TY - BOOK ID - 48234404 TI - Rethinking IT and IP law : celebrating 30 Years CiTiP PY - 2019 SN - 9789400010901 9400010907 PB - Antwerpen: Intersentia, DB - UniCat KW - Industrial and intellectual property KW - Computer. Automation KW - Centre for IT & IP Law [Leuven] KW - intellectuele eigendom KW - Propriete intellectuelle. KW - propriete intellectuelle KW - Propriété intellectuelle KW - Propriété industrielle KW - Droit des technologies de l'information et de la communication. KW - informatietechnologie KW - Informationstechnologie KW - informaatioteknologia KW - teknologjia e informacionit KW - infotehnoloogia KW - tecnología de la información KW - tecnologia da informação KW - informačná technológia KW - информационна технология KW - informationsteknologi KW - information technology KW - teknoloġija tal-informazzjoni KW - informācijas tehnoloģija KW - technologie de l'information KW - informační technologie KW - tehnologia informației KW - információtechnológia KW - информатичка технологија KW - информациона технологија KW - informationsteknik KW - τεχνολογία των πληροφοριών KW - technologia informacyjna KW - informacinė technologija KW - tecnologia dell'informazione KW - informacijska tehnologija KW - sidetehnoloogia KW - communications technology KW - teknologji komunikacioni KW - Kommunikationstechnologie KW - Information and communication technologies KW - technologie de la communication KW - výpočetní technika KW - komunikačná technológia KW - komunikācijas tehnoloģijas KW - informacijos technologija KW - tehnologia comunicațiilor KW - komunikační technologie KW - technique de l'information KW - ryšių priemonių technologija KW - телекомуникациска технологија KW - επικοινωνιακή τεχνολογία KW - tecnologia da comunicação KW - комуникациска технологија KW - viestintäteknologia KW - ICT KW - tecnologia delle telecomunicazioni KW - tecnologia delle comunicazioni KW - informační technika KW - tecnología de la comunicación KW - obavijesna tehnologija KW - kommunikationsteknologi KW - communicatietechnologie KW - τεχνική των πληροφοριών KW - információs technológia KW - интелектуална сопственост KW - geistiges Eigentum KW - propriété intellectuelle KW - proprietate intelectuală KW - intellectual property KW - intelektualna lastnina KW - immateriell äganderätt KW - intellektuel ejendomsret KW - duševné vlastníctvo KW - duševní vlastnictví KW - własność intelektualna KW - интелектуална својина KW - propiedad intelectual KW - intellektuaalomand KW - intelektualno vlasništvo KW - maoin intleachtúil KW - intelektuālais īpašums KW - proprjetà intellettwali KW - intelektinė nuosavybė KW - proprietà intellettuale KW - pronësi intelektuale KW - πνευματική ιδιοκτησία KW - immateriaalioikeus KW - szellemi tulajdon KW - propriedade intelectual KW - интелектуална собственост KW - pravo intelektualnog vlasništva KW - szellemi tulajdonjog oltalma KW - právo na duševní vlastnictví KW - droit intellectuel KW - derecho de propiedad intelectual KW - e drejtë e pronësisë intelektuale KW - intellektuaalomandi õigus KW - práva duševného vlastníctva KW - авторско дело KW - intellektuaalse omandi õigus KW - intelektinės nuosavybės teisė KW - Schutz des geistigen Eigentums KW - drept intelectual KW - intellektuaalne omand KW - сродни права KW - propriedade artística e literária KW - intellectual property right KW - intellectueel recht KW - henkinen omaisuusoikeus KW - norme sulla proprietà intellettuale KW - δικαιώματα πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας KW - intelektuālā īpašuma tiesības KW - szerzői jogi védelem KW - права од интелектуална сопственост KW - direito de propriedade intelectual KW - 347.77 KW - 34:681.3 KW - 34:681.3 Informaticarecht KW - Informaticarecht KW - 347.77 Industrieel eigendomsrecht. Commercieel eigendomsrecht. Geestelijk eigendomsrecht KW - Industrieel eigendomsrecht. Commercieel eigendomsrecht. Geestelijk eigendomsrecht KW - Intellectual property KW - Information technology KW - Technologie de l'information KW - Law and legislation KW - Droit KW - Propriété intellectuelle. KW - Propriété industrielle. KW - teicneolaíocht faisnéise UR - https://www.unicat.be/uniCat?func=search&query=sysid:48234404 AB - This book is a liber amicorum of the Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP). It is published on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (CIR) and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and ICT (ICRI) to which it is since 2014 the successor. To celebrate this jubilee, it was decided to publish a book containing contributions from former and current researchers of our centre. The book will partly reflect the topics around which CiTiP, ICRI and CIR have been and are working, but it also mirrors the professional knowledge of many of our former collaborators who are presently working in industry, in public administration or in law firms. The opinions expressed only represent the views of the authors themselves and do not necessarily correspond to those of the Centre. ER -