TY - BOOK ID - 11325817 TI - One True Life : The Stoics and Early Christians as Rival Traditions PY - 2016 SN - 9780300180121 9780300182101 0300182104 PB - New Haven, CT : Yale University Press, DB - UniCat KW - 17.036.21 KW - 225.08*8 KW - Stoïcisme. Stoa KW - Theologie van het Nieuwe Testament: relatie met de klassieke oudheid KW - 225.08*8 Theologie van het Nieuwe Testament: relatie met de klassieke oudheid KW - 17.036.21 Stoïcisme. Stoa KW - Church history KW - Philosophy and religion. KW - Stoics. KW - Frühchristentum. KW - Rezeption. KW - Stoa. KW - Urchristentum. KW - Wahrheit. KW - Zeithintergrund. KW - Primitive and early church. KW - Bibel. KW - 30-600. KW - Apostolic Church KW - Christianity KW - Church, Apostolic KW - Early Christianity KW - Early church KW - Primitive and early church KW - Primitive Christianity KW - Fathers of the church KW - Great Apostasy (Mormon doctrine) KW - Ethics KW - Philosophy, Ancient KW - Christianity and philosophy KW - Religion and philosophy KW - Religion KW - Europäisches Parlament KW - Bibel KW - 30-600 KW - Abteilung Industrie, Forschung, Energie und Umwelt KW - Abteilung Umwelt und Scientific and Technological Options Assessment KW - Abteilung für Umweltfragen KW - Abteilung Umwelt und STOA KW - Scientific and Technological Options Assessment KW - Scientific and Technological Options Assessment Programme KW - Scientific and Technological Assessment Unit KW - Division for Industry, Research, Energy, Environment and STOA KW - STOA Programme KW - STOA KW - Supranationale Organisation KW - Abteilung KW - Europäische Union KW - Neues Testament KW - Novum Testamentum KW - Testamentum novum KW - Nor Ktakaran KW - <
> Neue Testament KW - <
> Nouveau Testment KW - <
> Nouv Testamaint KW - <
> New Testament KW - Nuevo Testamento KW - Novʹy Zákon KW - Novi Javjet KW - Novo Testamento KW - Novyj Zavet KW - Nowy Testament KW - Nowý Zákon KW - U`j Szövetség KW - U`j Testamentom KW - <
> Heilige Schrift des Neuen Testaments KW - <
> Ny Testamente KW - <
> Nya Testamentet KW - <
> Nuovo Testamento KW - <
> Nöie Teschtamänt KW - <
>berit ha-ḥadaša KW - Sifrê hab-berit ha-ḥadaša KW - Niev Testament KW - Novum Testamentum Graece KW - <
> Greek New Testament KW - Novum Testamentum Graece et Latine KW - <
> Kainē diathēkē KW - <
> ʿAhd al-ǧadīd li rabbinā wa muḫalliṣinā Yasūʿa ăl-masīḥ KW - <
> ʿAhd al-ǧadīd KW - <
>nöie Teschdamänt KW - Se Wsi Testamenti KW - Tèstamènt nobo KW - Mkpaman Elat KW - Neuer Bund KW - Early Church Period KW - Primitive and Early Church Period UR - https://www.unicat.be/uniCat?func=search&query=sysid:11325817 AB - In this groundbreaking, cross-disciplinary work of philosophy and biblical studies, New Testament scholar C. Kavin Rowe explores the promise and problems inherent in engaging rival philosophical claims to what is true. Juxtaposing the Roman Stoics Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius with the Christian saints Paul, Luke, and Justin Martyr, and incorporating the contemporary views of Jeffrey Stout, Alasdair McIntyre, Charles Taylor, Martha Nussbaum, Pierre Hadot, and others, the author suggests that in a world of religious pluralism there is negligible gain in sampling from separate belief systems. This thought-provoking volume reconceives the relationship between ancient philosophy and emergent Christianity as a rivalry between strong traditions of life and offers powerful arguments for the exclusive commitment to a community of belief and a particular form of philosophical life as the path to existential truth. ER -