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Thrive online
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781620367438 9781620367452 9781620367445 9781003448198 9781000973440 9781000978520 9781620367469 1620367467 1620367459 1620367432 1620367440 Year: 2019 Publisher: Sterling, Virginia

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Research shows that online education, when designed and facilitated well, is as effective as traditional campus-based instruction. Despite the evidence, many faculty perceive online education as inferior to traditional instruction—and are often quite vocal in their skepticism. Simultaneously, however, more and more students are seeking online courses and degree programs.Thrive Online: A New Approach to Building Expertise and Confidence as an Online Educator is an invitation for the rising tide of online educators who are relatively new to teaching online, and also for those more experienced instructors who are increasingly frustrated by the dominant bias against online education.Readers will find:•An approach that empowers online educators to thrive professionally using a set of specific agentic behaviors•Strategies for approaching conversations about online learning in new ways that inform the skeptics and critics•Strategies that celebrate the additional skills and proficiencies developed by successful online educators•Guidance for educators who want to feel natural and fluent in the online learning environment•Guidance for enhancing the user-centered nature of online spaces to create student-centered learning environments•Encouragement for online educators to pursue leadership opportunitiesThe internet is changing how people communicate and learn. Thrive Online: A New Approach to Building Expertise and Confidence as an Online Educator offers guidance, inspiration and strategies required to adapt and lead higher education through this change. This book is for higher education instructors who are seeking community, a sense of belonging, and the professional respect they deserve. Thriving is not a reaction to our environment, but rather a state of being we can create intentionally for ourselves.The time has come to change the conversation about online education. Add your voice – join the community and #ThriveOnline.

Comment réaliser une formation ou un enseignement numérique à distance ?
ISBN: 2807338216 Year: 2019 Publisher: Louvain-la-Neuve : De Boeck Supérieur,

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Comment réaliser une formation ou un enseignement à distance ? C'est la question à laquelle répond cet ouvrage, en 10 étapes qui rythment la mise en oeuvre d'une modalité à distance. Destiné à tout enseignant, formateur et ingénieur pédagogique, débutant ou déjà spécialisé en pédagogie numérique, il apporte les solutions pédagogiques et techniques pour réussir une mise à distance.

A step-by-step guide for using uploaded resources for a fully online course
ISBN: 1527533697 9781527533691 9781527532472 152753247X Year: 2019 Publisher: NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE CAMBRIDGE SCHOLARS Publishing

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Traité de la e-Formation des adultes
ISBN: 2807339107 2807327419 Year: 2019 Publisher: Louvain-la-Neuve : De Boeck supérieur,

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"Ce traité offre une synthèse des savoirs de référence produits en e-Formation des adultes. Il réunit en un seul volume 14 chapitres ou textes scientifiques fondamentaux de chercheurs francophones reconnus dans ce domaine. Les chapitres balisent ensemble un champ circonscrit de connaissances liées à deux niveaux d'observation empirique et de formalisation théorique. Le premier niveau concerne les environnements d'e-Formation (dimensions instrumentales, technico-pédagogiques ou socio-pédagogiques) tandis que le second porte sur les dynamiques des apprenants adultes en e-Formation. Ces dynamiques individuelles et/ou collectives sont abordées sous l'angle motivationnel (projet, choix, engagement, persistance, etc.), métacognitif (mémoire, émotions, autorégulation des apprentissages, etc.) ou encore relationnel (collaboration/ coopération, entre-aide, etc.). Les deux niveaux sont à la fois complémentaires et itératifs. Ils renvoient respectivement aux deux parties du traité au sein desquelles le lecteur peut naviguer d'un chapitre à l'autre, en fonction de ses besoins et de ses centres d'intérêt du moment. Ce traité constitue une source utilie de référence pour les étudiants, les chercheurs et les praticiens du domaine. Il leur permet d'accéder à un fonds commun de savoirs produits par la recherche et porteurs d'implications praxéologiques en matière d'ingénierie. c'est dans cette perspective partagée par l'ensemble des contributeurs qu'a été concçu le présent traité jusqu'alors unique en son genre dans le domaine de la e-formation."

Massive Open Online Course : "un audace esperimento di apprendimento distribuito" nelle università
Year: 2019 Publisher: Florence : Firenze University Press,

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The so-called 'digital revolution' and the economic and social transformations of the last decades have also involved university education, requiring not only some aspects of traditional lectures to adapt, but also several on-line teaching projects to be launched. A recent aspect of this process, started by North American university institutions such as Stanford, Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is represented by the worldwide offer of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which have no limit concerning the number of participants. and do not require a binding and expensive registration. Using international literature on the subject, this study analyses the origins and evolution of this new system of university teaching.

Massive Open Online Course : "un audace esperimento di apprendimento distribuito" nelle università
Year: 2019 Publisher: Florence : Firenze University Press,

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The so-called 'digital revolution' and the economic and social transformations of the last decades have also involved university education, requiring not only some aspects of traditional lectures to adapt, but also several on-line teaching projects to be launched. A recent aspect of this process, started by North American university institutions such as Stanford, Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is represented by the worldwide offer of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which have no limit concerning the number of participants. and do not require a binding and expensive registration. Using international literature on the subject, this study analyses the origins and evolution of this new system of university teaching.

Pratiques et innovations à l'ère du numérique en formation à distance : technologie, pédagogie et formation
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782760551732 2760551733 Year: 2019 Volume: 2 Publisher: Québec : Presses de l'Université du Québec,

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Les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) bouleversent le monde de l’éducation universitaire. En effet, la formation à distance y prend de plus en plus de place grâce à l’accessibilité et à la diversification des moyens de diffusion. Or, les formateurs universitaires sont reconnus et embauchés comme experts de contenu plutôt qu’en tant que techno­pédagogues ; ils se trouvent généralement peu outillés pour offrir des cours en ligne, ce qui les amène à apprendre à enseigner dans un autre paradigme, avec des plateformes et de nouvelles technologies de webdiffusion qu’ils ne maîtrisent pas nécessairement Dans le cadre du présent ouvrage, plusieurs outils et dispositifs numériques sont exposés afin de favoriser la collaboration et l’interaction dans un contexte d’éducation à distance, laquelle peut être synchrone, asynchrone ou même hybride. C’est pour répondre aux divers besoins de formation des étudiants et pour améliorer l’accessibilité à un enseignement de qualité que différents praticiens, experts, professeurs, chercheurs et conseillers à l’utilisation d’outils technologiques et technopédagogiques proposent les textes constituant ce collectif

Reaching diverse audiences with virtual reference and instruction : a practical guide for librarians
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ISBN: 9781538116890 Year: 2019 Publisher: Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield,

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Reaching Diverse Audiences with Virtual Reference and Instruction: A Practical Guide for Librarians is designed to help new and experienced librarians with practical advice for teaching and serving diverse audiences using a mix of new technologies and old-school librarianship. Just as today’s library users come from different backgrounds and experiences, and range from the tech-averse to internet-savvy, there’s no one-size-fits all method for effectively teaching information literacy or providing reference and research assistance! The guidebook aims to provide a range of options that can be adapted for your community’s needs, and includes advice for reaching many kinds of learners with virtual technologies for reference and instruction. Topics covered include how to: Identify and assess the needs of diverse communitiesMake the most of online reference servicesImplement and incorporate online teaching tools into your practiceDevelop and evaluate goals, objectives, and outcomes for teaching & servicesThough this book is predominantly aimed at the academic librarian, other sections on identifying and assessing community needs, managing virtual reference, and evaluating the effectiveness of library services are applicable for librarians in public, school, academic, and all types of libraries! In short, this is a one-stop shop for librarians who are seriously considering how to leverage new technologies to meet their community’s needs—this guide walks through planning, implementing, managing, and evaluating teaching and reference services, and teaches the skills required to meet the needs of a diverse range of library users.

Blended and online teaching in the humanities : pedagogical tools for design and implementation
ISBN: 1527530647 Year: 2019 Publisher: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge Scholars Publishing,

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L@S '19 : Proceedings of the Sixth (2019) ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale
Year: 2019 Publisher: New York : Association for Computing Machinery,

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