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Religious law and legislation --- 340.5 --- Religion --- Godsdienst --- Religion and law --- Comparative law --- Church and state --- Religion et droit --- Droit comparé --- Eglise et Etat --- Congresses --- Congrès --- Comparative studies --- Études comparatives --- fe --- uskonto --- náboženstvo --- vallás --- religión --- religioon --- godsdienst --- religie --- vjera --- religija --- religione --- reliģija --- religião --- náboženství --- religia --- религија --- reliġjon --- θρησκεία --- religion --- религия --- usutunnistus --- víra --- deismus --- светец --- теизам --- irreligiosità --- religiosità --- zbožnost --- věřící --- религиозност --- religiozita --- teismus --- деизам --- побожност --- světec --- kreacionismus --- panteismus --- Religionsgemeinschaft --- fideismus --- svatý --- vallási közösség --- Glaubensgemeinschaft --- pobožnost --- верници --- вера --- пантеизам --- Études comparatives. --- Comparative studies. --- reiligiún --- Religious law and legislation - Congresses --- l'analyse juridique --- legal analysis --- comparative law approach --- perspective comparatiste --- religious institutions and norms --- la norme religieuse --- International Conferences on Comparative Law (Athens and Bristol) --- Congrès internationaux de droit comparé (Athènes et Bristol) --- family law --- labour law --- tax law --- public religious law --- droit de la famille --- régime public des cultes --- le droit de travail --- le droit fiscal
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the Plymouth Brethren --- the Brethren Movement --- Plymouth Brethren and Evangelicalism --- Plymouth Brethren and fundamentalism --- Darby and the origins of the Plymouth Brethren --- Ireland --- Müller and the Bristol Group --- the development of Darby's ministry --- Switzerland and Italy --- Open and Exclusive Brethren --- Raven --- the divisions of the Brethren groups --- Brethren I and their schisms --- Brethren VII and Brethren VIII --- Brethren II --- Brethren III and their schisms --- Brethren V, VI, and IX --- Brethren IV and their schisms --- Brethren X --- the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church in the 21st century --- the British Charity Commission Case (2006-2014) --- Brethren IV and the question of cults --- Brethren's separatism --- retrenchment and mainstreaming --- youth --- Brethren schools --- public benefit and the rapid relief teams --- traditional values in a postmodern world --- John Nelson Darby (1800-1882)
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