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Im Jahre 1488 lud der in der Kirchenreform engagierte Augsburger Bischof Friedrich von Zollern seinen engen Freund, den berühmten charismatischen Straßburger Münsterprediger Johannes Geiler von Kaysersberg (1445–1510), nach Augsburg ein, um ihn in der Stadt mit einer Prädikatur am Dom zu etablieren, was allerdings nicht gelang. Geiler, der bekannteste deutsche Prediger des 15. Jahrhunderts, hielt seine Ansprachen zwischen dem 29. September und dem 28. Dezember 1488 vor einem enthusiastischen Augsburger Publikum und bot den Hörern mit einer geschickten rhetorischen Strategie recht anspruchsvolle theologische Lehre. Sein Predigtwerk ist in der äußerst seltenen Überlieferungsform der Predigtnachschriften erhalten. Es handelt sich dabei um die ersten zur Veröffentlichung gekommenen Predigten Geilers überhaupt. Verfasser der Nachschriften war höchstwahrscheinlich der Weber und Liederdichter Jörg Preining, der sich in der Nähe von Ketzergruppen bewegte und schließlich 1504 aus Augsburg vertrieben wurde. Das Predigtwerk ist in fünf Redaktionen überliefert, wovon vier nach der überlieferungsgeschichtlichen Methode synoptisch ediert werden und eine späte Version in einem vollständigen Variantenapparat dokumentiert wird. Johannes Geiler von Kaysersberg (1445-1510), the best-known 15th century German preacher, delivered his sermons to an enthusiastic Augsburg audience in 1488. These sermons were preserved in the form of sermon transcripts, and have been handed down in five versions, four of which have been synoptically edited using the tradition-historical method; the fifth, later version is presented in a complete critical apparatus of variants.
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Die ‚Millstätter Predigten‘, eine Sammlung von 72 deutschsprachigen Musterpredigten aus der Zeit um 1200, enthalten in geradezu idealtypischer Weise die katechetischen und liturgischen Standardinformationen zu jedem Predigtanlass. Unter den acht großen Sammlungen der Frühen deutschen Predigt, die zwischen 1170 und 1230 entstanden und im europäischen Vergleich ein quantitativ und qualitativ einzigartiges Corpus katechetischer und adhortativer Texte in der Volkssprache ihrer Zeit darstellen, waren nur die ‚Millstätter Predigten‘ bislang unerschlossen; sie waren zugleich das letzte große Textkonvolut aus der Zeit um 1200, das noch nicht durch eine Edition zugänglich gemacht war. Ihre Bedeutung für das Verständnis des theologischen Wissenshorizonts und Wissensbestands von Laien um 1200 kann nicht hoch genug eingeschätzt werden.Die Edition bietet Text, kritischen Apparat und Verständnishilfen, vollständige Nachweise der zugrundeliegenden Bibelstellen und Liturgika, Glossar und Verzeichnisse, in der Einleitung die Darstellung der Überlieferung und Streuüberlieferung, eine Untersuchung des Entstehungskontexts und eine Typologie der Predigtformen. Publication of the Millstatt Sermons opens access to the last yet untapped collection of early German sermons (around 1200). This edition of 72 prototypical German language sermons includes the texts with a critical apparatus, references to Bible passages, a glossary and directories, notes on the transmission history, a study of the context in which they were written, and a typology of sermon forms.
Christian pastoral theology --- anno 1100-1199 --- anno 1200-1299 --- Germany --- Sermon. --- collection. --- LITERARY CRITICISM / Medieval.
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Historienbibeln waren im 14./15. Jahrhundert im gesamten deutschen Sprachraum die häufigste Form deutscher Bibelübersetzung. Sie enthielten wesentliche Teile des Alten Testaments (selten auch des Neuen Testaments) und erläuterten wichtige Stellen durch historische Kommentare, Legenden und Ähnliches. Im Gebrauch waren sie bei Weltgeistlichen, Angehörigen der städtischen Oberschicht und des Adels. Hans Vollmers (1871–1941) Einteilung der über 100 Handschriften in zehn Gruppen gilt noch heute. Im vorliegenden Band werden von der mitteldeutschen Gruppe VI die beiden gut erhaltenen Erfurter Handschriften aus den 1420er Jahren vollständig synoptisch wiedergegeben, die beiden anderen Handschriften (olim Meiningen, 1439, und Breslau, 1465) werden entsprechend der Überlieferungslage vorgestellt. Der Textabdruck weist die Bezüge zur Vulgata und zu anderen Quellen nach, die Einleitung behandelt relevante bibelgeschichtliche, kodikologische und sprachgeschichtliche Fragen. Ein kommentierendes Namenverzeichnis und ein ausführliches Wortverzeichnis mit Angabe der lateinischen Entsprechungen sowie ein lateinisch-deutscher Index schließen die Ausgabe ab. Für Theologen, Germanisten und Historiker wird damit ein wichtiger Textzeuge spätmittelalterlicher Bibelgeschichte bereitgestellt. The volume provides the text of the Erfurt Popular Bible (an expanded bible translation with commentary) in a parallel presentation of two Erfurt manuscripts from the 1420s. The text reprint indicates the connections to the vulgate and other sources, and the introduction covers relevant biblical historical, codicological, and language historical issues, thereby presenting an important textual example of late Medieval bible history.
Book history --- Manuscripts. Epigraphy. Paleography --- Bible --- Popular bibles. --- LITERARY CRITICISM / Medieval.
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Literature --- anno 1200-1499 --- Criticism, Medieval. --- Literature, Medieval --- Classical literature --- History and criticism --- Theory, etc. --- -Criticism, Medieval --- -European literature --- Medieval literature --- Medieval criticism --- Literature, Classical --- Literature, Ancient --- Greek literature --- Latin literature --- -Theory, etc --- -History and criticism --- -Medieval criticism --- European literature --- Criticism, Medieval --- History and criticism&delete& --- Theory, etc --- Bible --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- History --- Sources. --- Biblia --- Literature, Medieval - History and criticism - Theory, etc. --- Classical literature - History and criticism - Theory, etc.
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In such a wide-ranging, long-standing, and international field of scholarship as Beowulf, one might imagine that everything would long since have been thoroughly investigated. And yet as far as the absolutely crucial question of the poem's origins is concerned, that is not the case.This cross-disciplinary study by Bo Gräslund argues that the material, geographical, historical, social, and ideological framework of Beowulf cannot be the independent literary product of an Old English Christian poet, but was in all essentials created orally in Scandinavia, which was a fertile seedbed for epic poetry.Through meticulous argument interwoven with an impressive assemblage of data, archaeological and otherwise, Gräslund offers possible answers to the questions of the provenance of the Geats, the location of Heorot, and many more, such as the significance of Sutton Hoo and the signification of the Grendel kin and dragon in the sixth century when the events of the poem, coinciding with cataclysmic events in northern Europe, took place.
Literature --- LITERARY CRITICISM / Medieval. --- Eastern Sweden. --- Gotland. --- Grendel. --- Heorot. --- Scandinavian epics. --- Sutton Hoo. --- geats. --- Beowulf --- Criticism, Tetual. --- To 1500 --- Scandinavia --- Antiquities.
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History of philosophy --- Criticism --- Criticism, Medieval --- Philosophy, Medieval --- Theology --- -Christian theology --- Theology, Christian --- Christianity --- Religion --- Medieval philosophy --- Scholasticism --- Medieval criticism --- Appraisal of books --- Books --- Evaluation of literature --- Literary criticism --- Literature --- Rhetoric --- Aesthetics --- Style, Literary --- Early works to 1800 --- Appraisal --- Technique --- Evaluation --- Criticism, Medieval. --- Philosophy, Medieval. --- Early works to 1800. --- -Early works to 1800
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"Thisvolume immerses readers in a debate tradition that flourished in Franceduring the late Middle Ages, focusing on two works that were bothpopular and controversial in their time: Le Roman de la Rose by thirteenth-century poets Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun and La Belle Dame sans Mercyby fifteenth-century royal secretary and poet Alain Chartier. This isthe first comparative volume on these important works and thediscussions they sparked.Engaging with questions ofwomen's agency, love, marriage, and honor, these two poems promptedresponses that circulated via treatises, letters, and sermons amongofficials, clerics, and poets. Joan McRae provides commentary on the twotexts, a timeline and summary of the resulting debates, andbiographical sketches of the leading intellectuals who matched wits overdifferent ways of reading the texts, including pioneering writerChristine de Pizan. McRae shows that these works and the debates, readtogether, consider a range of social issues that raise questions ofgender, the place of power and hierarchy in societal relationships, andthe responsibility of writers for the effect of their works on readers.An Introduction to Literary Debate in Late Medieval France isa helpful overview of these weighty arguments for both students andscholars. McRae provides a compact, comprehensive, and up-to-date study,spotlighting influential literary expressions that evolved into the"querelle des femmes," the "woman question," which in turn paved the wayfor modern feminism."
Debates and debating in literature. --- Sex role in literature. --- Women in literature. --- LITERARY CRITICISM / Medieval --- POETRY / Medieval --- Guillaume, --- Chartier, Alain, --- Thematology --- Old French literature --- History of civilization --- anno 1200-1499
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This is the first translation in any language of John of Garland's poem about the historical events of his lifetime (c. 1195- c. 1258), together with revised Latin text, introduction and notes. This work gives a vivid picture of Anglo-French relations, of studies in Toulouse after the Albigensian Crusade, and of the need for faith following Louis' catastrophic defeat in the Seventh Crusade. John gives us insights into his own life, and a stream of stories, holy and profane. The translation and notes bring to life for a wide range of medievalists this eye-witness account by an Englishman in France of major events of the age, especially 1242-52. They make clear John's debts to classical authors and to contemporaries, especially Alan of Lille. Through re-ordering the lines, this edition now generates clarity from the single manuscript. It also offers fresh insights and a new perspective on John of Garland himself.
Interpretation, Literary --- Criticism, Medieval --- Tales, Medieval --- Holy Spirit --- History and criticism --- Interpretation, Literary. --- Criticism, Medieval. --- Holy Spirit. --- John, --- 091 JOANNES DE GARLANDIA --- 873.3 --- 873.3 Middeleeuws Latijnse literatuur --- Middeleeuws Latijnse literatuur --- 091 JOANNES DE GARLANDIA Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--JOANNES DE GARLANDIA --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--JOANNES DE GARLANDIA --- Garland, John of, --- Giovanni, --- Jean, --- Joannes, --- Joannes de Garlandia, --- Johannes, --- John of Garland --- Critique --- Contes médiévaux --- Saint-Esprit --- Histoire et critique. --- Jean de Garlande --- Critique et interprétation --- Iohannes de Garlandia --- Tales, Medieval - History and criticism --- Critique et interprétation --- Contes médiévaux
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New critical edition of complete work of 12c Occitanian troubadour Marcabru, crucial figure in development of European courtly lyric.
Provençal, Occitan literature --- Occitan poetry --- Poésie occitane --- Criticism, textual --- Critique textuelle --- Marcabrun, --- Translations into English. --- Poésie occitane --- Marcabru, --- Marchabrun, --- Pain-Perdu, --- Pan-Perdut, --- Panperdut, --- Clerical morality. --- Crusading movements. --- European courtly lyric. --- Medieval Occitania. --- Occitanian troubadour. --- Political poetry. --- Political upheavals. --- Politics. --- Secular ethics. --- LITERARY CRITICISM / Medieval.
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