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Multilateral indexed loans and debt sustainability
Authors: ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Geneva UNCTAD

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Public debt

Das neue deutsche Staatsschuldenrecht in der Bewahrungsprobe : Uberlegungen zu Art. 109, 115 und 143d Grundgesetz
ISBN: 1283858312 3110290790 3110290804 9783110290790 9781283858311 9783110290806 3110290774 Year: 2012 Publisher: Berlin : De Gruyter,

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The subject of government debt and laws designed to limit it has received intensive scrutiny since the collapse of the investment bank Lehman Brothers in September 2008 and the enactment of the German Federalism Reform II in July 2009. This new law, which has essentially been in effect since budgetary year 2011, is awaiting juridical interpretation and trial in practice.

Table rase - et après? Evaluation de l'allègement de la dette en République démocratique du Congo, 2003-2010
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789053284025 Year: 2012 Publisher: La Haye : Ministère des affaires étrangères,

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La Belgique endettée : mécanismes et conséquences de la dette publique
ISBN: 9782870035931 2870035934 Year: 2012 Volume: *7 Publisher: Charleroi: Couleur livres,

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La dette publique belge fait beaucoup parler d’elle en ce moment. L’intervention publique de 2008 pour “sauver” les banques en difficulté explique largement l’accroissement de l’endettement public du plat pays. A ce propos, les chiffres prouvent qu’il est impossible, à moyen terme, de compter sur les dividendes que les banques rapporteront à l’Etat pour “repayer” la dette de ce dernier. Et c’est ici qu’intervient l’austérité. D’après un économiste employé par la filiale belge d’une grande banque étrangère, les choses sont claires : Avoir laissé filer les déficits et la dette était nécessaire pour éviter une dépression. Mais il est clair que maintenant, un peu plus de rigueur est indispensable, ne serait-ce que pour reconstituer les marges de manœuvre qui nous ont permis de passer au travers de la crise en évitant la débâcle de 1929. Traduction : en cas de problèmes futurs, l’Etat doit, en priorité, continuer à fournir des liquidités aux banques. En attendant, le citoyen est prié de se serrer la ceinture. Ce livre montre le caractère absurde de cette situation en critiquant le problème à sa source, à savoir la libéralisation du secteur financier qui a pris en otage les Etats. Y compris la Belgique…

When states go broke : the origins, context, and solutions for the American states in fiscal crisis
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781107642898 9781107023178 9781139150835 Year: 2012 Publisher: Cambridge New York [etc.] Cambridge University Press

Turkish Treasury Simulation Model for Debt Strategy Analysis
Authors: ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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Governments raise funds to meet their financing needs using a range of fixed income securities and loans with different maturities, interest rates, and exchange rate structures. Public debt managers need to consider various policy objectives when deciding on the structure of the public liability portfolio. This paper describes a simulation model developed at the Turkish Treasury to assist the decision-making process in debt strategy formulation. The model is used to analyze the medium and long-term consequences of alternative debt management strategies in terms of cost and risk characteristics, and provides key inputs to decision making.

Sudan Debt Management Performance Assessment
Year: 2012 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The Republic of Sudan is the third largest country in Africa, following the July 2011 secession of South Sudan, with an area of 1.8 million square kilometers and a population of 33.4 million, half of which live in urban areas. It is strategically located between Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, with direct borders with Central African Republic, Chad, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya, and South Sudan. Sudan is a federal republic, and the vertical structure of government consists of three tiers. The central government is embodied in the office of the President, the Council of Ministers, and the National Assembly and the two main tiers at the sub-national levels are the state tier (with 17 states) and the locality tier. The implications of the country's current political and economic transition on debt management are fundamental. The permanent fiscal shock from lower oil revenues has put heavy pressure on the budget, with fewer resources available for debt repayment and with increased needs for borrowing for deficit financing, including monetization. External resources are limited given the arrears Sudan has with many creditors and associated lack of access to concessional financing, plus traditional global markets are stressed from fiscal problems in many countries. The government has already been very active in domestic markets, and the availability of additional resources from the private sector is a concern. The DeMPA focuses on central government debt management activities and closely-related functions, such as the issuance of loan guarantees, on-lending, cash flow forecasting, and cash balance management. Thus, the DeMPA does not assess the ability to manage the wider public debt portfolio, including implicit contingent liabilities (such as liabilities of the pension system) or the debt of state-owned enterprises (SOEs), if these are not guaranteed by the central government.

Turkish Treasury Simulation Model for Debt Strategy Analysis
Authors: ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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Governments raise funds to meet their financing needs using a range of fixed income securities and loans with different maturities, interest rates, and exchange rate structures. Public debt managers need to consider various policy objectives when deciding on the structure of the public liability portfolio. This paper describes a simulation model developed at the Turkish Treasury to assist the decision-making process in debt strategy formulation. The model is used to analyze the medium and long-term consequences of alternative debt management strategies in terms of cost and risk characteristics, and provides key inputs to decision making.

OECD sovereign borrowing outlook 2012.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 926416913X 9264169121 Year: 2012 Publisher: Paris : OECD Pub.,

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OECD governments are facing unprecedented challenges in the markets for government securities as a result of continued strong borrowing amid a highly uncertain environment with growing concerns about the pace of recovery, surging borrowing costs, sovereign risk and contagion pressures. The OECD Sovereign Borrowing Outlook provides estimates for 2011 and projections for 2012. Higher than anticipated gross borrowing needs of OECD governments are expected to reach USD 10.4 trillion in 2011 and USD 10.5 trillion in 2012, including a strong increase in longer-term redemptions in 2012. Against this

AAA : audit, annulation, autre politique
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782021078329 2021078329 Year: 2012 Publisher: Paris: Seuil,

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AAA... Telle est la note maximale décernée par les agences de notation financière, précieux label de bonne gestion qui obsède les gouvernements soucieux d'inspirer confiance aux prêteurs et aux spéculateurs. Pour sauver leur triple A, les dirigeants européens, avec le concours de la Commission européenne et du Fonds monétaire international, imposent à leurs peuples, austérité, régression sociale et violations des droits humains.Les auteurs analysent la crise et les mesures appliquées depuis qu'elle a éclaté, en refusant la logique néolibérale qui protège les responsables et fait payer le prix aux peuples qui en sont victimes. Un audit complet de la dette publique est la seule solution pour en déterminer la part illégitime qui doit être annulée. Ainsi débarrassés du fardeau de la dette, les Européens pourront sortir de la crise en menant une autre politique que celle d'austérité, dangereuse et injuste, aujourd'hui en vigueur.Audit-Annulation-Autre politique, voilà le AAA que nous voulons, celui des peuples et non celui des agences de notation. Seules des luttes sociales puissantes lui permettront de voir le jour, afin d'opérer un changement radical de logique à la hauteur de l'enjeu.

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