TY - BOOK ID - 422325 TI - Saint, site, and sacred strategy : Ignatius, Rome, and Jesuit urbanism PY - 1990 SN - 8821006255 9788821006258 PB - Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana, DB - UniCat KW - architecture [discipline] KW - Art KW - Ignatius of Loyola KW - Society of Jesus KW - Rome KW - City planning KW - -Churches KW - -Church buildings KW - -Exhibitions KW - Exhibitions KW - Ignatius KW - Jesuits KW - #GBIB: jesuitica KW - 271.5 <45> KW - 094:271 KW - Buildings KW - Church facilities KW - Church architecture KW - Cities and towns KW - Civic planning KW - Land use, Urban KW - Model cities KW - Redevelopment, Urban KW - Slum clearance KW - Town planning KW - Urban design KW - Urban development KW - Urban planning KW - Land use KW - Planning KW - Art, Municipal KW - Civic improvement KW - Regional planning KW - Urban policy KW - Urban renewal KW - Jezuïeten--Italië KW - Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Kloosterwezen. Religieuze orden en congregaties. Monachisme KW - Government policy KW - Management KW - Ignatius of Loyola, Saint KW - -Cizvit Cemiyeti KW - Compagnia di Gesù KW - Compagnia di Giesù KW - Compagnie de Jésus KW - Companhia de Jesus KW - Compañía de Jesús KW - Dòng Chúa Giêsu KW - Dòng TênDòng Chúa Giêsu KW - Družba Isusova KW - Gesellschaft Jesu KW - Gesuiti KW - Iezusukai KW - Jesuit Order KW - Jesuítas KW - Jesuiten KW - Jesuitenorden KW - Jésuites KW - Jesus Society KW - Jezsuiták KW - Jezuici KW - Jézus Társaság KW - Ordre des jésuites KW - Padri Gesuiti KW - S.J. (Societas Jesu) KW - Serikat Jesus KW - SJ KW - Societas Iesu KW - Societas Jesu KW - Société des jésuites KW - Tovaryšstvo Ježišovo KW - Towarzystwo Jezusowe KW - Yesu hui KW - Yezuiti KW - Church buildings KW - Exhibitions. KW - -Jezuïeten--Italië KW - 094:271 Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Kloosterwezen. Religieuze orden en congregaties. Monachisme KW - 271.5 <45> Jezuïeten--Italië KW - -City planning KW - -Compagnie de Jésus KW - Compañia de Jesus KW - Jesuitas KW - Jesuiti KW - Jezuïten KW - Jésuites KW - Paters Jezuïten KW - Societeit van Jezus KW - prints [visual works] KW - Churches KW - Ignatius, KW - Ignace, KW - Ignacio, de Loyola i Manresa, KW - Ignacio, KW - Ignasi, de Loiola i Manresa, KW - Ignatius, Loyola and Manresa, KW - Ignatius Loyola, KW - Ignazio, KW - Iñigo, KW - Loĭola, Ignatiĭ, KW - López de Loyola, Iñigo, KW - Loyola, Ignacio de, KW - Loyola, Ignatius of, KW - Loyola, Yñigo de, KW - Loyolai, Ignáo, KW - Yñigo, KW - イグナチオデ・ロヨラ, KW - Compagnie de Jésus KW - Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint KW - Jesuit architecture KW - Rome (Italy) KW - Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana KW - イエズス会 KW - カトリック イエズス会 KW - Ighnāṭiyūs Dī Lūyūlā, KW - اغناطيوس دي لويلا KW - Ignasi, KW - Ignatius Loyola and Manresa, KW - Church buildings - Italy - Rome - Exhibitions KW - Churches - Italy - Rome - Exhibitions KW - City planning - Italy - Rome - Exhibitions KW - Ignatius - of Loyola, Saint, - 1491-1556 - Exhibitions KW - Ignatius - of Loyola, Saint, - 1491-1556 UR - https://www.unicat.be/uniCat?func=search&query=sysid:422325 AB - ER -