TY - BOOK ID - 5038355 TI - Intra-CMEA cooperation : interest patterns in the extractive and energy industries and their future prospects : an assessment of the target-oriented programme for energy and raw materials and of other cooperation programmes : a presentation of the factor PY - 1985 SN - 9633011329 PB - Budapest : Hungarian Scientific Council for World Economy, DB - UniCat KW - Mineral industries KW - Energy industries KW - International cooperation KW - Council for Mutual Economic Assistance KW - 339.92 KW - -Energy industries KW - -62 KW - Industries KW - Power resources KW - Extractive industries KW - Extractive industry KW - Metal industries KW - Mines and mining KW - Mining KW - Mining industry KW - Mining industry and finance KW - Economische samenwerking en integratie. Tolunie KW - Ingenieurswetenschappen. Technologie in het algemeen KW - Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. KW - Consejo de Asistencia Mutua Económica KW - Rat für Gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe KW - Council for Economic Mutual Assistance KW - C.E.M.A. KW - CEMA KW - Consiliul de Ajutor Economic Reciproc KW - C.A.E.R. KW - Rada Wzajemnej Pomocy Gospodarczej KW - RWPG KW - SĖV KW - Sovet ėkonomicheskoĭ vzaimopomoshchi KW - Komekon KW - Kölcsönös Gazdasági Segítség Tanácsa KW - C.A.E.M. KW - Conseil d'assistance mutuelle économique KW - CAME KW - Sŭvet za ikonomicheska vzaimopomosht KW - Rada vzájomnej hospodarskej pomoci KW - Council for Mutual Economic Aid KW - CAER KW - C.O.M.E.C.O.N. KW - Conseil d'assistance économique mutuelle KW - Savet za uzajamnu ekonomsku pomoć KW - CMEA KW - Council of Mutual Economic Assistance KW - REV KW - Rada ekonomichnoï vzai︠e︡modopomohy KW - Consejo de Ayuda Mutua Económica KW - Consejo de Asistencia Económica Mutua KW - Rada vzájemné hospodárské pomoci KW - RVHP KW - RGW KW - KGST KW - Ėdiĭn zasgiĭn kharilt︠s︡an tuslalt︠s︡a zȯvlȯl KW - Savjet za uzajamnu ekonomsku pomoć KW - Conseil d'aide économique mutuelle KW - Taloudellisen keskinäisavun neuvosto KW - Keizai Sōgo Enjo Kaigi KW - Conseil d'entraide économique KW - R.W.P.G. KW - S.I.V. KW - S.Ė.V. KW - C.A.M.E.C.O.N. KW - CAEM KW - C.A.M.E. KW - COMECON KW - C.M.E.A. KW - R.E.V. KW - R.V.H.P. KW - R.G.W. KW - K.G.S.T. KW - SIV KW - CAMECON KW - Hội đồng tương trợ kinh tế KW - 経済相互援助会議 KW - 339.92 Economische samenwerking en integratie. Tolunie KW - 62 KW - International cooperation. UR - https://www.unicat.be/uniCat?func=search&query=sysid:5038355 AB - ER -