TY - BOOK ID - 32235561 TI - L'icône, image de l'invisible : éléments de théologie, esthétique et technique PY - 1981 VL - 54 SN - 2220023702 9782220023700 PB - Paris: Desclée De Brouwer, DB - UniCat KW - Icons, Byzantine KW - Icons, Russian KW - Icon painting KW - Icônes byzantines KW - Icônes russes KW - Peinture d'icônes KW - Technique KW - Orthodox Eastern Church and art KW - iconen KW - -Orthodox Eastern Church and art KW - 75.033.2 KW - -#gsdb3 KW - Miniature painting KW - Russian icons KW - Byzantine icons KW - Schilderkunst van Byzantium; Oud-Armenië; Oud-Rusland. Ikonen KW - -Eastern Orthodox Church KW - Pravoslavnai︠a︡ vostochnai︠a︡ t︠s︡erkovʹ KW - Holy Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Church KW - Holy Orthodox Eastern Catholic and Apostolic Church KW - Greek Church KW - Orthodoxos Katholikē Ekklēsia KW - Orthodoxos Katholikē kai Anatolikē Ekklēsia KW - Kanīsah al-Sharqīyah KW - Tung cheng chiao KW - Kanīsat al-Masīḥ al-Sharqīyah al-Urthudhuksīyah KW - Biserica Ortodoxă KW - .كنيسة الشرقية الارثوذكسية KW - #GGSB: Religieuze kunst KW - -In art KW - 75.033.2 Schilderkunst van Byzantium; Oud-Armenië; Oud-Rusland. Ikonen KW - #gsdbA KW - 246.5 KW - 246.5 Emblematiek. Iconologie. Christelijke iconografie. Dodendans KW - Emblematiek. Iconologie. Christelijke iconografie. Dodendans KW - Orthodox Eastern Church KW - #gsdb3 KW - Christian art and symbolism KW - In art. KW - Painting KW - Christian theology KW - #GBIB: jesuitica KW - icoon KW - Religieuze kunst KW - Icon painting - Technique KW - Icônes KW - christelijke iconografie KW - Europa. UR - https://www.unicat.be/uniCat?func=search&query=sysid:32235561 AB - ER -