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Une histoire consternante : pourquoi des philosophes se laissent corrompre par le "cas Heidegger"
ISBN: 2840160781 2821817843 2821826699 Year: 2011 Publisher: Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre

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Ce livre critique la façon dont le « cas Heidegger », c’est-à-dire la compromission de l’ancien recteur du Fribourg dans le national-socialisme, est envisagé par des philosophes tels que Gadamer, Habermas, Derrida, Lyotard, Lacoue-Labarthe, Rorty ou Arendt. L’auteur nous montre comment ces philosophes reprennent et commentent les mêmes lieux communs : le « tournant de 1929 » ou le « silence après 1945 », sans interroger la déshumanisation radicale de la pensée qui caractérise selon lui le fond même de l’œuvre heideggérienne. Hassan Givsan nous invite à une lecture ironique et précise de ces écrits qui met au jour les contradictions des commentateurs et leur propension à sacrifier la cohérence à l’effet rhétorique.

Language and "the feminine" in Nietzsche and Heidegger
ISBN: 0253055709 9780253055705 0585027420 9780585027425 0253326281 0253205891 9780253326287 9780253205896 Year: 1990 Publisher: Bloomington

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Nietzsche and Heidegger were both lovers of language, and author Jean Graybeal argues that their writing styles demonstrate a relationship with the feminine dimension of language. Using as a framework the theories of Julia Kristeva concerning the "symbolic" and "semiotic" dispositions in language, Graybeal reads Nietzsche and Heidegger as writers and thinkers whose experimentation with language is directly relevant both to their quests for nonmetaphysical ways of thinking and to the feminist project of moving beyond male dominance. The chapters on Nietzsche discuss portions of The Gay Science, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and Ecce Homo with the question of woman in the forefront of the analysis. The chapters on Heidegger deal, first, with Being and Time, describing the ways in which Heidegger evokes the feminine and semiotic dimensions in language. Finally, eight of Heidegger's later essays are read with attention to feminine, maternal, and erotic imagery. Uniquely influential in contemporary philosophy, Nietzsche's and Heidegger's attempts to overcome metaphysics may also contribute to the task of moving beyond androcentric thinking. Graybeal' s sensitive critical study enables readers of philosophy, theology, and criticism to imagine how the work of Nietzsche and Heidegger is relevant to our understandings of what it is to be women and men.

Echoes of No Thing : Thinking between Heidegger and Dōgen
ISBN: 1950192024 1950192016 Year: 2019 Publisher: Brooklyn, NY punctum books

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Echoes of No Thing seeks to understand the space between thinking which Martin Heidegger and the 13th-century Zen patriarch Eihei Dōgen explore in their writing and teachings. Heidegger most clearly attempts this in Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) and Dōgen in his Shōbōgenzō, a collection of fascicles which he compiled in his lifetime. Both thinkers draw us towards thinking, instead of merely defining systems of thought. Both Heidegger and Dōgen imagine possibilities not apparent in the world we currently inhabit, but notably, find possible, through a refashioning of thinking as a soteriological reimagining that clears space for the presencing of an authentic experience in the space which emerges between certainties. Jenkins elucidates this soteriological reimagining through a close reading of both authors’ conceptions of time and space, and by developing a practice of listening that is attuned to the echoes that resonate between the two thinkers. While Heidegger often wrote about new beginnings (as well as about gathering oneself, preparing the site, clearings, and practicing) in preparation for the evental un-concealing of truth, nowhere is this as present as in the enigmatic, difficult, and in fact beautiful, Contributions. To call a text beautiful, especially a work of philosophy, risks committing an act of disingenuity, and yet Contributions, like Jacques Derrida’s Glas or Walter Benjamin’s unfinished Arcades Project, rises to this acclaim through its very resistance to a system, its refusal to be easily digested, or even understood. Contributions is unfinished, partial, even at times muttered; it is the beginning of a thinking which takes place on a path and as such cannot imagine—or refuse—its final destination. It invites us to take up towards, but not to insist on, its thinking; it is a “turn” away from the reason and logic of a technologized world and returns philosophy—as a thinking—to a place of wonder and awe. Dōgen’s Shōbogenzō, from another culture and time entirely, is also a beautiful text, for similar reasons. The Shōbogenzō, gathered first as a series of talks given by Eihei Dōgen (and later composed as written texts) details the process of understanding which leads, for Dōgen, to a position of pure seeing, or satori, and yet these talks are not simply rules for monks, nor merely imprecations and demands for a laity; rather, they open a being’s thinking to the possibility of something purely other and work as a transition across worlds that also opens us to an other world. What both thinkers illustrate, as do the other thinkers drawn on in this project—most notably, those philosophers associated with the Kyoto School, who were both intimately aware of Dōgen’s work, and studied, or studied with, Heidegger—is that world is not a fixed, stable entity; rather it is a fugal composition of possibility, of as yet untraversed—and at times un-traversable—spaces. Echoes of No Thing seeks to examine, within the lacunal eddies of be-coming’s arrival, that space between which both thinkers point towards as possible sites of new beginnings.

De hedendaagse filosofie tot het bittere einde doorgedacht : afscheid van Nietzsche, Heidegger, wetenschapsfilosofie.
ISBN: 9789044118452 9044118455 9789044114454 Year: 2006 Publisher: Antwerpen Garant

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Confrontatie met het Westerse denken, in het bijzonder met Nietzsche, Heidegger en met het wetenschappelijk objectivisme. Het boek bevat 3 studies die de kritiek op de moderniteit onderbouwen.

Time and the Shared World : Heidegger on Social Relations
ISBN: 9780810129023 9780810129030 0810129027 0810129035 0810166569 Year: 2013 Publisher: Evanston, Ill. : Northwestern University Press,

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This volume challenges the view that Heidegger offers few resources for understanding humanity's social nature. The book demonstrates that Heidegger's reformulation of traditional notions of subjectivity has implications for understanding the nature of relationships. McMullin shows that Heidegger's characterization of selfhood as fundamentally social presupposes the responsive acknowledgment of each person's particularity and otherness. In doing so, she argues that Heidegger's work on the social nature of the self must be located within a philosophical continuum that builds on Kant and Husserl's work regarding the nature of the a priori and the fundamental structures of human temporality, while also pointing forward to developments of these themes found in Heidegger's later work and in such thinkers as Sartre and Levinas. By developing unrecognized resources in Heidegger's work, this volume provides a Heidegger-inspired account of respect and the intersubjective origins of normativity.

Das Ende der Kunst und der Paradigmenwechsel in der Ästhetik : Untersuchungen zu Adorno, Heidegger und Gehlen in systematischer Absicht
ISBN: 3495478485 3495996885 Year: 2023 Publisher: Freiburg i.Br. Freiburg (Breisgau); München : Alber Alber,

Los profetas y el mesías : Lukács y Ortega como precursores de Heidegger en el Zeitgeist de la modernidad (1900-1929)
ISBN: 9681206673 6075641130 Year: 1996 Publisher: El Colegio de México

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Acerca de Lukács y de Ortega y Gasset, filósofos de la generación de 1914, se ha sostenido que ambos representan posiciones radicalmente opuestas y que puede adjudicárseles el crédito de ser precursores de Martín Heidegger. Sin embargo, el autor aplica el método de la sociología del conocimiento al ambiente cultural europeo del primer tercio del siglo XX, y cuestiona estos dos lugares comunes de la historia de las ideas. Es el primer estudio que hace hincapié en las coincidencias entre las obras de juventud de Lukács y las de Ortega y Gasset. La metodología del presente trabajo constituye un argumento más a su favor por su estilo claro y preciso, por la erudición de sus notas y de su bibliografía y, sobre todo, por su exigencia de continuidad con la obra de José Gaos. Esta obra recupera las mejores tradiciones de investigación en México.

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