Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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For every individuall member of the honourable House of Commons. : Concerning the major, magstracy, and officers of Dover.
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Genesis es telos eksousias, = the original & end of civil povver : or, a discourse; wherein is set forth and cleared, what the people are; their natural bent to sociability and government; how they are the original and end of civil powers; where the supreme power doth properly reside; whether, when, and how the inferior magistrates and people may call to account, and punish the superior, and change the government, if they see it necessary. With some instances, where generals and commanders of armies have been assistant to the people, to pull down wicked rulers, and set up new government and governors.
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A declaration of the well-affected common-councel-men of the City of London, : in the name of themselvs, and the inhabitants thereof, concerning the injustice and oppression which is unequally cast and laid upon the distressed citizens. Wherein they remonstrate a speedy and just way, for the taking off of all heavy burdens relieving the oppressed, the mitigating of taxes and assesments, and laying it upon rich marchants, and others, who are able to bear it, to the end that those who have bin oppressed may now go free. Extracted out of the original, and published according to order; to the end, that all cities and townes within this nation, may take it as a president for their future ease and freedome, against all oppressours whatsoever.
Year: 1649
Publisher: London : Printed for G. Laurenson,
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A brief discourse of the present power of magistracy and justice occasioned upon the tryall of Lieutenant Collonel John Lilburn. : Together with severall perticulers concerning his charge and out of the speeches of the Judge. Also some arguments and conclusions drawn up out of Lieutenant Collonel John Lilburns, pleadings and defence, made to his charge on Thursday the 25 of Octob. 1649. Collected at the request of some friends for generall satisfaction.
Year: 1649
Publisher: London : Printed by B. Alsop, and are to be sold near Criplegate,
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Truths victory over tyrants and tyranny. : Being the tryall of that worthy assertor of his countreys freedoms, Lieftenant [sic] Colonell John Lilburne, defender of the ancient and known laws of England, against men and devills, whether in King, Parliament, Army, or Councell of state. Guild-hall London, Octob. 26. Freed in open court, from his unjust and illegall charge of high-treason, and cruell imprisonment in the Tower, by the unbyassed and just verdict of this jewry, whose names are here inserted; Miles Pettit, Holburn-Condu. Stephen Iles, Friday-street. Abraham Smith, Smithfield. John King Smithfield. Nicholas Murrin, Gosling-str. Thomas Daintie, Cheapside. Edmund Keysar, Holb-bridge Edward Perkins Smithfield. Ralph Packman, Smithfield. William Cummins, Cheap. Symon Weeden, Bredstr. Henry Tooley, Bredstreet. All good men and true.
Lilburne, John
Year: 1649
Publisher: [London] : Printed in the fall of tyranny,
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The second part of the triall of Lieut. Col. John Lilburn : by an extraordinary or speciall commission of oyer and terminer, at the Guild-hall of London; the 24 25, 26, of October, 1649. Being exactly the first dayes work of the judges, &c. (which was not inserted in the last:) with Judge Keeble's large speech to the grand-jury. In which is also contained, divers additions aud [sic] amendments of the first part of his triall: with divers remarkable observations in law, upon the illegality of all their three dayes proceedings with him. Unto which is also annexed; certain demonstrative reasons of the impossibility of overthrowing juries, and the now setting up arbitrary high courts of justice; the practise of which in Empson and Dudley (although they had an Act of Parliament in Hen: the 7ths. time, made by King, Lords, and Commons, for their commission) cost them their heads as traitors, for subverting the fundamentall freedomes and liberties of the nation.
Year: 1649
Publisher: London : [s.n.],
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The foxes craft discouered; : in destroying the peoples best friends, who stand in their prerogative way for perfect peace and freedom. As it will appeare by their usage, not onely of Captaine Bray, but also of his troop, that raised themselves at their own cost, and have continued in many hazards, but now must be ... with the reward of threats or imprisonment, or be ... to serve under one of the foxes new creatures. Wherein is anexed a congratulatory letter, to the ... of a large petition of the 11th September, for discovering their apprehensions to prevent our new slavery.
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The remonstrance of many thousands of the free-people of England. : Together with the resolves of the young-men and apprentices of the city of London, in behalf of themselves, and those called Levelers, for the attainment of their just requestes in their petition of May 20. 1647. Also their petition of January 19. 1647. and of September 11. 1648. Together with the agreement of the free people of England May. 1. 1649. With their solemn engagement for redeeming, setling, and securing the peoples rational, and just rights, and liberties, against all tyrants whatsoever, whether in Parliament, army, or councel of state.
Year: 1649
Publisher: London : [s.n.],
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A hue and cry after religion and justice. : Lost in the year 1641. and hath not been heard of since Charls the first, left the City of London. With the descriptions, marks, causes, symptomes and effects thereof. Also the practices of injustice and irreligion, with the execution thereof, characterized.
Year: 1649
Publisher: [London : s.n.],
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The second part of Englands new-chaines discovered: or A sad representation of the uncertain and dangerous condition of the Common-Wealth : directed to the supreme authority of England, the representors of the people in Parliament assembled. By severall wel-affected persons inhabiting the city of London, Westminster, the borough of Southwark, Hamblets, and places adjacent, presenters and approvers of the late large petition of the eleventh of September. 1648. All persons who are assenting to this representation, are desired to subscribe it, and bring in their subscriptions to the presenters and approvers of the foresaid petition of the 11 of September.
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