TY - BOOK ID - 3262167 TI - "Dio mio, Dio mio, perché mi hai abbandonato ?" (Mc15,34) : i salmi nel racconto della passione di Gesù secondo Marco PY - 2009 VL - 179 SN - 9788876531798 8876531793 PB - Roma: Gregorian & Biblical Press, DB - UniCat KW - Jesus Christ KW - Passion KW - Bible KW - Criticism, interpretation, etc KW - Relation to Psalms KW - 226.3 KW - 225.06*2 KW - 225*5 KW - Evangelie volgens Marcus KW - Gebruik van Oud Testament in Nieuw Testament. Testimonia KW - Laatste avondmaal. Proces van Jezus. Lijden. Kruisiging KW - 225*5 Laatste avondmaal. Proces van Jezus. Lijden. Kruisiging KW - 225.06*2 Gebruik van Oud Testament in Nieuw Testament. Testimonia KW - Christ KW - Cristo KW - Jezus Chrystus KW - Jesus Cristo KW - Jesus, KW - Jezus KW - Christ, Jesus KW - Yeh-su KW - Masīḥ KW - Khristos KW - Gesù KW - Christo KW - Yeshua KW - Chrystus KW - Gesú Cristo KW - Ježíš KW - Isa, KW - Nabi Isa KW - Isa Al-Masih KW - Al-Masih, Isa KW - Masih, Isa Al KW - -Jesus, KW - Jesucristo KW - Yesu KW - Yeh-su Chi-tu KW - Iēsous KW - Iēsous Christos KW - Iēsous, KW - Kʻristos KW - Hisus Kʻristos KW - Christos KW - Jesuo KW - Yeshuʻa ben Yosef KW - Yeshua ben Yoseph KW - Iisus KW - Iisus Khristos KW - Jeschua ben Joseph KW - Ieso Kriʻste KW - Yesus KW - Kristus KW - ישו KW - ישו הנוצרי KW - ישו הנצרי KW - ישוע KW - ישוע בן יוסף KW - المسيح KW - مسيح KW - يسوع المسيح KW - 耶稣 KW - 耶稣基督 KW - 예수그리스도 KW - Jíizis KW - Yéshoua KW - Iėsu̇s KW - Khrist Iėsu̇s KW - عيسىٰ KW - Passion. KW - Bible. KW - Biblos Psalmon (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Buch der Preisungen (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Liber Psalmorum (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Mazāmīr (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Preisungen (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Psalmen (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Psalmoi (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Psalms (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Psalms of David (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Psaumes (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Pseaumes de Dauid (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Salmenes bok (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Salmos (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Shihen (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Sifr al-Mazāmīr (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Soltar (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Tehilim (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Tehillim (Book of the Old Testament) KW - תהלים (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Zsoltárkönyv (Book of the Old Testament) KW - Marco (Book of the New Testament) KW - Mark (Book of the New Testament) KW - Markus (Book of the New Testament) KW - Markusevangelium KW - Vangelo di Marco KW - Criticism, interpretation, etc. KW - Relation to Psalms. KW - Relation to Mark. KW - عيسىٰ KW - Book of Mark KW - Jesus Christ - Passion UR - https://www.unicat.be/uniCat?func=search&query=sysid:3262167 AB - ER -