW - Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft KW - Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei KW - Political activity KW - Activité politique KW - Germany KW - Allemagne KW - Politics and government KW - Politique et gouvernement KW - World War, 1939-1945. KW - 2ème guerre mondiale KW - Activité politique KW - I.G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft KW - IG Farben (Firm) KW - IG Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft KW - Interessengemeinschaft der Deutschen Teerfarbenfabriken KW - Farbenfabriken Bayer Aktiengesellschaft KW - Badische Anilin- & Soda-Fabrik KW - Cassella Farbwerke Mainkur Aktiengesellschaft KW - Chemie-Verwaltungs-Aktiengesellschaft KW - Chemische Werke Hüls KW - Dynamit Nobel AG KW - Farbwerke Hoechst AG KW - Filmfabrik Agfa, VEB KW - History of Germany and Austria KW - anno 1940-1949 KW - anno 1930-1939 KW - European War, 1939-1945 KW - Second World War, 1939-1945 KW - World War 2, 1939-1945 KW - World War II, 1939-1945 KW - World War Two, 1939-1945 KW - WW II (World War, 1939-1945) KW - WWII (World War, 1939-1945) KW - History, Modern KW - Extractive industries KW - Extractive industry KW - Metal industries KW - Mines and mining KW - Mining KW - Mining industry KW - Mining industry and finance KW - Industries KW - Chemical industries KW - Chemicals KW - Man-made chemicals industry KW - Synthetic chemicals industry KW - Manufacture and industry KW - Nazi Party KW - NSDAP KW - National Socialist German Labor Party KW - Partito nazionalsocialista dei lavoratori tedeschi KW - Kokumin Shakaishugi Doitsu Rōdōshatō KW - Partido Nacionalsocialista KW - National Socialist German Workers Party KW - NSVSP KW - Nacionālsociālistiskā vācu strādnieku partija KW - Nachitō KW - Partia Narodowosocjalistyczna KW - Narodowosocjalistyczna Niemiecka Partia Robotnicza KW - NSGWP KW - Partido Obrero Alemán Nacionalsocialista KW - Narodowo-Socjalistyczna Niemiecka Robotnicza Partja KW - N.S.D.A.P. KW - Partido Nazista KW - מפלגה הנאצית KW - נאצים KW - History. KW - Third Reich, 1933-1945 KW - Chemical industry - Political aspects - Germany - History - 20th century. KW - Mineral industries - Political aspects - Germany - History - 20th century. KW - Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) KW - Antisemitism KW - Jews KW - Causes. KW - Persecutions KW - Ethnic relations. UR - https://www.unicat.be/uniCat?func=search&query=sysid:5058352 AB - As the Holocaust passes out of living memory, future generations will no longer come face-to-face with Holocaust survivors. But the lessons of that terrible period in history are too important to let slip past. How Was It Possible?, edited and introduced by Peter Hayes, provides teachers and students with a comprehensive resource about the Nazi persecution of Jews. Deliberately resisting the reflexive urge to dismiss the topic as too horrible to be understood intellectually or emotionally, the anthology sets out to provide answers to questions that may otherwise defy comprehension. ER -