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Rice science.
ISSN: 18764762 16726308 Publisher: Hangzhou : China National Rice Research Institute

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Rice : germplasm, genetics and improvement
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9535112406 9535142348 Year: 2014 Publisher: IntechOpen

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Rice is a staple food for half of the worlds population mostly in Asia. Productivity of rice has largely been improved since the Green Revolution in 1960s. Further improvement of rice yield is necessary to keep pace with population growth, which is a challenging task for breeders. This book, Rice - Germplasm, Genetics and Improvement, as its name implies, comprehensively reviews current knowledge in germplasm exploration, genetic basis of complex traits, and molecular breeding strategies in rice. In the germplasm part, we highlight the application of wild rice in rice breeding. In the genetics part, most of the complex traits related with yield, disease, quality have been covered. In the improvement part, Chinese experiences in hybrid rice breeding have been summarized together with many molecular breeding practices scattering in different chapters.

Rice : Technology and Production
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9535130307 9535130293 953515480X Year: 2017 Publisher: IntechOpen

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Rice is life, for most people living in Asia. Rice has shaped the cultures, diets, and economies of thousands of millions of people. Growing, selling, and eating rice are integral to the culture of many countries. Products of the rice plant are used for a number of different purposes, such as fuel, thatching, industrial starch, and artwork. Rice is the staple food of more than half of the world's population - more than 3.5 billion people depend on rice for more than 20% of their daily calories. Asia accounts for 90% of global rice consumption, exceeding 100 kg per capita annually in many countries. Keeping in view the importance of rice, the United Nations declared 2004 as the International Year of Rice. Food security, which is the condition of having enough food to provide adequate nutrition for a healthy life, is a critical issue. Sustainable rice production is important for food self-sufficiency and food security in changing climates. Sustainable rice production practices are those which (1) increase rice productivity and its quality, (2) improve soil fertility and health, (3) increase water use efficiency and conservation, and (4) increase diversification of rice fields, growers' income, and climate resilience.

Advances in International Rice Research
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9535130102 9535130099 9535154788 Year: 2017 Publisher: IntechOpen

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Rice provides staple food for more than 50% of the world's population and is an important crop in the world. With the new technologies such as high-throughput genome sequencing and integrated ""-omis"" methods applied in rice researches, great advancements have been made. This book was aimed to show a glance of new advancements in the international rice researches. The first section of the book introduced rice cultivation and production. As core sections of the book, the second and third sections introduced physiological and genetic mechanisms on grain quality and biotic and abiotic stress resistance as well as breeding. In the last section, we introduced new technologies such as chromatin immunoprecipitation, integrated ""-omis"" methods, and bistatic interferometry technology in rice research.

ISSN: 19398425 19398433 Year: 2008 Publisher: New York, NY : Springer US,

Burgerlijk procesrecht
ISBN: 9789046604960 Year: 2014 Volume: *22 Publisher: Antwerpen : Maklu,

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procesrecht --- Law of civil procedure --- burgerlijk recht --- Belgium --- Procédure civile --- BPB1403 --- Droit civil --- Action en matière civile --- Burgerlijk recht --- Burgerlijke procedure --- droit civil --- Civil procedure --- acción civil --- civil proceedings --- civiltiesvedība --- powództwo w sprawie cywilnej --- zivilrechtliche Klage --- гражданско дело --- tsiviilasja menetlus --- ação em matéria civil --- azione dinanzi a giurisdizione civile --- acțiune civilă --- občianskoprávna žaloba --- građanskopravna tužba --- proċedimenti ċivili --- polgári jogi kereset --- občanskoprávní žaloba --- siviilioikeudellinen menettely --- borgerlige sager --- грађанскоправна тужба --- çështje civile --- civilinė byla --- αγωγή αστικού δικαίου --- civilna tožba --- граѓански спор --- burgerlijke procedure --- talan i tvistemål --- civilā tiesvedība --- padi e ngritur përpara një gjykate civile --- riita-asioita käsittelevän tuomioistuimen käsiteltäväksi saatettu kanne --- acción en materia civil --- tvist --- kohtuprotsess --- граѓанска тужба --- byla --- civilinių bylų teismui pateiktas ieškinys --- polgári ügyekben eljáró bírósághoz benyújtott kereset --- lawsuit --- action brought before a civil court --- griezties tiesā --- proces civil --- celt prasību --- tsiviilkohtule esitatud hagi --- civilní žaloba --- civilproces --- iesniegt prasību --- občianskoprávny spor --- граѓанска парница --- oikeusjuttu --- ierosināt lietu --- žaloba podaná na občianskom súde --- acção em matéria civil --- demanda civil --- oikeusriita --- διαφορά --- tiesvedība civillietā --- action devant une juridiction civile --- Rechtsstreit --- tužba pred građanskim sudom --- civilrättsligt mål --- αγωγή ενώπιον πολιτικού δικαστηρίου --- civiltiesā celta prasība --- bírósághoz benyújtott polgári jogi kereset --- litige --- Klage vor einem Zivilgericht --- постапка пред граѓански суд --- rättstvist --- občanskoprávní návrh --- controversia --- građansko pravo --- Bürgerliches Recht --- civilrätt --- e drejtë civile --- občianske právo --- drept civil --- гражданско право --- prawo cywilne --- граѓанско право --- civilno pravo --- tsiviilõigus --- грађанско право --- siviilioikeus --- polgári jog --- civillikums --- αστικό δίκαιο --- diritto civile --- dritt ċivili --- civil law --- civilinė teisė --- Derecho civil --- občanské právo --- direito civil --- civilret --- gemeen recht --- ligj i shkruar --- имотноправни односи --- borgerlig ret --- tavanomainen oikeus --- Zivilrecht --- civilní právo --- üldõigus --- ligj i zakonshëm --- allgemeines Recht --- предметно право --- diritto comune --- drept comun --- Derecho común --- Κοινό Δίκαιο --- облигациски односи --- ordinary law --- všeobecné právo --- civiltiesības --- allmän rätt --- droit commun --- direito comum --- statutory law --- įprastinė teisė --- imeachtaí sibhialta --- an dlí sibhialta --- Action en matière civile

Les actions en cessation
ISBN: 2804420973 9782804420970 Year: 2006 Volume: 87 Publisher: Bruxelles Larcier

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La famille des actions en cessation ne cesse de prospérer. Jadis cantonnées à quelques matières spécifiques, les procédures instruites «comme en référé» ont investi toutes les disciplines du droit, au point de s’imposer comme une troisième voie, concurrente du fond et du référé. Au risque de se perdre ? Dans la tourmente de cet engouement législatif, l’heure était venue d’une part de tenter l’ébauche d’un droit commun du «comme en référé», d’autre part d’informer les praticiens des spécificités, tendances et derniers développements du régime de l’action en cessation instituée dans sa matière de prédilection. Introduit par une substantielle étude critique et transversale, l’ouvrage s’articule ensuite sur les contributions de spécialistes de chacune de ces matières: droit de l’environnement, droit de la consommation, droit bancaire et financier, respect de la vie privée, droits intellectuels, droit des personnes, droit de réponse, lutte contre la discrimination.


Law of civil procedure --- Belgium --- Provisional remedies --- Actions and defenses --- Mesures provisoires --- Actions et défenses --- Sanctions, Administrative --- Action en justice --- Belgique --- Rechtsingang --- België --- Actions et défenses --- Administrative penalties --- Administrative sanctions --- Penalties, Administrative --- Administrative law --- Administrative procedure --- Criminal law --- Law enforcement --- Sanctions (Law) --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- rechtsingang --- acción judicial --- tužba pred sudom --- skarga --- õigusmenetlus --- oikeudenkäynti --- tiesiska darbība --- azzjoni ġudizzjarja --- åtal --- teismo byla --- žaloba --- kereset --- жалба пред съд --- ação judicial --- søgsmål --- Klage vor Gericht --- тужба пред судом --- αξίωση παροχής εννόμου προστασίας --- tožba pred sodiščem --- legal action --- azione giudiziaria --- právní kroky --- правно дејство --- acțiune în justiție --- padi --- иницирање судска постапка --- ação judiciária --- instancia judicial --- inițierea unei acțiuni în justiție --- recurso judicial --- tiesvedības sākšana --- affaire judiciaire --- court case --- instância judicial --- fillim i padisë --- anhängiges Verfahren --- rechtszaak --- retssag --- поднесување тужба --- recours juridictionnel --- causa judicial --- azione legale --- tiesas lieta --- δικαστική προσφυγή --- αγωγή --- apertura del procedimento --- βαθμός δικαιοδοσίας --- procedureindledning --- súdny prípad --- keresetlevél --- istanza giudiziale --- návrh --- keresetindítás --- δικαστική υπόθεση --- õigusmenetluse algatamine --- pleito --- kohtuasi --- gerichtliche Klage --- instance judiciaire --- pokretanje sudskog postupka --- soudní žaloba --- sudski predmet --- противтужба --- acção judicial --- podání žaloby --- искористување вонреден правен лек --- oikeuskäsittelyn aloittaminen --- tuomioistuinmenettely --- perindítás --- προσφυγή στη δικαιοσύνη --- litígio --- давање одговор на тужба --- sagsanlæg --- поднесување жалба --- initiation of legal action --- kereseti kérelem --- návrh na žalobu --- bírósági ügy --- teisminio bylos nagrinėjimo pradėjimas --- recurso jurisdiccional --- процесно дејство --- çështje gjykate --- iscrizione a ruolo --- caingean dlí --- Sanctions, Administrative - Belgium --- Droit judiciaire --- Pratiques du commerce --- Droits d'auteur et droits voisins --- Droit bancaire et financier --- Référé familial --- Non-Discrimination --- Presse --- Protection de l'environnement --- Actions "comme en référé" --- Recours civils --- Actions en cessation --- Actions contre les infractions --- Contrôle de l'actionnariat --- Epargne publique --- Surveillance financière --- Transfert électronique de fonds --- Droit de réponse --- Droit économique et commercial --- Groupements de sociétés --- Droit civil --- Droit des sociétés --- Sociétés anonymes (SA) --- Statuts des actionnaires --- SPRL --- Statut des actionnaires --- Sociétés coopératives --- Droit des personnes --- Régimes matrimoniaux --- Actionnaires mariés sous communauté légale

Een Belgische vertegenwoordigende collectieve rechtsvordering
ISBN: 9789400002715 9400002718 Year: 2012 Publisher: Antwerpen : Intersentia,

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Dit boek is de handelseditie van het proefschrift dat Stefaan Voet in december 2011 verdedigde aan de faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit Gent. Het is het eerste volwaardige onderzoek in België over class actions, of vertegenwoordigende collectieve rechtsvorderingen, en meteen de referentie voor iedereen in ons taalgebied die zich wil verdiepen in dit onderwerp. In een eerste deel wordt de gebrekkige staat van het Belgisch burgerlijk procesrecht beschreven in verband met massaschadegevallen. In een tweede deel wordt aan de hand van een uitvoerige rechtsvergelijkende analyse stilgestaan bij vier bouwstenen waarop een Belgische class action zou moeten worden gebouwd. Vooreerst rijst de vraag wie het best geplaatst is om een vertegenwoordigende collectieve rechtsvordering in te stellen. Welke zijn de ontvankelijkheidsvoorwaarden waaraan een dergelijke rechtsvordering moet voldoen? Vervolgens wordt aandacht besteed aan de procedurele aspecten m.b.t. de vertegenwoordigde groep (wijze van kennisgeving en opt out versus opt in). Tot slot wordt de rol van de rechter in dergelijke zaken besproken. Elk hoofdstuk wordt afgesloten met een uitvoerige analyse van de drie Belgische voorstellen rond class action die in 2009 en 2010 werden gelanceerd.


Law of civil procedure --- Belgium --- Ebooks --- Actions and defenses --- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- Comparative law --- Class actions (Civil procedure) --- Recours collectifs (Procédure civile) --- Droit comparé --- E-books --- Belgique --- Action collective --- Action en justice --- Protection du consommateur --- BPB1207 --- avocat --- justitie --- procédure civile --- 347.9 <493> --- 111 Gerechtelijk privaatrecht --- fogyasztóvédelem --- заштита на потрошувачите --- ochrona konsumenta --- mbrojtja e konsumatorit --- protezzjoni tal-konsumatur --- consumer protection --- ochrana spotřebitele --- vartotojų apsauga --- varstvo potrošnikov --- zaštita potrošača --- kuluttajansuoja --- ochrana spotrebiteľa --- защита на потребителя --- Verbraucherschutz --- bescherming van de consument --- konsumentskydd --- tarbijakaitse --- protezione del consumatore --- patērētāju tiesību aizsardzība --- forbrugerbeskyttelse --- protecția consumatorului --- protección del consumidor --- proteção do consumidor --- προστασία του καταναλωτή --- заштита потрошача --- konzumerizmus --- tutela del consumatore --- consommatisme --- consumerism --- EBCU --- vartotojų interesų gynimas --- kuluttajan oikeudet --- consumatorismo --- Maßnahmen zugunsten der Verbraucher --- consumentisme --- plan veprimi i politikave për konsumatorin --- défense du consommateur --- konsumerismi --- prava potrošača --- δικαιώματα του καταναλωτή --- diritti del consumatore --- derechos del consumidor --- defesa do consumidor --- consumismo --- tarbijapoliitika tegevuskava --- права на потрошувачите --- forbrugerrettigheder --- consumentenbescherming --- recht van de consument --- plan d'action en faveur des consommateurs --- Handlingsplan för främjande av konsumenternas intressen --- práva spotřebitele --- fogyasztók joga --- plan de acțiune în favoarea consumatorului --- difesa del consumatore --- plan de acción en favor de los consumidores --- consumer policy action plan --- vartotojų teisės --- práva spotrebiteľov --- handlingsplan på forbrugerområdet --- forbrugerinteresser --- fogyasztóvédelmi cselekvési terv --- konsumentens rättigheter --- patērētāju aizsardzības politikas rīcības plāns --- droits du consommateur --- drepturile consumatorului --- φορέας προστασίας του καταναλωτή --- kuluttajien etua ajava toimintasuunnitelma --- plano de ação a favor dos consumidores --- piano d'azione a favore dei consumatori --- protecção do consumidor --- defensa del consumidor --- konsumerism --- consumerismo --- konzumerizam --- konsumerizëm --- actieplan ten behoeve van de consumenten --- të drejtat e konsumatorëve --- vartojimo politikos veiksmų planas --- σχέδιο δράσης υπέρ των καταναλωτών --- consumeurisme --- direitos do consumidor --- tarbija õigused --- consumers' rights --- tillvaratagande av konsumenternas intressen --- rechtsingang --- acción judicial --- tužba pred sudom --- skarga --- õigusmenetlus --- oikeudenkäynti --- tiesiska darbība --- azzjoni ġudizzjarja --- åtal --- teismo byla --- žaloba --- kereset --- жалба пред съд --- ação judicial --- søgsmål --- Klage vor Gericht --- тужба пред судом --- αξίωση παροχής εννόμου προστασίας --- tožba pred sodiščem --- legal action --- azione giudiziaria --- právní kroky --- правно дејство --- acțiune în justiție --- padi --- иницирање судска постапка --- ação judiciária --- instancia judicial --- inițierea unei acțiuni în justiție --- recurso judicial --- tiesvedības sākšana --- affaire judiciaire --- court case --- instância judicial --- fillim i padisë --- anhängiges Verfahren --- rechtszaak --- retssag --- поднесување тужба --- recours juridictionnel --- causa judicial --- azione legale --- tiesas lieta --- δικαστική προσφυγή --- αγωγή --- apertura del procedimento --- βαθμός δικαιοδοσίας --- procedureindledning --- súdny prípad --- keresetlevél --- istanza giudiziale --- návrh --- keresetindítás --- δικαστική υπόθεση --- õigusmenetluse algatamine --- pleito --- kohtuasi --- gerichtliche Klage --- instance judiciaire --- pokretanje sudskog postupka --- soudní žaloba --- sudski predmet --- противтужба --- acção judicial --- podání žaloby --- искористување вонреден правен лек --- oikeuskäsittelyn aloittaminen --- tuomioistuinmenettely --- perindítás --- προσφυγή στη δικαιοσύνη --- litígio --- давање одговор на тужба --- sagsanlæg --- поднесување жалба --- initiation of legal action --- kereseti kérelem --- návrh na žalobu --- bírósági ügy --- teisminio bylos nagrinėjimo pradėjimas --- recurso jurisdiccional --- процесно дејство --- çështje gjykate --- iscrizione a ruolo --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- 347.9 <493> Gerechtelijk privaatrecht. Burgerlijk procesrecht. Burgerlijke rechtsvordering.--België --- Gerechtelijk privaatrecht. Burgerlijk procesrecht. Burgerlijke rechtsvordering.--België --- Class action --- advocaat --- justice --- burgerlijke rechtsvordering --- cosaint tomhaltóirí --- caingean dlí --- Royaume-Uni --- Etats-Unis --- Allemagne --- Pays-Bas --- Canada --- Recours collectifs (droit)

Stakingsvordering zoals in kort geding inzake intellectuele eigendom : een stand van zaken
ISBN: 9782807911246 2807911242 Year: 2019 Publisher: Bruuxelles: Larcier,

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De stakingsvordering zoals in kort geding inzake intellectuele eigendom is in de context van de codificatie in het Wetboek van Economisch Recht op verschillende vlakken gewijzigd. Het is dan ook het geknipte moment om deze vordering in het licht van de rechtspraak te bespreken Deze monografie behandelt de stakingsvordering zoals in kort geding inzake intellectuele eigendom in het licht van de vele recente evoluties in de rechtspraak. In deze monografie bespreekt de auteur de historiek van de stakingsvordering zoals in kort geding, de titularissen en het voorwerp van de vordering, de rechten op basis waarvan de vordering kan worden ingesteld, wie kan worden geviseerd door de vordering, de mogelijke tegenvorderingen en de procedurele aspecten, kortom zowat alles wat het voorwerp heeft uitgemaakt van de rechtspraak, en meer.


Industrial and intellectual property --- Law of civil procedure --- Belgium --- STRADALEX --- BPB1903 --- Belgique --- Propriété intellectuelle --- Procédure judiciaire --- Action en justice --- Propriété intellectuelle --- Procédure judiciaire --- oikeudenkäyntimenettely --- právny proces --- tiesas procedūra --- soudní řízení --- διαδικασία ενώπιον δικαστηρίων --- bírósági eljárás --- teisena --- rechtsvordering --- procedimiento judicial --- proces gjyqësor --- postępowanie sądowe --- съдебна процедура --- судски поступак --- sodni postopek --- sudski postupak --- processo judicial --- судска постапка --- Gerichtsverfahren --- procedura giudiziaria --- retspleje --- imeachtaí breithiúnacha --- kohtumenetlus --- rättegångsförfarande --- judicial proceedings --- proċedimenti ġudizzjarji --- procedură judiciară --- kohtumenetluse katkestamine --- court proceedings --- judicial procedure --- procedurë gjyqësore --- právní řád --- prekid sudskoga postupka --- právní proces --- судски процес --- kohtumenetlusest loobumine --- peres eljárás --- procedura generale --- bírósági eljárás felfüggesztése --- tavanomainen menettely --- odustajanje od postupka --- menettelyn päättyminen --- právní řízení --- γενική διαδικασία --- teisinis procesas --- kohtumenetluse lõppemine --- întreruperea procedurii judiciare --- procedurë ligjore --- teismo proceso nutraukimas --- zastavení soudního procesu --- bírósági eljárás megszüntetése --- terminación del proceso --- abandon de la procédure --- retssagens afslutning --- Derecho procesal --- stopzetting van de procedure --- konec soudního procesu --- end of judicial proceedings --- kohtumenetluse lõpetamine --- vispārēja kārtība --- discontinuance of judicial proceedings --- procedură legală --- soudní řád --- retspleje i almindelighed --- ndërprerje e seancës gjyqësore --- pravni postupak --- sagsafslutning --- termine della procedura --- Abbruch des Verfahrens --- fin de la procédure --- vispārēji noteikumi --- algemene procedure --- procédure générale --- pravna procedura --- περάτωση της διαδικασίας --- upuštění od soudního procesu --- terminarea procedurii judiciare --- processo geral --- abbandono della procedura --- teismo procesas --- парница --- tërheqje nga procesi gjyqësor --- withdrawal of judicial proceedings --- tilbagetrækning af en sag --- opgivelse af en sag --- ordinär processordning --- procedimiento general --- Verfahrensende --- per szünetelése --- përfundim i seancës gjyqësore --- menettelyn hylkääminen --- παύση της διαδικασίας --- teismo proceso pabaiga --- Verfahrensrecht --- término do processo --- teisinė procedūra --- soudní proces --- právna procedúra --- abandono do processo --- legal procedure --- eljárásjog --- retragerea procedurii judiciare --- ολοκλήρωση της διαδικασίας --- legal proceedings --- интелектуална сопственост --- geistiges Eigentum --- proprietate intelectuală --- intellectual property --- intelektualna lastnina --- immateriell äganderätt --- intellektuel ejendomsret --- duševné vlastníctvo --- duševní vlastnictví --- własność intelektualna --- интелектуална својина --- propiedad intelectual --- intellektuaalomand --- intelektualno vlasništvo --- maoin intleachtúil --- intelektuālais īpašums --- proprjetà intellettwali --- intelektinė nuosavybė --- proprietà intellettuale --- pronësi intelektuale --- πνευματική ιδιοκτησία --- immateriaalioikeus --- intellectuele eigendom --- szellemi tulajdon --- propriedade intelectual --- интелектуална собственост --- pravo intelektualnog vlasništva --- szellemi tulajdonjog oltalma --- právo na duševní vlastnictví --- droit intellectuel --- derecho de propiedad intelectual --- e drejtë e pronësisë intelektuale --- intellektuaalomandi õigus --- práva duševného vlastníctva --- авторско дело --- intellektuaalse omandi õigus --- intelektinės nuosavybės teisė --- Schutz des geistigen Eigentums --- drept intelectual --- intellektuaalne omand --- сродни права --- intellectual property right --- intellectueel recht --- henkinen omaisuusoikeus --- norme sulla proprietà intellettuale --- δικαιώματα πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας --- intelektuālā īpašuma tiesības --- szerzői jogi védelem --- права од интелектуална сопственост --- direito de propriedade intelectual --- rechtsingang --- acción judicial --- tužba pred sudom --- skarga --- caingean dlí --- õigusmenetlus --- oikeudenkäynti --- tiesiska darbība --- azzjoni ġudizzjarja --- åtal --- teismo byla --- žaloba --- kereset --- жалба пред съд --- ação judicial --- søgsmål --- Klage vor Gericht --- тужба пред судом --- αξίωση παροχής εννόμου προστασίας --- tožba pred sodiščem --- legal action --- azione giudiziaria --- právní kroky --- правно дејство --- acțiune în justiție --- padi --- иницирање судска постапка --- ação judiciária --- instancia judicial --- inițierea unei acțiuni în justiție --- recurso judicial --- tiesvedības sākšana --- affaire judiciaire --- court case --- instância judicial --- fillim i padisë --- anhängiges Verfahren --- rechtszaak --- retssag --- поднесување тужба --- recours juridictionnel --- causa judicial --- azione legale --- tiesas lieta --- δικαστική προσφυγή --- αγωγή --- apertura del procedimento --- βαθμός δικαιοδοσίας --- procedureindledning --- súdny prípad --- keresetlevél --- istanza giudiziale --- návrh --- keresetindítás --- δικαστική υπόθεση --- õigusmenetluse algatamine --- pleito --- kohtuasi --- gerichtliche Klage --- instance judiciaire --- pokretanje sudskog postupka --- soudní žaloba --- sudski predmet --- противтужба --- acção judicial --- podání žaloby --- искористување вонреден правен лек --- oikeuskäsittelyn aloittaminen --- tuomioistuinmenettely --- perindítás --- προσφυγή στη δικαιοσύνη --- litígio --- давање одговор на тужба --- sagsanlæg --- поднесување жалба --- initiation of legal action --- kereseti kérelem --- návrh na žalobu --- bírósági ügy --- teisminio bylos nagrinėjimo pradėjimas --- recurso jurisdiccional --- процесно дејство --- çështje gjykate --- iscrizione a ruolo --- action en justice --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- 151 Intellectuele rechten --- Intellectual property

Potpourri van de civiele rechtspleging : anno 2018
ISBN: 9782807904637 2807904637 Year: 2018 Publisher: Bruxelles: Larcier,

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Law of civil procedure --- Belgium --- BPB9999. --- BPB1902 --- STRADALEX --- Application de la loi --- Droit civil --- Frais de justice --- Justice --- Sanction pénale --- 140 Burgerlijk recht --- gerechtskosten --- oikeudenkäyntikulut --- koszty sądowe --- costas judiciales --- Gerichtskosten --- shpenzime gjyqësore --- costais dlí --- sodni stroški --- spese processuali --- troškovi postupka --- náklady konania --- трошкови поступка --- δικαστικά έξοδα --- teismo išlaidos --- náklady řízení --- legal expenses --- съдебни разходи --- cheltuieli de judecată --- despesas judiciais --- kohtukulud --- tiesvedības izdevumi --- spejjeż ġuridiċi --- eljárási költségek --- rättegångskostnader --- sagsomkostninger --- судски трошоци --- liquidation des dépens --- ar tiesāšanos saistīti izdevumi --- likvidace výdajů --- bűnügyi költség --- процесни трошоци --- perköltség --- sudska pristojba --- spese di giustizia --- ar lietas vešanu saistītie izdevumi --- custas judiciais --- Prozesskosten --- proceskosten --- dépens --- spese legali --- frais judiciaire --- výdaje --- судски такси --- tiesas izdevumi --- kaznena sankcija --- kazenska sankcija --- piena --- karistus --- büntetés --- strafsanctie --- trestná sankcia --- pedepse --- penalty --- trestní sankce --- sanção penal --- sanción penal --- Strafmaßnahme --- strafferetlig sanktion --- ποινική κύρωση --- påföljd --- masë ndëshkimore --- kara --- казна --- sanzione penale --- bausmė --- seuraamus --- наказание --- sods --- pamatsods --- sentence --- trest --- domfældelse --- rangaistus --- osuda --- condena --- condenação --- kazna --- sentință --- Verurteilung --- süüdimõistmine --- ποινή --- dënim --- straff --- straf --- kaznena mjera --- fällande dom --- nuosprendis --- condamnation --- kriminālsods --- condanna --- brottspåföljd --- кривична санкција --- druhy trestu --- punishment --- kažnjavanje --- tuomio --- veroordeling --- καταδίκη --- pena --- peine --- kaznenopravna sankcija --- potrestání --- papildsods --- szankció --- казнени мерки --- sunnivahend --- büntetőítélet --- potrestanie --- stosowanie ustawy --- примена закона --- приложение на правото --- tillämpning av lagen --- törvények alkalmazása --- aplicación de la ley --- applicazione della legge --- tiesību aktu piemērošana --- vykonávanie zákona --- applikazzjoni tal-leġiżlazzjoni --- gennemførelse af lov --- aplikace zákona --- примена на закони --- provedba zakona --- lain soveltaminen --- εφαρμογή του νόμου --- teisės akto taikymas --- aplicação da lei --- toepassing van de wet --- zbatim i ligjit --- aplicarea legii --- seaduse rakendamine --- application of the law --- uporaba zakona --- Anwendung des Gesetzes --- törvénytől való eltérés --- iværksættelse af lov --- mise en œuvre de la loi --- lovs gyldighed --- teisės aktų taikymas --- vlefshmëri e ligjit --- verkställighet av lag --- имплементација на закони --- presadzovanie zákona --- Durchführungsbestimmung --- fuldbyrdelse --- afvigelse fra lov --- inbreuk op de wet --- deroga alla legge --- nærmere regler for gennemførelse af lov --- modalità d'applicazione delle leggi --- seaduse kehtivus --- dérogation à la loi --- vymezení zákona --- uskutečňování zákona --- uplatnění zákona --- implementace zákona --- törvény hatálybaléptetése --- valjanost zakona --- afwijking van de wet --- attuazione della legge --- mise en oeuvre de la loi --- törvény végrehajtása --- wijze van toepassing van de wet --- entrata in vigore della legge --- validità della legge --- įstatymo vykdymas --- jogalkalmazás --- platnost zákona --- jogszabályok érvényesülése --- voorwaarde voor toepassing --- vigencia de la ley --- validitatea legii --- laista poikkeaminen --- εκτέλεση του νόμου --- execução da lei --- geldigheid van de wet --- törvénynek való megfelelés --- извршување закони --- primjena zakona --- lainsäädännön täytäntöönpano --- derogácia zo zákona --- esecuzione della legge --- įstatymo įgyvendinimas --- validity of the law --- törvény betartása --- implementarea legii --- törvény kikényszerítése --- lain pätevyys --- exécution de la loi --- törvény be nem tartása --- desarrollo de la ley --- aplicarea legislației --- tiesību aktu spēkā esamība --- likumdošanas piemērošana --- ekzekutim i ligjit --- seaduse jõustamine --- Gültigkeit des Gesetzes --- gennemførelsesbetingelse --- efficacia immediata della legge --- įstatymo taikymas --- derogation from the law --- cumplimiento de la ley --- seaduse täitmine --- lagens giltighet --- implementation of the law --- ejecución de la ley --- avvikelse från lagen --- спроведување закони --- derogare de la lege --- seadusest kõrvalekaldumine --- įstatymo išlyga --- validité de la loi --- derogación de la ley --- platnosť zákona --- derrogação à lei --- дерогација на закони --- įstatymo galiojimas --- έναρξη ισχύος του νόμου --- enforcement of the law --- intrarea în vigoare a legii --- tiesību aktu izpilde --- lain täytöntöönpano --- schending van de wet --- jogszabályok alkalmazása --- отстапување од закони --- izvršenje zakona --- termijn voor toepassing van de wet --- validade da lei --- účinnost zákona --- implementacija zakona --- Durchführung des Gesetzes --- tenuitvoerlegging van de wet --- παρέκκλιση από το νόμο --- uplatňovanie zákona --- shmangie nga ligji --- ισχύς του νόμου --- građansko pravo --- Bürgerliches Recht --- civilrätt --- e drejtë civile --- občianske právo --- drept civil --- гражданско право --- prawo cywilne --- граѓанско право --- civilno pravo --- tsiviilõigus --- грађанско право --- siviilioikeus --- polgári jog --- civillikums --- αστικό δίκαιο --- diritto civile --- dritt ċivili --- civil law --- civilinė teisė --- Derecho civil --- burgerlijk recht --- občanské právo --- direito civil --- civilret --- gemeen recht --- ligj i shkruar --- имотноправни односи --- borgerlig ret --- tavanomainen oikeus --- Zivilrecht --- civilní právo --- üldõigus --- ligj i zakonshëm --- allgemeines Recht --- предметно право --- diritto comune --- drept comun --- Derecho común --- Κοινό Δίκαιο --- облигациски односи --- ordinary law --- všeobecné právo --- civiltiesības --- allmän rätt --- droit commun --- direito comum --- statutory law --- įprastinė teisė --- 201902 --- Action en justice --- Créance --- claim --- pretensjoni --- pretendim --- terjatev --- ieškinys --- schuldvordering --- credito legale --- creanță --- tražbina --- Schuldforderung --- побарување --- nõue --- prasība --- követelés --- pohľadávka --- fordran --- pohledávka --- вземане --- потраживање --- απαίτηση --- éileamh --- créditos por cobrar --- saatava --- créditos --- fordring --- roszczenie --- notation des créances --- kreditorius --- creditor --- laskelma saatavista --- доверител --- creditore --- montante devido --- Gläubiger --- πιστωτής --- znesek denarne terjatve --- věřitel --- Bewertung von Wertpapieren des Finanzmarkts --- βαθμολόγηση της πιστοληπτικής ικανότητας ομολογιακής έκδοσης --- prasījums --- αξιολόγηση της πιστοληπτικής ικανότητας --- nárok --- prasītājs --- kreditur --- éileamh ar fhiach --- võlausaldaja --- cuentas por cobrar --- ammont riċevibbli --- zahtjev vjerovnika --- velkoja --- zadužnica --- kreditbedömning för skuldebrev --- upnik --- creidiúnaí --- Forderung --- požadavek --- acreedor --- tenedor de deuda --- võlaarvestus --- βαθμολόγηση του αξιόχρεου των χρεογράφων --- vjerovnik --- veriteľ --- kreditor --- заемодавец --- deuda incobrable --- risque des créances --- potraživanje --- credor --- reikalavimas --- schuldeiser --- kreditors --- кредитор --- договорно побарување --- hitelező --- rischio creditizio --- заемодател --- Wertpapierrisiko --- rating --- créancier --- cuenta de deudores --- amount receivable --- borgenär --- wierzyciel --- fordringsägare --- kifogás --- risknivå för skuldebrev --- igény --- valor a receber --- valutazione bancaria --- créditos incobrables --- rechtsingang --- acción judicial --- tužba pred sudom --- skarga --- õigusmenetlus --- oikeudenkäynti --- tiesiska darbība --- azzjoni ġudizzjarja --- åtal --- teismo byla --- žaloba --- kereset --- жалба пред съд --- ação judicial --- søgsmål --- Klage vor Gericht --- тужба пред судом --- αξίωση παροχής εννόμου προστασίας --- tožba pred sodiščem --- legal action --- azione giudiziaria --- právní kroky --- правно дејство --- acțiune în justiție --- padi --- иницирање судска постапка --- ação judiciária --- instancia judicial --- inițierea unei acțiuni în justiție --- recurso judicial --- tiesvedības sākšana --- affaire judiciaire --- court case --- instância judicial --- fillim i padisë --- anhängiges Verfahren --- rechtszaak --- retssag --- поднесување тужба --- recours juridictionnel --- causa judicial --- azione legale --- tiesas lieta --- δικαστική προσφυγή --- αγωγή --- apertura del procedimento --- βαθμός δικαιοδοσίας --- procedureindledning --- súdny prípad --- keresetlevél --- istanza giudiziale --- návrh --- keresetindítás --- δικαστική υπόθεση --- õigusmenetluse algatamine --- pleito --- kohtuasi --- gerichtliche Klage --- instance judiciaire --- pokretanje sudskog postupka --- soudní žaloba --- sudski predmet --- противтужба --- acção judicial --- podání žaloby --- искористување вонреден правен лек --- oikeuskäsittelyn aloittaminen --- tuomioistuinmenettely --- perindítás --- προσφυγή στη δικαιοσύνη --- litígio --- давање одговор на тужба --- sagsanlæg --- поднесување жалба --- initiation of legal action --- kereseti kérelem --- návrh na žalobu --- bírósági ügy --- teisminio bylos nagrinėjimo pradėjimas --- recurso jurisdiccional --- процесно дејство --- çështje gjykate --- iscrizione a ruolo --- E-books --- pionós --- cur i bhfeidhm an dlí --- an dlí sibhialta --- caingean dlí --- Sanction pénale --- frais de justice --- droit civil --- application de la loi --- Créance --- action en justice

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