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The Mathematics of Secrets : Cryptography from Caesar Ciphers to Digital Encryption
ISBN: 0691184550 Year: 2018 Publisher: Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press,

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The Mathematics of Secrets takes readers on a fascinating tour of the mathematics behind cryptography-the science of sending secret messages. Using a wide range of historical anecdotes and real-world examples, Joshua Holden shows how mathematical principles underpin the ways that different codes and ciphers work. He focuses on both code making and code breaking and discusses most of the ancient and modern ciphers that are currently known. He begins by looking at substitution ciphers, and then discusses how to introduce flexibility and additional notation. Holden goes on to explore polyalphabetic substitution ciphers, transposition ciphers, connections between ciphers and computer encryption, stream ciphers, public-key ciphers, and ciphers involving exponentiation. He concludes by looking at the future of ciphers and where cryptography might be headed. The Mathematics of Secrets reveals the mathematics working stealthily in the science of coded messages.A blog describing new developments and historical discoveries in cryptography related to the material in this book is accessible at


Cryptography --- Ciphers. --- Computer security. --- Mathematics. --- Adaptive chosen-ciphertext attack. --- Advanced Encryption Standard. --- Affine cipher. --- Alice and Bob. --- Autokey cipher. --- Block cipher mode of operation. --- Block cipher. --- Block size (cryptography). --- Brute-force attack. --- Brute-force search. --- Caesar cipher. --- Calculation. --- Chosen-ciphertext attack. --- Chosen-plaintext attack. --- Cipher. --- Ciphertext-only attack. --- Ciphertext. --- Codebook. --- Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems. --- Computational problem. --- Confusion and diffusion. --- Correlation attack. --- Craig Gentry (computer scientist). --- Cryptanalysis. --- Cryptogram. --- Cryptographic engineering. --- Cryptographic hash function. --- Cryptography Research. --- Cryptography. --- Cryptosystem. --- Data Encryption Standard. --- Differential cryptanalysis. --- Diffie–Hellman key exchange. --- Discrete logarithm. --- Disquisitiones Arithmeticae. --- Dual EC DRBG. --- ElGamal encryption. --- Elliptic curve cryptography. --- Encryption. --- Enigma machine. --- Euler's theorem. --- Fast Software Encryption. --- Feistel cipher. --- Fermat's little theorem. --- Forward secrecy. --- Grover's algorithm. --- Hill cipher. --- Homomorphic encryption. --- Hyperelliptic curve cryptography. --- Information theory. --- Initialization vector. --- International Association for Cryptologic Research. --- Kerckhoffs's principle. --- Key (cryptography). --- Key schedule. --- Key size. --- Keystream. --- Known-plaintext attack. --- Lattice problem. --- Linear cryptanalysis. --- Logjam (computer security). --- Mathematical problem. --- Mathematician. --- Mental poker. --- Merkle's Puzzles. --- Monte Carlo algorithm. --- Multiple encryption. --- NSA Suite B Cryptography. --- Nonlinear feedback shift register. --- Number theory. --- Padding (cryptography). --- Permutation box. --- Permutation. --- Plaintext. --- Polyalphabetic cipher. --- Post-quantum cryptography. --- Precomputation. --- Probabilistic encryption. --- Product cipher. --- Public-key cryptography. --- Quantum algorithm. --- Quantum cryptography. --- Quantum key distribution. --- RSA (cryptosystem). --- RSA problem. --- Related-key attack. --- S-box. --- Security level. --- Shor's algorithm. --- Sign (mathematics). --- Spyware. --- Stream cipher. --- Substitution cipher. --- Symmetric-key algorithm. --- Transposition cipher. --- VIC cipher. --- Variable (computer science). --- Vigenère cipher. --- Vulnerability (computing).

La religion hors-la-loi : l'Etat libéral à l'épreuve des religions minoritaires
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782802750703 2802750704 Year: 2017 Volume: 8 Publisher: Bruxelles Bruylant

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L'ouvrage a pour objectif général d'interroger les fondements normatifs de la pénalisation et de la criminalisation de religiosités minoritaires.


Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- Human rights --- E-books --- BPB1702 --- Religion --- Groupe religieux --- État laïc --- STRADALEX --- 261.7 --- световна држава --- sekularizovaný stát --- laična država --- laizistischer Staat --- laicīga valsts --- państwo laickie --- ilmalik riik --- pasaulietinė valstybė --- секуларна држава --- konfessionslös stat --- Estado laico --- stat laic --- Shtet laik --- λαϊκό κράτος --- светска държава --- maallinen valtio --- wereldlijke staat --- világi állam --- Stato laico --- sekularizovaný štát --- Stat sekulari --- svjetovna država --- secular State --- konfessionsløs stat --- laička država --- oddělení církve od státu --- нерелигиозна држава --- světský stát --- odluka církve od státu --- szekularizált állam --- État laïque --- нецрковна држава --- verska skupina --- náboženská skupina --- vjerska zajednica --- religiøs gruppe --- religious group --- gruppo religioso --- reliģiskā grupa --- uskonnollinen ryhmä --- religiöse Gruppe --- верска група --- grupo religioso --- godsdienstige groep --- grupa religijna --- religinė grupė --- religiös grupp --- grupp reliġjuż --- религиозна група --- θρησκευτική ομάδα --- usuline rühmitus --- grup fetar --- vallási csoport --- grup religios --- religiöse Minderheit --- vjerska manjina --- religiös minoritet --- верска заедница --- godsdienstige minderheid --- religious minority --- pakicë fetare --- minoritate religioasă --- minoria religiosa --- minoranza religiosa --- minoría religiosa --- reliģiska minoritāte --- религиозно малцинство --- uskonnollinen vähemmistö --- religieuze minderheid --- religiøst mindretal --- usuline vähemus --- religinė mažuma --- minorité religieuse --- верско малцинство --- θρησκευτική μειονότητα --- vallási kisebbség --- náboženská menšina --- fe --- uskonto --- náboženstvo --- vallás --- religión --- religioon --- godsdienst --- religie --- vjera --- religija --- religione --- reliģija --- religião --- náboženství --- religia --- религија --- reliġjon --- θρησκεία --- religion --- религия --- usutunnistus --- víra --- deismus --- светец --- теизам --- irreligiosità --- religiosità --- zbožnost --- věřící --- религиозност --- religiozita --- teismus --- деизам --- побожност --- světec --- kreacionismus --- panteismus --- Religionsgemeinschaft --- fideismus --- svatý --- vallási közösség --- Glaubensgemeinschaft --- pobožnost --- верници --- вера --- пантеизам --- 261.7 De Kerk en de burgerlijke macht: Kerk en Staat; godsdienstvrijheid; verdraagzaamheid; tolerantie:--theologische aspecten --- De Kerk en de burgerlijke macht: Kerk en Staat; godsdienstvrijheid; verdraagzaamheid; tolerantie:--theologische aspecten --- Religion et État --- Droit pénal --- Minorités --- Valeurs (philosophie) --- Religion et droit --- Aspect religieux --- Aspect religieux. --- stát saolta --- grúpa reiligiúnach --- reiligiún --- Religion and law --- Religion and state --- Minorities --- Church and minorities --- Freedom of religion --- Values --- Comparative law --- Religion et Etat --- Minorités --- Liberté religieuse --- Valeurs (Philosophie) --- Droit comparé --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Droit --- EPUB-ALPHA-R EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- Religion et État --- Droit pénal --- État laïc --- dérives religieuses en droit contemporain --- dérives sectaires --- autonomie individuelle --- dérives radicalistes --- autonomie sociale --- dérives du droit en matière religieuse --- la protection de l'autonomie de la personne --- choix moraux --- débat d'idées --- l'atteinte aux personnes --- confusion entre dissonance morale et incitation à la haine --- la religion hors la loi --- la religion majoritaire --- la culture --- le patrimoine --- liberté de religion --- criminaliser le religieux en démocratie libérale --- protection des 'valeurs fondamentales' de la société --- Haïti --- la caraïbe --- l'Etat libéral et les religions afro-américaines --- le statut des cultes afro-américains du XVIIe au XXe siècle --- cultes hors la loi --- religions dans l'Etat néo-libéral --- les cultes vodun au Bénin --- le candomblé au Brésil --- cultes de possession --- cultes afro-brésiliens au Brésil --- mouvement social et patrimonialisation du candomblé --- Ouidah 92 --- fétichisme --- débats européens sur le port du voile intégral --- le religieux et le droit européen --- légitimations et contestations à la lumière du blasphème religieux en Grèce --- droit et nationalismes religieux et politique --- jurisprudence des tribunaux nationaux --- protectionnisme religieux --- Pastitsios --- Corpus Christi --- controverse --- la dépénalisation du blasphème --- la déconfessionnalisation de la sphère publique grècque --- atteintes physiques et psychologiques --- la criminalisation de la polygamie à l'égard des mormons fondamentalistes --- mariages pluraux illégaux --- mariages des mineurs --- abus sexuels --- enlèvements --- fraude --- blanchiment d'argent --- armes illégales --- etiquetter les groupes minoritaires comme criminels --- injustice --- le droit à la polygamie --- le droit à l'emploi --- le droit d'enseigner aux enfants à domicile --- le droit d'adopter ou d'obtenir la garde d'enfants --- le droit au soutien parental --- le droit de propriété --- immigration --- le droit d'accéder à la fonction publique --- la circoncision rituelle en Europe --- la liberté de religion des parents --- l'intégrité physique de l'enfant --- stabilité juridique --- la lutte contre les sectes --- la lutte contre les dérives sectaires --- politique répressive --- la France --- groupes religieux totalitaires --- propriété

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