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Scientific synthesis of the impacts of ocean fertilization on marine biodiversity.
ISBN: 9292251651 Year: 2009 Publisher: Montreal Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity

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Insectes : gamétogenèses, fécondation, métamorphoses
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2225449805 9782225449802 Year: 1977 Volume: 8/5-1 Publisher: Paris : Masson,

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The pollination of flowers by insects
ISBN: 012587460X Year: 1978 Volume: 6 Publisher: London Academic press

De maakbare mens : vruchtbaarheid in de 21ste eeuw
ISBN: 9061528585 9789061528586 Year: 1994 Volume: 17 Publisher: Leuven Davidsfonds

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Louisa Brown, de eerste proefbuisbaby, sloeg iedereen met verstomming. Dat was het begin van schijnbaar onbegrensde mogelijkheden: van kersverse moeders met de leeftijd van oma's en embryo's ontstaan uit eicellen van geaborteerde vrouwen tot zwarte vrouwen die een blank kind willen omwille van een betere toekomst... Paul Schotsmans wandelt rond in de labo's van infertiliteitsklinieken en tast de grenzen af van wat kan, nog niet kan en ook niet wenselijk is. Hij luistert naar collega's wetenschappers die uitgebreid én verstaanbaar de nieuwste evoluties uiteenzetten. Maar ook denkt hij na over de status van het embryo en het welzijn van het kind, de voorwaarden tot verantwoord ouderschap, het recht op kinderen... Dit is geen boek gevuld met juichkreten maar een doordachte bezinning met behoedzaam geformuleerde antwoorden. Zich bewust van de draagwijdte van zijn stellingen, analyseert de auteur kritisch de kerkelijke standpunten met het oog op waarachtige menswaardigheid. Een moedig boek over een delicaat onderwerp.


ouderschap --- Ethics of family. Ethics of sexuality --- Physiology: reproduction & development. Ages of life --- IVF (in vitrofertilisatie) --- Christian moral theology --- Sexology --- seksualiteit --- fertiliteit --- bio-ethiek --- bevruchting --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Gynaecologie --- Gynécologie --- Hérédité --- Bioethics. --- Ethics, Medical. --- Fertilization in Vitro. --- reproductieve technologie (voortplantingstechnologie, medisch begeleide voortplanting, MBV, artificiële voortplanting, kunstmatige voortplanting) --- in-vitrofertilisatie (bevruchting in vitro, proefbuisbaby's) --- zwangerschap --- kunstmatige inseminatie --- erfelijkheid --- ethiek --- genetica --- invitrofertilisatie --- vruchtbaarheid --- 241.64*8 --- 174.2 --- Academic collection --- #gsdb5 --- #GBIB:CBMER --- #GGSB: Fundamentele moraal --- #GGSB: Bio-ethiek --- #GGSB: Medische ethiek --- #SBIB:1H30 --- #SBIB:014.GIFT --- 17 --- 612.663 --- $?$95/12 --- 17.023.33 --- 614.253 --- 618.17.08 --- #A9412A --- 176 --- 612.6 --- 241 --- 613.88 --- in-vitrofertilisatie --- medische ethiek --- 615.56 --- geneeskunde --- Ethiek en vruchtbaarheid --- In-vitrofertilisatie --- Kunstmatige inseminatie --- Medische ethiek --- Vruchtbaarheidsproblemen --- C6 --- Fertilizations in Vitro --- In Vitro Fertilization --- Test-Tube Babies --- Test-Tube Fertilization --- Babies, Test-Tube --- Baby, Test-Tube --- Fertilization, Test-Tube --- Fertilizations, Test-Tube --- In Vitro Fertilizations --- Test Tube Babies --- Test Tube Fertilization --- Test-Tube Baby --- Test-Tube Fertilizations --- Ectogenesis --- Genetic Engineering --- Insemination, Artificial --- Medical Ethics --- Medicine --- Professionalism --- Bioethics --- Biomedical Ethics --- Health Care Ethics --- Ethics, Biomedical --- Ethics, Health Care --- Ethics, Medical --- Ethicists --- 179.7 --- technique de reproduction (technique de procréation, procréation médicalement assistée, PMA, procréation artificielle) --- fécondation in vitro (fertilisation in vitro, FIV, fécondation in vitro et embryo transfert, FIVETE) --- 61 --- Theologische ethiek: kunstmatige inseminatie; leenmoederschap --- Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- Filosofie van de mens, wijsgerige antropologie --- Gezinsethiek. Seksuele ethiek --- Fysiologie: voortplanting & ontwikkeling. Levensperioden --- Christelijke moraaltheologie --- Seksuologie --- kunstmatige bevruchting --- Opvoeding, onderwijs, wetenschap --- ethics --- 174.2 Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- 241.64*8 Theologische ethiek: kunstmatige inseminatie; leenmoederschap --- In vitro fertilisatie : ethiek --- 618.17 --- 179 --- 605.7 --- biomedische ethiek --- fertiliteit (gez) --- in-vitrofertilisatie (gez) --- seksuologie (gez) --- Fertilization in Vitro --- Fundamentele moraal --- Bio-ethiek --- Child wish --- Involuntary childlessness --- Medical ethics --- In vitro fertilisation --- Law --- Sexuality --- Reproductive technology --- Fertility --- Book

Artificial control of reproduction
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0521096901 0521084083 0521083737 0521096820 0521084385 0521096960 0521085780 0521096162 0521085055 0521097134 0521290856 0521229456 0521297370 052122361X 9780521084086 9780521096904 9780521085786 9780521096829 9780521085052 9780521096966 Year: 1972 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University press

Water pollution by fertilizers and pesticides.
ISBN: 9264128565 Year: 1986 Publisher: Paris OECD

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614.777 --- Animal waste --- -Fertilizers --- -Groundwater --- -Nitrates --- -Pesticides --- -628.191 --- 631.8 --- 636.002.68 --- 632.95 --- AA / International- internationaal --- 351.2 --- 355 --- Economic poisons --- Agricultural chemicals --- Pests --- Poisons --- Nitrate salts --- Nitric acid --- Oxysalts --- Ground water --- Subterranean water --- Underground water --- Water, Underground --- Water --- Hydrogeology --- Artificial fertilizers --- Chemical fertilizers --- Crops --- Fertilisers --- Fertilization of soils --- Fertilizers and manures --- Field crops --- Soils --- Plants --- Soil amendments --- Soil fertility --- Farm waste --- Livestock waste --- Packing-house waste --- Slaughtering and slaughter-houses --- Agricultural wastes --- Factory and trade waste --- 614.777 Water. Hygiene of water --- Water. Hygiene of water --- Environmental aspects --- Pollution --- Openbare gezondheid. Milieubescherming. Milieuvervuiling. --- Milieu --- Control --- Equipment and supplies --- Fertilizers --- Fertilization --- Nutrition --- Waste --- Pesticides --- Groundwater --- Nitrates --- Environmental aspects. --- Pollution. --- Engrais azotés. --- Eaux souterraines --- Déchets animaux --- Aspect environnemental. --- Aspect environnemental --- 628.191 --- Pesticide pollution --- Pesticide residues --- Pesticides and the environment --- Contamination of groundwater --- Groundwater contamination --- Groundwater pollution --- Openbare gezondheid. Milieubescherming. Milieuvervuiling

Pollination ecology : a practical approach
ISBN: 0199632987 0199632995 9780199632985 9780199632992 Year: 1992 Volume: 110 Publisher: Oxford [England] New York IRL Press at Oxford University Press

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Pollination is one of the most important processes in determining the diversity of plants, particularly in terms of their colors, fruit yield, and most other genetic factors. The mechanisms of pollination are very different depending on the type of plant, and they often rely on the activities of insects. Because of this diversity, pollination is greatly affected by the ecology of the environment in which the plant is growing. Hence detailed knowledge of the pollination process and how this can be affected by ecological factors is crucial to a wide range of people working with plants, from researchers to farmers. This book describes in detail the techniques used to study pollination mechanisms, thus providing the reader with all the necessary key information needed to carry out the experimental protocols provided. Researchers in plant science, zoology, and ecology will find this text to be a valuable reference. It provides a guide to the modern procedures and techniques used in the study of pollination ecology. The papers cover the recording of floral phenology, pollen histochemistry, measurement of pollination efficiency, and the investigation of breeding systems. Graphs, tables, and references supplement each chapter. Four appendices provide information on the trapping and marking of foragers, a list of reagents and solutions, a list for further reading, and suppliers of equipment.

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