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World Bank East Asia and Pacific Economic Update, October 2018 : Navigating Uncertainty.
ISBN: 1464813663 Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Despite some financial turbulence, growth in developing East Asia and Pacific (EAP) was resilientduring the first half of 2018. The growth outlook for the region remains positive. After peaking in2017, growth in developing EAP is expected to slow modestly in 2018, as China's economicexpansion continues to moderate. However, downside risks have significantly intensified. Anescalation in trade tensions and heightened financial market turbulence, either due to an accelerationin U.S. monetary policy normalization or contagion from other emerging markets could threaten theregion's growth prospects. To navigate uncertainty, developing EAP economies should reduceshort-term vulnerabilities and enhance buffers, redouble their commitment to an open, rules-basedinternational trade and investment framework, including through deeper regional economicintegration, and deepen structural reforms. The intensification of risks underscores the need tocontinue to enhance economic security by investing in human capital and strengthen socialassistance and insurance programs to increase households' resilience to systemic shocks.

World Bank East Asia and Pacific Economic Update, April 2019 : Managing Headwinds.
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Despite global economic volatility, growth in developing East Asia and Pacific (EAP) was resilientduring 2018, and in the first quarter of 2019. The growth outlook for developing EAP is expected tosoften in 2019, as China's economic expansion continues to moderate. Downside risks remain,including expected moderated global demand, continued trade tensions, the risk of a faster-thanexpectedfinancial tightening in developed economies, the risk of weaker-than-expected growth inChina, and continued financial market volatility. Also, or in combination, these risks could weigh on the region's growth prospects in the short-to-medium term. To manage global and regionalheadwinds, developing EAP economies should reduce short-term vulnerabilities and enhance buffers,redouble their commitment to an open, rules-based international trade and investment framework,including through deeper regional economic integration, and deepen structural reforms. Theintensification of risks underscores the need to continue to enhance economic security by investingin human capital and strengthen social assistance.

Scaling Up Nutrition in the Arab Republic of Egypt : Investing in a Healthy Future.
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Malnutrition is a huge burden on the Arab Republic of Egypt's economy. Undernutrition-manifested by poor linear growth (stunting), wasting, and micronutrient deficiencies in children and by anemia among women of reproductive age-collectively saps an estimated two percent of Egypt's annual gross domestic product through forgone productivity and health care costs, representing an economic hemorrhaging of billions of U.S.A dollars per year. Adding to this challenge is the co-occurrence of overweight and obesity among children, leading to a malnutrition doubleA burden. Scaling Up Nutrition in the Arab Republic of Egypt aims to inform the development of nutrition policy and guide nutrition investments over the coming years. It reviews Egypt's nutrition situation, the interventions currently in place, and the opportunities, costs, benefits, and fiscal space implications of scaling up a set of high-impact interventions to address undernutrition. The book, a collaborative effort between the World Bank and UNICEF, is targeted at all those involved in developing and implementing nutrition interventions in Egypt and beyond.

Food Prices, Access to Markets and Child Undernutrition in Ethiopia
Authors: ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper looks at how changing food prices affect child undernutrition in Ethiopia. It derives height for age (stunting) and weight for height (wasting) as indicators of child undernutrition from the two most recent years of the Livings Standards Measurement Survey and utilizes market prices for key cereals, teff, wheat, and maize at the zone level across all regions of the country. Using a panel data fixed effects model, the analysis finds that, contrary to previous studies, rising crop prices are positively associated with improved child stunting rates for children between ages 6 months and 5 years, while the results for wasting are not conclusive. These results suggest that across the board policy interventions that seek to suppress cereal price increases may have adverse effects on poverty reduction in the long term by undermining potentially positive impacts on child nutrition.

Mémoire, y compris stage professionnalisant[BR]- Séminaires méthodologiques intégratifs[BR]- Mémoire : Le dépistage nutritionnel chez l'enfant admis à l'hôpital. L'outil DéDé2 en version informatisée
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Introduction : Il est communément admis que l’enfant est à plus haut risque de dénutrition que l’adulte et que ce risque est accru en cas d’hospitalisation. Cependant, malgré une littérature riche sur le sujet, comprendre la dénutrition pédiatrique n’est pas simple. L’absence d’uniformisation dans sa définition, ses indicateurs et ses seuils engendre un manque de clarté général. À l’admission à l’hôpital, il apparait essentiel de distinguer deux risques : le risque de présenter une dénutrition antérieure à l’hospitalisation (statut nutritionnel faible) et le risque de se dénutrir pendant le séjour hospitalier (risque nutritionnel). Dans les pays développés, la prévalence de la dénutrition aigüe à l’admission est d’environ 10 % et reste stable depuis plus de quarante ans, tandis que la prévalence du risque nutritionnel varie de 35,7 à 100 % selon les services et pathologies rencontrées. Ces taux élevés justifient la mise en place d’un dépistage systématique. Dans ce contexte, plusieurs outils ont été développés sans qu’aucun ne soit reconnu comme gold standard. En Europe, le STRONGkids est régulièrement rencontré, excepté en France, où le DéDé2 fait office de référence. Une variante informatisée de cet outil, appelé DéDé2-NDB*, a été créée pour le service de Pédiatrie générale du CHU de Liège, site Notre-Dame des Bruyères. Les objectifs de cette étude étaient de valider l’outil créé comme dépistage infirmier et d’évaluer sa valeur diagnostique en tant qu’outil de dépistage nutritionnel complet, capable de déterminer le statut nutritionnel et le risque nutritionnel.
Matériel et méthodes : Les infirmières ont complété le DéDé2-NDB* pour les 141 enfants âgés de 1 mois à 17 ans inclus dans l’étude, tandis que les médecins ont complété le DéDé2 en version originale. Le statut et le risque nutritionnels ont été déterminés selon les quatre indicateurs de l’OMS et le STRONGkids.
Résultats : L’accord entre l’infirmière et le médecin était satisfaisant (coefficient k = 0,638). En tant que dépistage nutritionnel complet, l’outil a présenté une faible sensibilité (48,28%) avec un taux de faux négatifs importants (21,90%).
Conclusion : L’outil a été validé en tant que dépistage infirmier mais présente une valeur diagnostique trop faible. Cependant, il présente une bonne valeur diagnostique en tant que dépistage du statut nutritionnel à l’admission.

Nutrition and Vulnerable Groups
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3039211218 303921120X Year: 2019 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Food insecurity is a complex ‘wicked’ problem that results from a range of unstable and uncertain physical, social, cultural and economic factors that limits access to nutritious food. Globally, 800 million people are under-nourished, and around 2 billion are overweight/obese or have micronutrient deficiency. These populations are largely positioned in developing countries where disease burden is high and impacts health budgets and productivity. Similarly developed countries, cities and neighbourhoods are experiencing a greater emergence of vulnerable populations. This is in part explained by the change in the food production and manufacturing, the retraction in economic climates, the increase in food price, and in some regions reduced food availability and access.Vulnerable groups include but are not limited to migrant populations, Indigenous people, elderly, pregnant women, those with disability, homeless, young children and youth. Poor nutrition at significant periods of growth and development and during life impact long term health outcomes increasing non-communicable disease prevalence, health cost and reducing economic productivity.

Agriculture for Improved Nutrition
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1787857220 1786399318 1786399326 Year: 2019 Publisher: UK CABI

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This book highlights the important links between agriculture and nutrition, both direct and indirect, both theoretical and practical. It explores these relationships through various frameworks, such as value chains, programmes and policies, as well as through diverse perspectives, such as gender. It assesses the impacts of various agricultural interventions and policies on nutrition and profiles the up-and-down journeys of countries such as Bangladesh, China, Ethiopia, India, and Malawi in integrating nutrition into agricultural policies and programmes. It highlights successes such as biofortification, the integration of behaviour change communication and gender equality into existing agricultural interventions, and agriculture's role in improving household access to nutritious foods and diet diversity. It analyses challenges such as climate and environmental change, undernutrition, and obesity. And it ponders big questions, such as how to build capacity, engage with the private sector, participate in the big data revolution, and foster strong governance and leadership throughout agriculture and nutrition.

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