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Thomas Robert Malthus’s An Essay on the Principle of Population was an immediate succès de scandale when it appeared in 1798. Arguing that nature is niggardly and that societies, both human and animal, tend to overstep the limits of natural resources in “perpetual oscillation between happiness and misery,” he found himself attacked on all sides—by Romantic poets, utopian thinkers, and the religious establishment. Though Malthus has never disappeared, he has been perpetually misunderstood. This book is at once a major reassessment of Malthus’s ideas and an intellectual history of the origins of modern debates about demography, resources, and the environment.Against the ferment of Enlightenment ideals about the perfectibility of mankind and the grim realities of life in the eighteenth century, Robert Mayhew explains the genesis of the Essay and Malthus’s preoccupation with birth and death rates. He traces Malthus’s collision course with the Lake poets, his important revisions to the Essay, and composition of his other great work, Principles of Political Economy. Mayhew suggests we see the author in his later writings as an environmental economist for his persistent concern with natural resources, land, and the conditions of their use. Mayhew then pursues Malthus’s many afterlives in the Victorian world and beyond.Today, the Malthusian dilemma makes itself felt once again, as demography and climate change come together on the same environmental agenda. By opening a new door onto Malthus’s arguments and their transmission to the present day, Robert Mayhew gives historical depth to our current planetary concerns.
Economic schools --- Malthus, Thomas Robert --- 330.82 --- 314.123 --- Smith. Ricardo. Malthus. Say. Von Thuenen. Manchester school. Sismondi. Schmoller. Spann --- Malthus --- 314.123 Malthus --- 330.82 Klassieke economische theorieen. Liberalisme. Romantische Economische Scholen. Liberale Optimisten. Gematigd Individualisme. Ethisch Economische Scholen.Historisch Economische Scholen. Vrije economie --- 330.82 Smith. Ricardo. Malthus. Say. Von Thuenen. Manchester school. Sismondi. Schmoller. Spann --- Klassieke economische theorieen. Liberalisme. Romantische Economische Scholen. Liberale Optimisten. Gematigd Individualisme. Ethisch Economische Scholen.Historisch Economische Scholen. Vrije economie --- Demographers --- Economists --- Population specialists --- Social scientists --- Malthus, T. R. --- Malthus, Thomas Robert, --- Malʹtus, Tomas Robert, --- Ma-êrh-sa-ssŭ, --- Malthus, Robert, --- Author of the Essay on the principle of population, --- Marasasu, --- Essay on the principle of population, Author of the, --- מלתוס, תומס רוברט,
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In The Zero Marginal Cost Society, New York Times bestselling author Jeremy Rifkin describes how the emerging Internet of Things is speeding us to an era of nearly free goods and services, precipitating the meteoric rise of a global Collaborative Commons and the eclipse of capitalism.Rifkin uncovers a paradox at the heart of capitalism that has propelled it to greatness but is now taking it to its death-the inherent entrepreneurial dynamism of competitive markets that drives productivity up and marginal costs down, enabling businesses to reduce the price of their goods and services in order to win over consumers and market share. (Marginal cost is the cost of producing additional units of a good or service, if fixed costs are not counted.) While economists have always welcomed a reduction in marginal cost, they never anticipated the possibility of a technological revolution that might bring marginal costs to near zero, making goods and services priceless, nearly free, and abundant, and no longer subject to market forces.Now, a formidable new technology infrastructure-the Internet of things (IoT)-is emerging with the potential of pushing large segments of economic life to near zero marginal cost in the years ahead. Rifkin describes how the Communication Internet is converging with a nascent Energy Internet and Logistics Internet to create a new technology platform that connects everything and everyone. Billions of sensors are being attached to natural resources, production lines, the electricity grid, logistics networks, recycling flows, and implanted in homes, offices, stores, vehicles, and even human beings, feeding Big Data into an IoT global neural network. Prosumers can connect to the network and use Big Data, analytics, and algorithms to accelerate efficiency, dramatically increase productivity, and lower the marginal cost of producing and sharing a wide range of products and services to near zero, just like they now do with information goods. The plummeting of marginal costs is spawning a hybrid economy-part capitalist market and part Collaborative Commons-with far reaching implications for society, according to Rifkin. Hundreds of millions of people are already transferring parts of their economic lives to the global Collaborative Commons. Prosumers are plugging into the fledgling IoT and making and sharing their own information, entertainment, green energy, and 3D-printed products at near zero marginal cost. They are also sharing cars, homes, clothes and other items via social media sites, rentals, redistribution clubs, and cooperatives at low or near zero marginal cost. Students are enrolling in free massive open online courses (MOOCs) that operate at near zero marginal cost. Social entrepreneurs are even bypassing the banking establishment and using crowdfunding to finance startup businesses as well as creating alternative currencies in the fledgling sharing economy. In this new world, social capital is as important as financial capital, access trumps ownership, sustainability supersedes consumerism, cooperation ousts competition, and exchange value in the capitalist marketplace is increasingly replaced by sharable value on the Collaborative Commons. Rifkin concludes that capitalism will remain with us, albeit in an increasingly streamlined role, primarily as an aggregator of network services and solutions, allowing it to flourish as a powerful niche player in the coming era. We are, however, says Rifkin, entering a world beyond markets where we are learning how to live together in an increasingly interdependent global Collaborative Commons.Bron :
Economic order --- Capitalism --- Cooperation --- Cost --- 004.738.5 --- crowdfunding --- internet of things --- online netwerken --- 330.50 --- 330.55 --- 338.317.0 --- Costs (Economics) --- Expenses --- Economics --- Contingent fees --- Collaborative economy --- Cooperative distribution --- Cooperative movement --- Distribution, Cooperative --- Peer-to-peer economy --- Sharing economy --- Profit-sharing --- Market economy --- Profit --- Capital --- het internet --- Economische en sociale stelsels: algemeenheden. --- Coöperatief stelsel --- Coöperatief stelsel: algemeenheden. Coöperatieve vennootschappen --- Cooperation. --- Capitalisme --- Coût --- Coopération --- Internet --- Kapitalisme --- Coöperaties --- Kostenreductie --- Trends --- Trendwatching --- Economische theorieën --- Economische en sociale stelsels: algemeenheden --- Coöperatie --- Trend --- Economische theorie
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Heylen beschrijft de evolutie van macro-economische variabelen en hun onderlinge samenhang. Hij heeft speciale aandacht voor de confrontatie tussen theorie en praktijk, met voorbeelden uit de realiteit, visies van de verschillende macro-economische scholen, recente ontwikkelingen in de conjunctuur- en de groeitheorie etc.
330.101 --- 330.115 --- 339.3 --- macro-économie --- macroeconomie --- OF 2 2017-2018 --- VP 2017-2018 --- 330.115 Econometrie --- Econometrie --- 339.3 Binnenlandse handel. Binnenlandse markt --(z.o {658.81} distributie) --- Binnenlandse handel. Binnenlandse markt --(z.o {658.81} distributie) --- 330.101 Economische analyse. Economische methodologie. Economische onderzoeksmethoden--(theoretische economie) --- Economische analyse. Economische methodologie. Economische onderzoeksmethoden--(theoretische economie) --- Economisch beleid (*) --- Macro-economie --- Economie --- Theorieën --- Economische theorieën --- Macroeconomics --- OF 2 2018-2019 --- VP 2018-2019 --- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- Economics --- OF 2 2019-2020 --- VP 2019-2020 --- OF 2 2020-2021 --- OO Economisch beleid (*) --- VP MA 2020-2021 --- Theorie --- Economische theorie --- Beleid --- Verpleegkunde --- Verplegingswetenschap --- OF 2 2021-2022 --- VP MA 2021-2022 --- 460 Economie --- OF 2 2022-2023 --- VP MA 2022-2023 --- OF 2 2023-2024 --- VP MA 2023-2024
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Een van de grootste problemen van de economie is de opeenhoping en de verdeling van kapitaal. Dat hangt nauw samen met problemen van ongelijkheid, van concentratie van welvaart en van economische groei. Bevredigende oplossingen voor die problemen waren tot nu toe moeilijk te vinden. Theorieën te over, maar relevant historisch onderzoek is niet voorhanden. In Kapitaal in de eenentwintigste eeuw analyseert Thomas Piketty een groot aantal gegevens uit de laatste twee eeuwen en uit twintig landen. Zo weet hij fundamentele economische en sociale processen bloot te leggen. Hij toont aan dat de moderne economische groei en de spreiding van kennis ons in staat hebben gesteld om de ongelijkheid op apocalyptische schaal die Marx had voorspeld te voorkomen. Maar de diepere structuur van kapitaal en ongelijkheid is er in wezen niet door veranderd, zoals we in ons optimisme na de Tweede Wereldoorlog hebben gedacht. De belangrijkste oorzaak van de ongelijkheid is de tendens dat de opbrengst op kapitaal groter is dan de economische groei - en dat dreigt nu tot extreme ongelijkheid te leiden. Het wakkert de onvrede aan en ondermijnt democratische verworvenheden. Het is aan de politiek om die tendens in te tomen. Kapitaal in de eenentwintigste eeuw is een buitengewoon ambitieuze onderneming, waarvan de grote waarde alom wordt erkend. Het is een herbezinning op de economische geschiedenis en dwingt ons de werkelijkheid nuchter onder ogen te zien.Bron :
330.14 --- 330.191.6 --- 339.11 --- Wereldeconomie --- sociale ongelijkheid --- Kapitalisme --- 339.233.1 --- inkomensverdeling --- kapitalisme --- 304.5 --- Sociaal-wetenschappelijke aspecten van de ontwikkeling in maatschappijen en tussen maatschappijen --- 307.3 --- Rijkdom --- capitalisme --- theories economiques --- #SBIB:33H13 --- #SBIB:33H14 --- Inkomensverdeling --- 338 --- 330.34 --- Economische groei --- Arbeidseconomie --- economie (internationaal) --- kapitaal --- wereldeconomie - internationale economie --- welvaart - welvaartstaat - welzijn - rijkdom - verzorgingsstaat --- beroepsinkomen - arbeidsinkomen --- 339 --- 330.1 --- 301.17 --- Sociologie van de welvaart --- economische theorieen --- Economische politiek --- Macro-economische analyse --- Ongelijkheid --- Verdeling --- Vermogens. --- Arm en rijk. --- National wealth --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Social stratification --- Social change --- sociale politiek --- Economic schools --- belastingen (economie) --- anno 2000-2009 --- anno 1800-1999 --- Analyse économique --- Histoire contemporaine --- Marché financier --- BPB1501 --- Economische analyse --- Hedendaagse geschiedenis --- Geldmarkt --- PXL-Social Work 2015 --- filosofie van de economie --- sociale vraagstukken --- Kapitaalverkeer --- Economische ontwikkeling --- Sociaal-economische geschiedenis --- Welvaart --- Politiek --- Trends --- finansų rinka --- mercado financeiro --- treg financiar --- finansmarknad --- piață financiară --- финансиски пазар --- mercato finanziario --- Finanzmarkt --- rynek finansowy --- finansielt marked --- financijsko tržište --- finanšu tirgus --- πιστωτική αγορά --- pénzügyi piac --- finanční trh --- financial market --- rahoitusmarkkinat --- geldmarkt --- finančni trg --- suq finanzjarju --- finantsturg --- финансов пазар --- финансијско тржиште --- finančný trh --- mercado financiero --- kansainväliset rahoitusmarkkinat --- διεθνής πιστωτική αγορά --- piață financiară internațională --- penge- og kapitalmarked --- treg financiar ndërkombëtar --- pénzügyi tevékenység --- finantsmajanduslik tegevus --- medzinárodný finančný trh --- finanšu darbība --- activitate financiară --- aktivitet financiar --- internationaler Finanzmarkt --- rahvusvaheline finantsturg --- piață de valori mobiliare --- trh cenných papírů --- меѓународен финансиски пазар --- internationell finansmarknad --- financiële activiteit --- vertybinių popierių rinka --- finansiell verksamhet --- mercado de valores --- mezinárodní finanční trh --- finansiel aktivitet --- trh cennými papíry --- financial activity --- финансиска активност --- actividad financiera --- finansinė veikla --- arvopaperimarkkinat --- securities market --- marché financier international --- treg i letrave me vlerë --- internationale geldmarkt --- atividade financeira --- Finanztätigkeit --- väärtpaberiturg --- međunarodno financijsko tržište --- kreditmarked --- finansiell marknad --- mercato finanziario internazionale --- activité financière --- tarptautinė finansų rinka --- vērtspapīru tirgus --- trh s cennými papiermi --- starptautiskais finanšu tirgus --- χρηματοοικονομική δραστηριότητα --- mercado financeiro internacional --- nemzetközi pénzügyi piac --- attività finanziaria --- international financial market --- mercado financiero internacional --- rahoitustoiminta --- értékpapírpiac --- contemporary history --- suvremena povijest --- historia contemporánea --- samtidshistoria --- sodobna zgodovina --- Geschichte der Gegenwart --- istorie contemporană --- storia contemporanea --- hedendaagse geschiedenis --- soudobá historie --- nykyhistoria --- súčasné dejiny --- lähiajalugu --- šiuolaikinė istorija --- História Contemporânea --- samtidshistorie --- legújabb kori történelem --- σύγχρονη ιστορία --- histori bashkëkohore --- storja kontemporanja --- съвременна история --- jauno laiku vēsture --- historia współczesna --- современа историја --- савремена историја --- tegenwoordige tijd --- età contemporanea --- gegenwärtige Epoche --- современа епоха --- историја на новата ера --- nutidshistoria --- historie současnosti --- nykyaika --- σύγχρονη εποχή --- nutidshistorie --- современа ера --- Gegenwartsgeschichte --- σύγχρονα χρόνια --- nutid --- nieuwste geschiedenis --- epoka bashkëkohore --- jelenkor --- Idade Contemporânea --- актуелна историја --- âge contemporain --- contemporary era --- suvremena era --- Edad Contemporánea --- nüüdisaeg --- současná historie --- samtid --- époque contemporaine --- šiuolaikinė era --- ekonomska analiza --- economische analyse --- közgazdasági elemzés --- taloudellinen analyysi --- majandusanalüüs --- análise económica --- ekonomická analýza --- analiză economică --- analiżi ekonomika --- ekonomisk analys --- analiza ekonomiczna --- ekonomiskā analīze --- ekonominė analizė --- análisis económico --- Wirtschaftsanalyse --- οικονομική ανάλυση --- economic analysis --- analizë ekonomike --- økonomisk analyse --- економска анализа --- analisi economica --- икономически анализ --- majanduse hindamine --- analiza gospodarskih aktivnosti --- analyse van de economische activiteit --- istraživanje gospodarstva --- οικονομική εκτίμηση --- stima economica --- economic study --- οικονομική μελέτη --- ekonomisk utvärdering --- taloudellinen arviointi --- økonomisk vurdering --- gazdasági elemzés --- ekonomické hodnocení --- ekonomiskie pētījumi --- rozbor hospodářské činnosti --- ανάλυση δραστηριοτήτων --- vlerësim ekonomik --- analýza hospodárskych činností --- avaliação económica --- évaluation économique --- Wirtschaftsstudie --- ekonomiskās darbības analīze --- valutazione economica --- studio economico --- gospodarska analiza --- evaluación económica --- ekonomiskais novērtējums --- analyysi taloudellisesta toiminnasta --- estudo económico --- gospodarska studija --- majandustegevuse hindamine --- ekonomické hodnotenie --- analiza activității economice --- analys av ekonomisk aktivitet --- ekonomická studie --- a gazdasági tevékenység elemzése --- estudio económico --- economic evaluation --- majandustegevuse analüüs --- analisi delle attività --- gazdasági tanulmány --- анализа на економски активности --- Aktivitätsanalyse --- ekonominis įvertinimas --- taloudellinen tutkimus --- studim ekonomik --- ekonominiai tyrimai --- studiu economic --- ökonomische Analyse --- ekonomická štúdia --- étude économique --- analizë e veprimtarisë ekonomike --- análise de atividade --- wirtschaftliche Bewertung --- analysis of economic activity --- economische studie --- ekonomisk studie --- economische evaluatie --- evaluare economică --- valoración económica --- aktivitetsanalyse --- analyse d'activité --- ekonominės veiklos analizė --- gazdasági értékelés --- Trend --- Maatschappij --- Film --- Aardrijkskunde --- margadh airgeadais --- stair chomhaimseartha --- anailís eacnamaíoch --- Marché financier --- Analyse économique
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