TY - BOOK ID - 46289351 TI - The governance of complementary global regimes and the pursuit of human security : the interaction between the United Nations and the International Criminal Court PY - 2016 SN - 1780685548 1780684029 PB - Cambridge : Intersentia, DB - UniCat KW - Human security. KW - Atrocities KW - Criminal justice, Administration of KW - International criminal law. KW - International criminal courts. KW - Law and legislation. KW - International cooperation. KW - United Nations. KW - International Criminal Court. KW - Non-traditional security (Human security) KW - NTS (Human security) KW - Security, Human KW - Human rights KW - Criminal courts KW - International courts KW - Complementarity (International law) KW - Criminal law, International KW - ICL (International criminal law) KW - Criminal law KW - International law KW - Criminal jurisdiction KW - International crimes KW - War and emergency legislation KW - U.N. International Criminal Court KW - ICC KW - CPI KW - Cour pénale internationale KW - Corte Penal Internacional KW - Internationella brottmålsdomstolen KW - Pengadilan Pidana Internasional KW - Kokusai Keiji Saibansho KW - Mezhdunarodnyĭ ugolovnyĭ sud KW - Međunarodni kazneni sud KW - Międzynarodowy Trybunał Karny KW - Maḥkamat al-Jināʼīyah al-Duwalīyah KW - Guo ji xing shi fa yuan KW - 国际刑事法院 KW - Samnakngān ʻAyakān Sān ʻĀyā Rawāng Prathēt KW - Tribunal Penal Internacional KW - UN KW - UNO KW - Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi KW - UCM KW - Naciones Unidas KW - Nations Unies KW - ONU KW - Organisation des Nations Unies KW - Organizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ Obʺedinennykh Nat︠s︡iĭ KW - OON KW - Vereinigte Nationen KW - Umot ha-meʼuḥadot KW - Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych KW - ONZ KW - Forente nasjoner KW - Forenede nationer KW - FN KW - Förenta nationerna KW - Gaertʻianebuli erebi KW - Organização das Nações Unidas KW - PBB KW - Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa KW - Kokusai Rengō KW - Kokuren KW - ENSZ KW - Egyesült Nemzetek Szövetsége KW - Birleșmiș Milletler Teșkilâtı KW - Birlăşmiş Millătăr Tăşkilatı KW - Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti KW - BMT KW - YK KW - Yhdistyneet kansakunnat KW - OUN KW - Organizacija Ujedinjenih Nacija KW - NU KW - Nazioni Unite KW - OSN KW - Organizace spojených národů KW - Sāzmān-i Milal-i Muttafiq KW - Bangsa² Bersatu KW - Organización de las Naciones Unidas KW - Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon KW - ÜRO KW - Organismos tōn Hēnōmenōn Ethnōn KW - Umoja wa Mataifa KW - Vereinten Nationen KW - Vereinte Nationen KW - Hayʼat al-Umam al-Muttaḥidah KW - Verenigde Naties KW - VN KW - Organizația Națiunilor Unite KW - Um KW - Lien ho kuo KW - OKB KW - Organizata e Kombeve të Bashkuara KW - Lian he guo KW - U.N. KW - Umam al-Muttaḥidah KW - OĒE KW - Hēnōmena Ethnē KW - Organizácia Spojených Národov KW - Sahaprachāchāt KW - Națiunile Unite KW - Organizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ na obedinenite nat︠s︡ii KW - Organismos Hēnōmenōn Ethnōn KW - Manẓūmat al-Umam al-Muttaḥidah KW - AAN KW - Arhanizatsyi︠a︡ Ab'i︠a︡dnanykh Natsyĭ KW - Nações Unidas KW - Orhanizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ Ob'i︠e︡dnanykh Nat︠s︡iĭ KW - O.Ē.E. KW - ʻOngkān Sahaprachāchāt KW - Sjuninejal Konob'laq KW - Sāzmān-i Milal-i Muttaḥid KW - Milal-i Muttaḥid KW - Nėgdsėn U̇ndėstniĭ Baĭguullaga KW - NUB KW - Rāshṭrasaṃgha KW - או״מ KW - أمم المتحدة KW - الأمم المتحدة KW - سازمان ملل متحد KW - 国際連合 KW - 联合囯 KW - 聯合國 KW - United Nations Organization KW - Liên Hiệp Quó̂c KW - Liên Hợp Quó̂c KW - LHQ KW - Kula Samagga KW - YūʼAṅʻnʻ KW - 联合国 KW - Организация на обединените нации KW - Организация Объединённых Наций UR - https://www.unicat.be/uniCat?func=search&query=sysid:46289351 AB - This book offers an overview of the challenges in the emerging regime of international criminal justice as a tool of sustainable peace. It illustrates the impact of the regime on international law and international relations, focusing on the obstacles to and concerns of its governance in the context of the maintenance and restoration of international peace and security. The author advocates for an appropriate interaction strategy between the United Nations and the Rome Statute institutions as a matter of international mutual concern and for the sake of human security. In multiple and inter-linked country situations the failure of strategies to prevent mass atrocity crimes have severely compromised the safety of civilians, including their individual fundamental rights. In several countries - such as in Libya, Syria, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Central African Republic, Ivory Coast and Mali - civilians have severely suffered the consequences of such failure. Furthermore, the right of humanitarian intervention that it is sometimes claimed the international community has is now challenged and qualified by the responsibility to protect civilians in situations of mass atrocity crimes.Such an international norm represents unfinished business in global politics and is considered by many to be far from capable of preserving the rule of international law. The preservation of the rule of law requires discussions and the advocacy of global values in international relations, such as multilateralism, collective responsibility, global solidarity and mutual accountability.About the authorAndrea Marrone's areas of expertise cover international law and international relations, law of international organisations, European policy, law and institutions, international governance and global affairs. In previous years he has addressed EU institutions to provide recommendations to the decision-making bodies on programming activities in fragile States and conflict-affected country situations, enabling development and capacity-building in the context of the EU Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. ER -