TY - BOOK ID - 38571856 TI - From Rome to Kampala : the first 2 amendments to the Rome statute AU - Dive, Gérard AU - Goes, Benjamin AU - Vandermeersch, Damien PY - 2012 SN - 9782802740384 2802740385 2802741012 9782802741015 PB - Bruxelles: Bruylant, DB - UniCat KW - Law of armed conflicts. Humanitarian law KW - Juridiction (droit international) KW - Agression (droit international) KW - Crimes de guerre KW - Droits de l'homme (droit international) KW - Cour pénale internationale KW - Droit pénal international KW - BPB1305 KW - Internationaal Gerechtshof voor strafzaken KW - Internationaal strafrecht KW - E-books KW - Jurisdiction (International law) KW - International crimes KW - Aggression (International law) KW - Human rights KW - Juridiction (Droit international) KW - Droit international pénal KW - Agression (Droit international) KW - Droits de l'homme (Droit international) KW - Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998 July 17) KW - EPUB-ALPHA-F EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B KW - International criminal courts KW - Rules and practice KW - mednarodno kazensko pravo KW - международно наказателно право KW - διεθνές ποινικό δίκαιο KW - medzinárodné trestné právo KW - międzynarodowe prawo karne KW - Derecho penal internacional KW - tarptautinė baudžiamoji teisė KW - nemzetközi büntetőjog KW - internationales Strafrecht KW - e drejtë ndërkombëtare penale KW - drept internațional penal KW - mezinárodní trestní právo KW - rahvusvaheline kriminaalõigus KW - international strafferet KW - international criminal law KW - меѓународно кривично право KW - међународно кривично право KW - kansainvälinen rikosoikeus KW - starptautiskās krimināltiesības KW - međunarodno kazneno pravo KW - diritto penale internazionale KW - direito penal internacional KW - dritt kriminali internazzjonali KW - internationaal strafrecht KW - internationell straffrätt KW - кривично дело KW - казнено дело KW - starptautiskie akti krimināltiesību jomā KW - меѓународно воено злосторство KW - меѓународно кривично дело KW - Kansainvälinen rikostuomioistuin KW - Curtea Penală Internațională KW - Den Internationale Straffedomstol KW - International Criminal Court KW - Међународни кривични суд KW - Qorti Internazzjonali Kriminali KW - Internationaler Strafgerichtshof KW - Διεθνές ποινικό δικαστήριο KW - Międzynarodowy Trybunał Karny KW - Rahvusvaheline Kriminaalkohus KW - Međunarodni kazneni sud KW - Меѓународен кривичен суд KW - Nemzetközi Büntetőbíróság KW - Internationaal Strafhof KW - Tribunal Penal Internacional (CPI) KW - Gjykata Ndërkombëtare Penale KW - Mezinárodní trestní dvůr KW - Medzinárodný trestný súd KW - Tarptautinis baudžiamasis teismas KW - Internationella brottmålsdomstolen KW - Corte penale internazionale KW - Международен наказателен съд KW - Mednarodno kazensko sodišče KW - Starptautiskā Krimināltiesa KW - Corte Penal Internacional KW - Stalni međunarodni kazneni sud KW - MKS KW - NBB KW - МКС KW - GJNP KW - ICC KW - TBT KW - MTK KW - ИЦЦ KW - CPI KW - IStGH KW - ΔΠΔ KW - Cour pénale internationale KW - dlí coiriúil idirnáisiúnta KW - An Chúirt Choiriúil Idirnáisiúnta KW - Cour pénale internationale. KW - Droit pénal international KW - Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court KW - International criminal courts. KW - International criminal law. UR - https://www.unicat.be/uniCat?func=search&query=sysid:38571856 AB - The date of 17 July 1998, the day of the adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, will always be marked as one of the major events in the history of international law of the 20th Century. Entered into force on July 1st 2002, the Statute paved the way for the establishment of the first permanent criminal Court in human history. Today, ten years after its entry into force, the Statute has been ratified or acceded by 121 States, additional ratifications or accessions being foreseen in the near future. The First Review Conference held in Kampala from 31 May to 11 June 2010 concluded its work by adopting the two first amendments to the Rome Statute: the first one relating to the list of war crimes falling within the jurisdiction of the Court in case of armed conflict not of an international character (the so-called “Belgian Amendment”); and the second, permitting to trigger the jurisdiction of the Court for the crime of aggression in the following years. Seizing the opportunity of the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the entry into force of the Rome Statute, the Belgian Interdepartmental Commission for Humanitarian Law, established in 1987 with the support of the ICRC, has taken the initiative of organizing an international study day in Brussels, on June 5th 2012, entirely dedicated to the two first amendments to the Rome Statute. This book presents the fruitful results of the works, thoughts and remarks displayed during this event by an impressive gathering of some of the most authorised international experts in the field. ER -