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Why It's OK to Be a Sports Fan
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781000903195 Year: 2023 Publisher: Taylor & Francis (Unlimited)

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This book offers readers a pitch-side view of the ethics of fandom. Its accessible six chapters are aimed both at true sports fans whose conscience may be occasionally piqued by their pastime, and at those who are more certain of the moral hazards involved in following a team or sport.Why It's OK to Be a Sports Fan wrestles with a range of arguments against fandom and counters with its own arguments on why being a fan is very often a good thing. It looks at the ethical issues fans face, from the violent or racist behavior of those in the stands, to players' infamous misdeeds, to owners debasing their own clubs. In response to these moral risks, the book argues that by being critical fans, followers of a team or individual can reap the benefits of fandom while avoiding many of the ethical pitfalls. The authors show the value in deeply loving a team but also how a condition of this value is recognizing that the love of a fan comes with real limits and responsibilities.Key FeaturesProvides an accessible introduction to a key area of the philosophy of sportClosely looks at some of the salient ethical concerns around sports fandomProposes that the value of community in partisan fandom should not be underestimated as a key feature of the good lifeExamines how the same emotions and environments that can lead to violence are identical to those that lead to virtuous loyaltyArgues for a fan's responsibility in calling out violence or racist behavior from their fellow fans

Outdoor Recreation : physiological and psychological effects on health
Year: 2021 Publisher: London : IntechOpen,

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Outdoor recreation refers to recreation/activity executed outdoors, most commonly in natural settings. At least in many high-income countries, outdoor recreation is by many considered as an attractive activity during spare time or holidays. People actively seek out activities such as walking in the mountains, climbing, hunting, horseback riding, skiing, etc., which are very often difficult to accommodate in ordinary working days. Some people find outdoor recreation attractive to the extent that they take several months or a year off from work in order to spend time in nature. Outdoor recreation stimulates a healthy lifestyle and increases public health, and it is important to develop outdoor activity habits from early childhood, a habit that should last for an entire lifetime. This book will take you through the definitions of outdoor recreation and different types of recreation. Furthermore, the book will also give you a snapshot of the physiological and psychological effects of outdoor recreation and why outdoor recreation is important for development in children and adolescents, and for adults and the older population, in addition to descriptions of some of the major and maybe the most used outdoor activities.

"Não é só a torcida organizada": o que os torcedores organizados têm a dizer sobre a violência no futebol?
Authors: ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: SciELO Books - Editora UNESP

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Este estudo inves­tigou o que os torcedores organizados teriam a dizer sobre a violência no futebol brasileiro, para depois inter­pretar tais discursos à luz do referencial teórico de Johan Galtung. Visando contribuir com o debate sobre a violência no futebol, nesta abordagem, optamos pelo viés da compreensão em lugar da visão estigmatizante e preconceituosa sobre o tema. Defendemos que reduzir a discussão da vio­lência no futebol meramente à ação das torcidas organizadas frag­menta a análise desse complexo fenômeno e se mostra improdutivo, pois a violência no futebol perpassa a organização, gestão e estrutura do futebol brasileiro, além dos episódios de violência física.

Quantifying the contribution of public parks to physical activity and health
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9780833089496 0833089498 Year: 2014 Publisher: Santa Monica, Calif. RAND Corporation

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Recreation areas --- Parks

Educación Física escolar, académica y profesional
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789503412480 Year: 2015 Publisher: Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación

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This book is the result of research from the project “Physical Education and school: sport as content and its teaching” (2009-2013) 11 / H573, as a continuation of previous studies, which were carried out in sports institutions. The product presents the characteristics and particularities of sports treatment and teaching, in public and private schools in the region and surrounding areas, at the primary and secondary levels, in classes organized with students grouped by sex or in a mixed form. From a qualitative-interpretative perspective, we worked on the collection of information through observation and class registration, interviews with teachers, professors, students and experts, analysis of planning and of subject books, as well as theoretical and technical-methodological texts of current use at school and among teachers. The Physical Education Curriculum Design for the primary and secondary levels was also analyzed. The treatment carried out with these materials, among others, is reflected in a particular way in the different chapters, showing both different possibilities of cross-linking of sources and information as well as analysis and interpretation. Those same chapters show different ways to describe and write. At the same time, this product includes in particular a discussion given by the team about the meanings and meanings that can be assigned and given to sport, at an advanced stage in the development of research, trying to reflect and respect the views and voices present in the information obtained. In this sense, the discussion around the particular characteristics that sport takes at school when teaching is privileged, which supposes changes and special assignments to it that exceed the traditional and classic characterizations existing in the field. At the end, some general conclusions are presented that add to the particular ones made in each chapter.

Nederlandse folkloredans : museaal en levend erfgoed.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789071840708 Year: 2007 Publisher: Utrecht Nederlands centrum voor volkscultuur

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Être Rugby: Jeux du Masculin et du Féminin
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2735117871 Year: 2000 Publisher: Paris Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme

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Parmi les sports de compétition, le rugby apparaît comme l’un des plus « virils ». Il doit pour une bonne part cette réputation au jeu lui-même - mêlées, plaquages et autres « percussions » plus ou moins violentes -, mais aussi au parfum de scandale qui entoure les « troisièmes mi-temps » d’après match. La rumeur véhicule à leur propos des légendes épiques et picaresques d’excès alimentaires, éthyliques ou sexuels qui semblent également faire partie du jeu. Le monde du rugby institue ainsi une sociabilité d’hommes qui passe par l’exclusion, volontiers emphatique, des femmes et tout particulièrement des épouses de joueurs, celles que l’on appelle parfois les « veuves du rugby ». Mais les femmes et les valeurs du féminin ne sont-elles pas beaucoup plus présentes qu’il n’y paraît de prime abord ? Grâce à une ethnographie approfondie, Anne Saouter démontre que, à côté du modèle dominant dans lequel les femmes ne peuvent être que des « mamans » ou des « putains », on voit se dessiner d’autres modes de présence du féminin, grâce notamment au personnage encore marginal de la joueuse de rugby. L’expansion du rugby féminin suffira-t-elle cependant à remettre en cause un édifice symbolique qui, du moins dans le rugby français, correspondait à une véritable initiation masculine ? Initiation qui imposait déjà des jeux ambigus avec la définition des sexes, dont témoigne le soupçon d’homosexualité (plus ou moins « refoulée ») qui pèse sur les joueurs.

Architects of Buddhist leisure : socially disengaged Buddhism in Asia's museums, monuments, and amusement parks
Authors: ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Honolulu : University of Hawaiʻi Press,

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Buddhism, often described as an austere religion that condemns desire, promotes denial, and idealizes the contemplative life, actually has a thriving leisure culture in Asia. Justin McDaniel looks at the growth of Asia's culture of Buddhist leisure through a study of architects responsible for monuments, museums, amusement parks, and other sites. In conversation with noted theorists of material and visual culture and anthropologists of art, McDaniel argues that such sites highlight the importance of public, leisure, and spectacle culture from a Buddhist perspective and illustrate how "secular" and "religious," "public" and "private," are in many ways false binaries. Provocative and theoretically innovative, Architects of Buddhist Leisure challenges current methodological approaches in religious studies and speaks to a broad audience interested in modern art, architecture, religion, anthropology, and material culture.

Coaching im digitalen Wandel
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3666407420 3525407424 Year: 2020 Publisher: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht

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Im Handlungsfeld Coaching stellt die Digitalisierung alle Beteiligten vor massive Herausforderungen. Ein flächendeckendes Umdenken findet spätestens seit der weltweiten Corona-Pandemie statt - mit folgenreichen Konsequenzen für die Coachingbranche. Coaching hat sich in den letzten Jahren signifikant weiterentwickelt und sieht sich mit umwälzenden Effekten einer zunehmenden Digitalisierung und gesellschaftlichen Transformation konfrontiert. Kommunikation stößt kaum mehr auf Grenzen und verbindet auf Knopfdruck entlegene Kontinente. Unternehmen aus allen Branchen setzen auf neue Organisationsformen. Die Anforderungen an Arbeitnehmer*innen verändern sich permanent. Agilität wird zum Schlagwort. Im Kontext dieser Entwicklung stellen sich für Coaching u. a. folgende Fragen: Wie wirkt sich die Digitalisierung auf den Bedarf von Coaching aus? Wie verändert die Digitalisierung das Beratungsformat Coaching? Wie wirksam ist Digital Coaching im Vergleich? Wie positioniert sich Coaching als Profession im Zuge dieser gesellschaftlichen Transformation? Der Sammelbandband beinhaltet wichtige Thesen und Antworten innerhalb dieser Debatte.

Second life : verhalen en reportages uit een tweede leven.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789029565455 Year: 2007 Publisher: Amsterdam Arbeiderspers

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