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“Tu garante?” : aprendizagem às margens do Tapajós
ISBN: 9786557250402 9786586232004 Year: 2020 Publisher: SciELO Books - Editora da UFRGS

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Sabemos que os processos de aprendizagem são marcados pelo contexto social e cultural onde ocorrem, mas poucos estudos vêm ancorar essa afirmação com dados etnográficos detalhados. Este livro se propõe a fazê-lo. A partir de uma etnografia na região do Baixo Tapajós (Pará), interações entre adultos, crianças e jovens – em atividades como o plantio de mandioca e a produção de farinha, a caça, a pesca, a construção artesanal de barcos, ou ainda, a narrativa de histórias de “encantados” – são descritas com intuito de evidenciar como a aprendizagem dessas habilidades ocorre no cotidiano. Como é comum em outros contextos nos quais os novatos têm acesso à maior parte das atividades das pessoas mais experientes, no Tapajós aprende-se participando progressivamente dessas atividades. O livro apresenta uma revisão de literatura sobre essa modalidade de “aprendizagem por participação”, explicitando seus princípios gerais e as idiossincrasias da região estudada. Ali, adultos e pessoas mais experientes de maneira geral mostram-se particularmente pouco pacientes com os novatos. Nada mais distante da realidade local que a ideia de que é “errando que se aprende”. A aprendizagem acaba, então, sendo percebida como um desafio: e tu, afinal, “tu garante?”

Arts-based methods in education around the world
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 879360937X 1000793419 1003337260 8793609388 1000796183 Year: 2022 Publisher: Gistrup, Denmark : River Publishers,

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Arts-Based Methods in Education Around the World aims to investigate arts-based encounters in educational settings in response to a global need for studies that connect the cultural, inter-cultural, cross-cultural, and global elements of arts-based methods in education. In this extraordinary collection, contributions are collected from experts all over the world and involve a multiplicity of arts genres and traditions. These contributions bring together diverse cultural and educational perspectives and include a large variety of artistic genres and research methodologies.The topics covered in the book range from policies to pedagogies, from social impact to philosophical conceptualisations. They are informative on specific topics, but also offer a clear monitoring of the ways in which the general attention to the arts in education evolves through time.

علوم تربیتی از دیدگاه اسلام
ISSN: 24237396 25385461 Publisher: Iran, Islamic Republic of Imam Sadiq University

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Management and administration skills for the mental health professional
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1281070866 9786611070861 008051152X 0585492158 012524195X 9780585492155 9780080511528 9781281070869 9780125241953 6611070869 Year: 1999 Publisher: San Diego, CA Academic Press

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Psychologists receive several years of specialized study on the brain, behavior, and mental health, but despite the fact that over half ultimately end up in administrative or managerial roles, they receive no formalized training in the skills necessary to be successful in these roles. This book is the first of its kind to target the managerial and administrative skills necessary for the mental health professional. The book discusses practical information such as how to deal with personnel issues, how to set budgets and allocate resources, and how to document progress and maintain schedules in

Die OECD und die Bildungsplanung der freien Welt : Denkstile und Netzwerke einer internationalen Bildungsexpertise
ISBN: 3847409506 3847405578 Year: 2017 Publisher: Leverkusen Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Durch Instrumente wie PISA erlangte und erhielt die OECD die Autorität, über Erfolg und Scheitern nationalstaatlicher Bildungspolitiken zu urteilen. Regula Bürgi beleuchtet aus historischer Perspektive die Denkstile und Netzwerke, mittels derer diese internationale - vornehmlich wirtschaftspolitische - Organisation zu einer Bildungsexpertin avancieren konnte. Basierend auf vielfältigem Quellenmaterial dringt die Autorin in das Räderwerk der Organisation vor und identifiziert Schlüsseleigenschaften des OECD-Erfolgs. Instruments such as PISA have given OECD the authority to judge relative successes and failures of national education policies. Regula Bürgi examines from an historical perspective the thinking styles and networks by means of which this international - primarily economic-political - organization could advance to become an expert in the field of education. Based on diverse source materials, the author penetrates the architecture of the organization and identifies key characteristics of OECD's success.

Leadership in Early Education in Times of Change : Research from five Continents
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 3847412248 3847421999 Year: 2019 Publisher: Leverkusen Verlag Barbara Budrich

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The collection brings together the latest work of researchers from Australia, Africa, Asia, and Europe focusing on early childhood leadership matters. It covers different aspects of leadership in early education: professional education and development, identity and leadership strategies as well as governance and leadership under different frame conditions.

Bilingualer Unterricht : Grundlagen, Methoden, Praxis, Perspektiven
Authors: ---
ISSN: 14377829 ISBN: 1299425712 3653011116 3631604718 Year: 2000 Volume: Bd. 5 Publisher: Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang,

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Die Einrichtung bilingualer Bildungsgänge ist zu einer vorrangigen Aufgabe bundesdeutscher Bildungspolitik geworden. Mehr als 500 Schulen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland dokumentieren dies mit neuen oder neu strukturierten Curricula und Modellen. Sowohl Fremdsprachenunterricht als auch Sachfachunterricht profitieren von dieser Entwicklung. Die inzwischen erfolgte Vorverlagerung der Fremdsprachen in den Primarstufenbereich findet ebenfalls ihren Niederschlag in der bilingualen Bildungslandschaft. So ist es keine Überraschung, dass dieser Band, der als Wegbereiter des bilingualen Unterrichts im deutschsprachigen Raum gilt, auf eine breite Nachfrage gestoßen und zum Standardwerk in einem sich rasch ausbreitenden Lehr- und Forschungsbereich geworden ist. Dem Bedarf an Informationen, an Diskussion und am Austausch über Methoden und Theorien zu bilingualen Bildungsgängen kommen die Autorinnen und Autoren mit dieser verbesserten und erweiterten fünften Auflage nach. Die Bibliographie mit Kommentaren zu den einzelnen Quellen umfasst nunmehr den Zeitraum von 1996 bis 2010. Das Buch ist somit ein einzigartiger Fundus und unentbehrlicher Helfer für Praxis und Forschung.

The university under pressure
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1785608304 1785608312 9781785608308 9781785608315 9781785608315 Year: 2016 Publisher: Bingley Emerald

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Universities are under pressure. All over the world, their resource environment is evolving, demands for accountability have increased, and competition has become more intense. At the same time, emerging countries have become more important in the global system, demographic shifts are changing educational needs, and new technologies threaten, or promise, to disrupt higher education. This volume includes cutting-edge research on the causes and consequences of such pressures on universities as organizations, particularly in the U.S. and Europe. It provides an empirical overview of pressures on universities in the Western world, and insight into what globalization means for universities and also looks at specific changes in the university environment and how organizations have responded. The volume examines changes internal to the university that have followed these pressures, from the evolving role of unions to new pathways followed by students and finally, asks about the future of the university as a public good in light of a transformation of student roles and university identities.

Journal of educational and psychological studies
ISSN: 22186506 25217046 Year: 2007 Publisher: Muscat, Sultanate of Oman : College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University,

Gestão educacional nos municípios : entraves e perspectivas
ISBN: 9788523209025 Year: 2009 Publisher: SciELO Books - EDUFBA

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The book "Educational Management in Municipalities: obstacles and perspectives", by Maria Couto Cunha was released on June 18 at the Geological Museum of Bahia. The work analyzes public policies, implemented in the educational area, in the last decades, mainly with regard to the analysis showed the genesis of these policies, the forces that generated their formulations, their implementation and, in some cases, investigated the impacts produced. research on school violence and another on the training of state school principals.

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