TY - BOOK ID - 101289272 TI - The age of the strongman : how the cult of the leader threatens democracy around the world PY - 2022 SN - 9781635422801 1635422809 9781847926418 9781847926425 PB - London The Bodley Head DB - UniCat KW - Authoritarianism KW - Heads of state KW - Charisma (Personality trait) KW - World politics KW - BPB9999 KW - Authoritarianisms KW - Appeal, Personal KW - Magnetism, Personal KW - Personal appeal KW - Personal magnetism KW - Personality KW - Political science KW - Authority KW - Political aspects KW - democracy KW - monocracy KW - world KW - management KW - politics KW - head of State KW - BPB2206 KW - jefe de Estado KW - hlava štátu KW - valsts vadītājs KW - riigipea KW - valtionpäämies KW - vodja države KW - ceann stáit KW - hlava státu KW - głowa państwa KW - statschef KW - državni poglavar KW - αρχηγός κράτους KW - chef d'État KW - Capo di Stato KW - staatshoofd KW - шеф државе KW - kreu i Shtetit KW - valstybės vadovas KW - kap ta' Stat KW - Staatschef KW - államfő KW - șef de stat KW - chefe de Estado KW - държавен глава KW - шеф на држава KW - tasavallan presidentti KW - drottning KW - prezident republiky KW - emír KW - predsjednik republike KW - šejk KW - kníže KW - államelnök KW - király KW - spolkový prezident KW - president i republikës KW - kuningas KW - Presidente da República KW - König KW - koning KW - mbret KW - karalius KW - šef države KW - köztársasági elnök KW - king KW - vabariigi president KW - presidente de la República KW - Pontefice KW - prezident KW - Staatsoberhaupt KW - panovník KW - koningin KW - rege KW - Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας KW - поглавар KW - ρυθμιστής του πολιτεύματος KW - kráľ KW - Staatspräsident KW - federální prezident KW - претседател на република KW - císař KW - president of the republic KW - претседател на држава KW - монарх KW - kung KW - republikas prezidents KW - président de la République KW - konge KW - karalis KW - re KW - president van de republiek KW - rey KW - vládce KW - ανώτατος άρχων KW - roi KW - capitano reggente KW - præsident KW - predsjednik države KW - rei KW - βασιλιάς KW - valsts prezidents KW - претседател KW - Bundespräsident KW - respublikos prezidentas KW - presidente della Repubblica KW - velkovévoda KW - král KW - dronning KW - president KW - politica KW - politika KW - Politik KW - politică KW - politikë KW - politiek KW - política KW - polityka KW - politique KW - πολιτική KW - polaitíocht KW - poliitika KW - политика KW - politik KW - politiikka KW - politisches Leben KW - πολιτική ζωή KW - politisk liv KW - vida política KW - политички живот KW - politikai élet KW - политически живот KW - politisk verksamhet KW - politiek leven KW - poliittinen elämä KW - jetë politike KW - viață politică KW - politiskā dzīve KW - życie polityczne KW - politički život KW - politinis gyvenimas KW - politiskt liv KW - vie politique KW - ħajja politika KW - politično življenje KW - politický život KW - political life KW - vita politica KW - maniġment KW - poslovodenje KW - valdymas KW - pārvaldība KW - Management KW - gestione KW - johtaminen KW - gestión KW - ledning KW - управување KW - zarządzanie KW - gestão KW - beheer KW - пословодство KW - διαχείριση KW - manažment KW - menaxhim KW - menedzsment KW - управление KW - bainistíocht KW - gestion KW - menadžment KW - juhtimine KW - ledelse KW - lyderystė KW - ledarskap KW - förvaltningssätt KW - politica di gestione KW - ledelsesform KW - Betriebs- und Geschäftsleitung KW - știința conducerii KW - vezető szerep KW - vállalat vezetése KW - styring KW - водеща роля KW - Führung KW - vedení KW - johtajuus KW - forma de gestão KW - раководење KW - mode de gestion KW - amministrazione d'impresa KW - upravljanje KW - liderança KW - vodstvo KW - leadership KW - poslovodstvo KW - vadyba KW - tmexxija KW - capacités d’encadrement KW - lederskab KW - vadovavimas KW - strategia di gestione KW - vadovybė KW - ηγεσία KW - līderība KW - capacități de conducere KW - üzletvezetés KW - řídicí aparát KW - przywództwo KW - менаџмент KW - piano di gestione KW - Managementmethode KW - vodenje KW - direzione operativa KW - wijze van beheer KW - vezetés KW - liderazgo KW - μάνατζμεντ KW - líderstvo KW - leiderschap KW - wereld KW - maailma KW - mondo KW - svijet KW - domhan KW - lume KW - mundo KW - κόσμος KW - världen KW - monde KW - verden KW - pasaule KW - pasaulis KW - id-dinja KW - svet KW - világ KW - свет KW - svět KW - świat KW - maailm KW - Welt KW - Свят KW - an domhan KW - monokracie KW - vienvaldība KW - monokracja KW - yksinvalta KW - uathlathas KW - monokrazija KW - монокрация KW - monarchia KW - monokracia KW - monocrazia KW - monokrati KW - monocratie KW - monokraci KW - monokracija KW - Monokratie KW - ainuvalitsus KW - monokratija KW - monocracia KW - μονοκρατορία KW - samovlada KW - монократија KW - monocrație KW - alleenheerschappij KW - absolut monarki KW - egyeduralom KW - enevældigt monarki KW - sovranità assoluta KW - isevalitsus KW - absolútna monarchia KW - monarchia assoluta KW - autokracia KW - autocracia KW - monarki absolute KW - monarhie absolută KW - autokrati KW - absolutní monarchie KW - autokraatia KW - absolute monarchy KW - Stato assoluto KW - absoluuttinen monarkia KW - Absolutismus KW - absolutism KW - autocratie KW - itsevaltius KW - автократија KW - апсолутна монархија KW - apsolutna monarhija KW - absolūta monarhija KW - absolutismus KW - dispotismo KW - enevælde KW - abszolút monarchia KW - monarchija KW - autokrātija KW - abszolút egyeduralom KW - Einherrschaft KW - autokrácia KW - absoluutne monarhia KW - absoliutinė monarchija KW - absolute monarchie KW - апсолутизам KW - απόλυτη μοναρχία KW - monarquia absoluta KW - envälde KW - autocracy KW - monarquía absoluta KW - autokracie KW - Alleinherrschaft KW - abszolutizmus KW - monarchie absolue KW - Autokratie KW - autokracija KW - autocrație KW - autokraci KW - assolutismo KW - autokratija KW - δημοκρατία KW - demokrácia KW - demokrātija KW - democracia KW - demokraatia KW - democrazia KW - demokracija KW - démocratie KW - demokratija KW - daonlathas KW - democrație KW - demokratia KW - demokracie KW - demokracja KW - demokrati KW - demokraci KW - demokracia KW - democratie KW - Demokratie KW - demokrazija KW - демокрация KW - демократија KW - politický pluralizmus KW - pluralizm polityczny KW - πολιτικός πλουραλισμός KW - folkstyre KW - folkestyre KW - politiek pluralisme KW - politischer Pluralismus KW - politiskais plurālisms KW - demokrātiska vienlīdzība KW - politikai pluralizmus KW - égalité démocratique KW - politický pluralismus KW - ugwaljanza demokratika KW - pluraliżmu politiku KW - barazi demokratike KW - pluralismo político KW - politinis pliuralizmas KW - politisk jämlikhet KW - демократична равнопоставеност KW - igualdad democrática KW - democratische gelijkheid KW - demokratische Gleichheit KW - δημοκρατικό πολίτευμα KW - demokraattinen yhdenvertaisuus KW - poliittinen pluralismi KW - demokratična enakost KW - democratic equality KW - demokratikus egyenlőség KW - pluralisme politique KW - politisk mångfald KW - demokraatlik võrdsus KW - igualdade democrática KW - politisk pluralism KW - ludowładztwo KW - политически плурализъм KW - politisk pluralisme KW - pluralism politic KW - pluralismo politico KW - pluralizëm politik KW - demokratická rovnost KW - politički pluralizam KW - uguaglianza democratica KW - politični pluralizem KW - egalitate democratică KW - demokratická rovnosť KW - political pluralism KW - poliitiline pluralism KW - demokratinė lygybė KW - политички плурализам KW - Political sociology KW - Political systems KW - National movements KW - International relations. Foreign policy UR - https://www.unicat.be/uniCat?func=search&query=sysid:101289272 AB - "The author of Easternization, an award-winning journalist, offers an intimate look at the rise of strongman leaders around the globe, charting the most urgent political story of our era. We are in a new era: authoritarian leaders have become a central feature of global politics. Since 2000, self-styled strongmen have risen to power in capitals as diverse as Moscow, Beijing, Delhi, Brasilia, Budapest, Ankara, Riyadh and Washington. These leaders are nationalists and social conservatives, with little tolerance for minorities, dissent or the interests of foreigners. At home, they claim to be standing up for ordinary people against globalist elites; abroad, they posture as the embodiments of their nations. And everywhere they go, they encourage a cult of personality. What's more, these leaders are not just operating in authoritarian political systems but have begun to emerge in the heartlands of liberal democracy. From Trump, Putin and Bolsonaro to Erdogan, Xi and Modi, Gideon Rachman pays full attention to the strongman phenomenon around the world and uncovers the complex and often surprising interaction between these leaders. In the process, he finds the common themes in our local nightmares and offers a bold new paradigm for understanding our world, and finds global coherence in the chaos of the new nationalism, leadership cults and hostility to liberal democracy. While others have tried to understand the emergence of these new leaders individually, Age of the Strongman provides the first truly global treatment of the new nationalism, underpinned by an exceptional level of access to key actors in this drama: Gideon Rachman has been in the same room with most of these strongmen and reported from their countries over a long journalistic career"-- ER -