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hellig, sårbar
ISBN: 9788292712665 8292712666 Year: 2012 Publisher: Kristiansand : Portal,

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Legends of Eastern saints : chiefly from Syriac sources
Year: 2012 Publisher: S.l. : Forgotten books,

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Livres et lecteurs aux premiers temps du christianisme : usage et production des textes chrétiens antiques
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782830914641 2830914643 Year: 2012 Publisher: Genève : Paris : Labor et fides diff. Presses universitaires de France,

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Cet ouvrage fascinant offre pour la première fois à grande échelle des informations sur la publication, la diffusion et l’utilisation des livres dans le christianisme primitif. Harry Y. Gamble évalue le sens littéraire des premières communautés chrétiennes; la relation de l’Eglise primitive aux traditions orale et écrite, la forme matérielle des premiers livres chrétiens, comment ils étaient fabriqués, retranscrits, publiés, dupliqués et diffusés; comment les bibliothèques chrétiennes se constituèrent; qui lisait les livres, de quelle manière, dans quelles circonstances et pour quels buts. Jamais abordée directement dans les essais sur l’histoire du christianisme, cet éclairage sur la production des premiers livres chrétiens est particulièrement décisif: il permet de mieux comprendre pourquoi le christianisme a si bien réussi, notamment parce que les premiers livres chrétiens furent publiés sur des codex dont l’utilisation concernait la vie courante et non la haute littérature. C’est là une des révélations de cette recherche qui en compte bien d’autres.

Incunabula Patristica : Bibliographie der Wiegendrucke christlicher Autoren der Antike
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783777212029 9783777212036 9783777214023 9783777216157 9783777218236 Year: 2012 Volume: 22 Publisher: Stuttgart : A. Hiersemann,

Thales von Milet in der frühen christlichen Literatur : Darstellungen seiner Figur und seiner Ideen in den griechischen und lateinischen Textzeugnissen christlicher Autoren der Kaiserzeit und Spätantike.
ISBN: 9783110245981 3110245981 9783110245998 311024599X Year: 2012 Volume: 3 Publisher: Berlin de Gruyter

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Thales von Milet (7.-6. Jh. v. Chr.) gilt als eine der bedeutendsten Figuren der griechischen Philosophie und Wissenschaft. Dennoch sind von seinem Leben nur wenige Anekdoten bekannt und von seinem Werk ist nichts direkt überliefert. Dies ist ein wichtiger Grund für die Untersuchung von Andreas Schwab, der erstmals mehr als einhundert Textzeugnisse frühchristlicher Autoren zu Thales' Leben und Lehre erschließt, die in der neuen Testimoniensammlung zu Thales (Traditio Praesocratica, Bd. 1, 2009) dokumentiert sind. Erforscht werden insbesondere die literarischen Diskursfelder und argumentativen Kontexte, in denen auf Thales Bezug genommen wird. Ziel des Kommentars ist nicht eine Rekonstruktion von Thales' Leben und Lehre, vielmehr werden die Darstellungen seiner Figur und seiner Ideen sowie deren Funktion in späterer Zeit am Beispiel des christlichen Textcorpus analysiert und kommentiert. Die lateinischen Texte reichen von Tertullian über Augustinus bis zu Isidor von Sevilla, während sich die griechischen von den ersten Apologeten über Eusebius von Cäsarea bis zur Chronik des Johannes Malalas erstrecken. Diese neuartige, diachrone Geschichte zum ,Image' des Thales dient in ihrer interdisziplinären Ausrichtung sowohl der Erforschung der frühgriechischen Philosophie als auch dem tieferen Verständnis frühchristlicher Literatur und Theologie. thales of Miletus (7th-6th centuries BC) is regarded as one of the most important figures in Greek philosophy and science. In spite of this we know few anecdotes about his life, and none of his work has survived directly. This was one of the main reasons behind Andreas Schwab's work, who for the first time commented on more than one hundred passages in early Christian authors on Thales' life and works. These are documented in a new collection of testimonies on Thales (Traditio Presocratica vol 1, 2009). Particular attention is paid to the topics of literary discourse and the argumentative contexts within which reference is made to Thales. The commentary is not intended as a reconstruction of Thales' life and teaching, rather the portrayals of his figure and ideas, as well as their function in later periods are analyzed and commented on with reference to the Christian texts. The Latin texts range from Tertullian to Augustine and Isidore of Seville, the Greek texts from the first apologists to Eusebius of Caesarea and the Chronicle of John Malalas. The interdisciplinary nature of this innovative, diachronous history of Thales' "image" furthers both research into early Greek philosophy, as well as a deeper understanding of early Christian philosophy and theology.

Lettered Christians : Christians, letters, and late antique Oxyrhynchus
ISBN: 9789004180956 9004180958 9789004180987 9786613530462 9004180982 1280126604 Year: 2012 Volume: 39 Publisher: Leiden Boston : Brill,

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With the discovery of the Oxyrhynchus Papyri just over a century ago a number of important texts directly relating to ancient Christianity have come to light. While certain literary texts have received considerable attention in scholarship by comparison the documentary evidence relating to Christianity has received far less attention and remains rather obscure. To help redress this imbalance, and to lend some context to the Christian literary materials, this book examines the extant Christian epistolary remains from Oxyrhynchus between the third and seventh centuries CE. Drawing upon this unique corpus of evidence, which until this point has never been collectively nor systematically treated, this book breaks new ground as it employs the letters to consider various questions relating to Christianity in the Oxyrhynchite. Not only does this lucid study fill a void in scholarship, it also gives a number of insights that have larger implications on Christianity in late antiquity.

Saints and symposiasts
ISBN: 9780521886857 0521886856 9781139047180 1108820190 1139887114 1139564021 1139550446 9786613922878 1139549197 1139555405 1139554158 1139047183 1139551698 1283610426 9781139549196 9781283610421 9781139554152 Year: 2012 Volume: *18 Publisher: Cambridge

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Greek traditions of writing about food and the symposium had a long and rich afterlife in the first to fifth centuries CE, in both Greco-Roman and early Christian culture. This book provides an account of the history of the table-talk tradition, derived from Plato's Symposium and other classical texts, focusing among other writers on Plutarch, Athenaeus, Methodius and Macrobius. It also deals with the representation of transgressive, degraded, eccentric types of eating and drinking in Greco-Roman and early Christian prose narrative texts, focusing especially on the Letters of Alciphron, the Greek and Roman novels, especially Apuleius, the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles and the early saints' lives. It argues that writing about consumption and conversation continued to matter: these works communicated distinctive ideas about how to talk and how to think, distinctive models of the relationship between past and present, distinctive and often destabilising visions of identity and holiness.

Truthfulness, realism, historicity : a study in late antique spiritual literature
ISBN: 9780754669548 0754669548 9780754697152 0754697150 9781315549590 9781317006084 9781317006091 Year: 2012 Publisher: Farnham : Ashgate,

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Were holy men historical figures or figments of the theological imagination? Did the biographies devoted to them reflect facts or only the ideological commitments of their authors? For decades, scholars of late antiquity have wrestled with these questions when analysing such issues as the Christianization of Europe, the decline of paganism, and the 'rise of the holy man' and of the hagiographical genre. In this book Peter Turner suggests a new approach to these problems through an examination of a wide range of spiritual narrative texts from the third to the sixth centuries A.D.: pagan philosophical biographies, Greek and Latin Christian saints' lives, and autobiographical works by authors such as Julian and Augustine. Rather than scrutinizing these works for either historical facts or religious and intellectual attitudes, he argues that a deeper historicity can be found only in the interplay between these types of information. On the textual level, this analysis recognises the genuine commitment of spiritual authors to write truthfully and to record realistically a world felt to be replete with spiritual and symbolic meaning. On the historical level, it argues that holy men, expecting the same symbolism within their own lives, adopted lifestyles which ultimately provoked and confirmed this world view. Such praxis is detectable not only in the holy men who inspired biography but also in the period's scattered autobiographical writings. As much a historical as a textual phenomenon, this spiritually-minded scrutiny of the world created interpretations which were always open and contested. Therefore, this book also associates spiritual narrative texts with only one possible voice of religious experience in a constant dialogue between believers, opponents, and the sceptical undecided.

Moses in Biblical and Extra-Biblical Traditions

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Im Mittelpunkt der Beiträge des Bandes steht die Wirkungsgeschichte der Person Moses und der mit ihr verbundenen Überlieferungen. Untersucht wird dabei nicht nur die Funktion der Mose-Figur im Pentateuch, das Rettungsgeschehen am Roten Meer und der letzte Tag des Mose, sondern auch die Mose-Rezeption im Deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerk, im Psalter, bei Jeremia, in der Septuaginta, in Qumran, in der außerbiblischen Literatur des frühen Judentums, im Neuen Testament und in der frühen Kirche. The papers in this volume revolve around the history of the influence exerted by the person of Moses and the traditions associated with him. They deal not only with the function of the figure of Moses in the Pentateuch, the salvation in the Red Sea and the final day of Moses’ life, but also with the way Moses was received in the Deuteronomic history, the Psalms, the Book of Jeremiah, the Septuagint, in Qumran, early Jewish extra-biblical literature, the New Testament and the Early Church.

Ecrire contre : quête d'identité, quête de pouvoir dans la littérature des premiers siècles chrétiens.
ISBN: 9782868204936 2868204937 Year: 2012 Publisher: Strasbourg Presses universitaires de Strasbourg

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Une dizaine de contributions s'attachent à définir les raisons de la place faite à la polémique dans la littérature patristique. Quête d'identité, quête de pouvoir sans doute, mais "l'écrire contre" manifeste aussi le désir passionné d'exprimer en toute rigueur la vérité de la foi. Augustin se plaisait à méditer à la suite de Paul sur le bienfait des hérésies...

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