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Johann Freinsheim's Supplementa in Q. Curtium are supplements to the lost parts of the Historiae Alexandri, an ancient history of Alexander the Great written by Q. Curtius Rufus. For the first time, a modern edition and a complete German translation along with Freinsheim's copious references is made available.
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The volume is a collection of 21 essays on the work of Plutarch and his fortune in the modern era, already published in classical philology and ancient history journals, or in collected volumes. The essays are grouped under topics (The Cultural Context, Politics, History, Plutarch and European Culture, Between Past and Future) and have a unified bibliography, with indexes of the ancient names and passages discussed.
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Chronoi: Time, Time Awareness, Time Management is a book series that presents the work of the Einstein Center Chronoi. The center is dedicated to the investigation of time and time-related subjects such as time awareness, time management, time perception, and temporality from interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives.
Neoplatonism. --- Time. --- Ancient philosophy.
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La Teoría de los sentimientos morales, publicada en 1759, es una obra profundamente influida por el utilitarismo de Bentham y Mill en la que Adam Smith describe la formación de los juicios morales en el marco de un “orden natural" de ámbito social, y sobre cuyos principios basará su posterior liberalismo económico
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"One of his six introductions to philosophy, widely used by students in Alexandria, Ammonius' lecture on Porphyry was recorded in writing by his students in the commentary translated here. Along with five other types of introductions (three of which are translated in the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle volume Elias and David: Introductions to Philosophy with Olympiodorus: Introduction to Logic) it made Greek philosophy more accessible to other cultures. These introductions became standard in Ammonius' school and included a popular set of five or more definitions of philosophy, some of them drawn from commentaries on quite different works."
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In this book, philosopher Jean W. Rioux extends accounts of the Aristotelian philosophy of mathematics to what Thomas Aquinas was able to import from Aristotle’s notions of pure and applied mathematics, accompanied by his own original contributions to them. Rioux sets these accounts side-by-side modern and contemporary ones, comparing their strengths and weaknesses.
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Aristotelova Druga analitika, eno izmed del, ki tvorijo sklop njegovih logiških spisov, imenovan Organon, velja v dolgi tradiciji evropske misli za prvo fokusirano razmišljanje s področja teorije in filozofije znanosti. Če je Prva analitika postregla z analizo silogizma kot obliko logičnega sklepanja, se je v njenem »nadaljevanju« Aristotel soočil z vprašanjem, kako slednje uporabiti v znanosti (epistēmē) in ga povezal s tem, kdaj kaj vemo in kakšni so pogoji za njen obstoj. Pri tem izhaja iz stališča, da kaj vemo takrat, ko vemo, zakaj je tisto, kar vemo, nujno takšno~razlago razume kot dokaz o tem. Ta ima zato strukturo sklepanja, osrednja vprašanja v Drugi analitiki pa so zato povezana z opredelitvami znanosti oz. znanstvenega razumevanja, dokaza, definicije in npr. vzročnosti. Delo, napisano z nezgrešljivo natančnostjo in »analitičnostjo« antičnega filozofskega velemojstra, v slovenski prostor vnaša potrebno svežino dragocene zgodovinske perspektive za vse, ki se ukvarjajo s področji epistemologije, logike ali npr. znanstvene metodologije.
ancient philosophy --- Aristotle --- Greek philosophy --- antična filozofija --- Aristoteles --- grška filozofija
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Luciani Vitarum Auctio. Piscator (Bibliotheca Teubneriana)
Philosophy, Ancient --- -Ancient philosophy --- Greek philosophy --- Philosophy, Greek --- Philosophy, Roman --- Roman philosophy --- Humor --- -Humor --- Ancient philosophy --- Philosophy, Ancient - Humor.
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»Chiasmen« ist ein Buch zu Platon, Sappho und Aristoteles. Das Chiasma, die diagonale Überkreuzung zweier Gegensatzpaare, hat sich als der methodologisch beste Schlüssel für deren Bearbeitung erwiesen - ein Schlüssel, der vor allem am Leib-Seele-Problem sowie an der Geschlechterfrage im Kontext der antiken Polis erprobt wurde. Dieser Schlüssel hebelt die alteingesessenen Dogmen umso besser aus, als er in den antiken Werken selbst zu finden ist. Das Chiasma legt ebenso die surreale Komik Platons inmitten seiner einfallsreichen Begriffssystematik frei, wie es die genial poetischen Philosopheme Sapphos zu erschließen hilft. »[L]obenswert ist, dass mit »Chiasmen. Philosophie von Platon zu Sappho - von Sappho zu uns« ein im deutschsprachigen Raum seltener Zugriff auf die griechische Antike geboten wird. [E]ines ist Pechriggl jedenfalls nicht abzusprechen: Originalität und der Mut, eine ›queere‹ Sicht auf die Antike zu bieten.« Kathrin Höning,, 23 (2007)
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