TY - BOOK ID - 15204363 TI - Governo rappresentativo e dirigenze amministrative (secoli XIX e XX) = Repräsentative Regierung und führende Beamte (19.-20. Jahrhundert) AU - Manca, Anna Gianna AU - Rugge, Fabio PY - 2007 VL - 19 SN - 9783428130412 9788815131287 9783428125838 9788815120915 9788815234322 9783428137053 9783428126859 9788815121752 8815121757 3428126858 3428125835 8815120912 8815131280 3428137051 8815234322 PB - Bologna: Il Mulino, DB - UniCat KW - 340.09 KW - Social sciences Law History KW - Droit public KW - Public law KW - History KW - Frédéric II (empereur germanique ; 1194-1250) KW - --Origines KW - --Colloque KW - --2007 KW - --Trente KW - --actes KW - --History KW - Congresses. KW - Histoire KW - Congrès KW - Frédéric II KW - Public administration KW - Representative government and representation KW - Public administration - Congresses KW - Representative government and representation - Congresses KW - Public law - Europe - History - Congresses. KW - Origines KW - Colloque KW - Trente KW - Frédéric II UR - https://www.unicat.be/uniCat?func=search&query=sysid:15204363 AB - ER -