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Recent years have seen unprecedented outbreaks of avian influenza A viruses. In particular, highly pathogenic H5N1 viruses have not only resulted in widespread outbreaks in domestic poultry, but have been transmitted to humans resulting in numerous fatalities. The rapid expansion in their geographic distribution and the possibility that these viruses could acquire the ability to spread from person to person raise the risk that such a virus could cause a global pandemic with high morbidity and mortality. An effective influenza vaccine represents the best approach to prevent and control such an emerging pandemic. However, current influenza vaccines are directed at existing seasonal influenza viruses, which have limited antigenic relationships to the highly pathogenic H5N1 strains. Concerns about pandemic preparedness have greatly stimulated research activities to develop effective vaccines for pandemic influenza viruses, and to overcome the limitations inherent in current approaches to vaccine production and distribution. These limitations include the use of embryonated chicken eggs as the substrate for vaccine production; which is time-consuming and could involve potential biohazards in growth of new virus strains. Other limitations include the requirement that the current inactivated influenza vaccines be administered using needles and syringes, requiring trained personnel, which could be a bottleneck when attempting to vaccinate large populations in mass campaigns. In addition, the current inactivated vaccines which are delivered by injection elicit limited protective immunity in the upper respiratory tract where the infection process is initiated. Most of these limitations of the current vaccines are being addressed by research on novel approaches to vaccine development and delivery that are described in many of the chapters in this volume.
Immunology. Immunopathology --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Pharmacology. Therapy --- Medical microbiology, virology, parasitology --- immunologie --- volksgezondheid --- farmacie --- farmacologie --- pandemie --- virologie --- toxicologie --- influenza --- vaccinatie
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Recent years have seen unprecedented outbreaks of avian influenza A viruses. In particular, highly pathogenic H5N1 viruses have not only resulted in widespread outbreaks in domestic poultry, but have been transmitted to humans resulting in numerous fatalities. The rapid expansion in their geographic distribution and the possibility that these viruses could acquire the ability to spread from person to person raise the risk that such a virus could cause a global pandemic with high morbidity and mortality. An effective influenza vaccine represents the best approach to prevent and control such an emerging pandemic. However, current influenza vaccines are directed at existing seasonal influenza viruses, which have limited antigenic relationships to the highly pathogenic H5N1 strains. Concerns about pandemic preparedness have greatly stimulated research activities to develop effective vaccines for pandemic influenza viruses, and to overcome the limitations inherent in current approaches to vaccine production and distribution. These limitations include the use of embryonated chicken eggs as the substrate for vaccine production; which is time-consuming and could involve potential biohazards in growth of new virus strains. Other limitations include the requirement that the current inactivated influenza vaccines be administered using needles and syringes, requiring trained personnel, which could be a bottleneck when attempting to vaccinate large populations in mass campaigns. In addition, the current inactivated vaccines which are delivered by injection elicit limited protective immunity in the upper respiratory tract where the infection process is initiated. Most of these limitations of the current vaccines are being addressed by research on novel approaches to vaccine development and delivery that are described in many of the chapters in this volume.
Immunology. Immunopathology --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Pharmacology. Therapy --- Medical microbiology, virology, parasitology --- immunologie --- volksgezondheid --- farmacie --- farmacologie --- pandemie --- virologie --- toxicologie --- influenza --- vaccinatie
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This book examines the global HIV/AIDS pandemic from a multidisciplinary perspective, analyzing its economic impact, the reasons behind the political response to the pandemic, international laws relating to public health and patents and mechanisms for financing global and national responses. The authors paint a global picture of the HIV/AIDS pandemic one issue, one country and one region at a time and show why prevention, treatment and human rights protection must each form part of a comprehensive HIV/AIDS strategy. The book analyzes the successes and failures of national governments, international organizations and the private sector in fighting the HIV/AIDS pandemic and recommends changes to our international economic, financial, legal and political institutions. This book highlights the lessons the world has to learn from our experience with HIV/AIDS in order to improve the way we address global diseases.
Social policy --- Statistical science --- Economic conditions. Economic development --- Developing countries: economic development problems --- International law --- Commercial law. Economic law (general) --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- volksgezondheid --- pandemie --- statistiek --- ontwikkelingssamenwerking --- AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) --- welzijnsbeleid --- sociaal beleid --- economisch recht --- internationaal recht
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Wat na corona? Willen we echt terug naar het oude 'normaal' van besparen in de sociale zekerheid, de zorg en het onderwijs, en fiscaal pamperen van superrijken? Naar een wereld waar de mensen die de samenleving rechthouden géén helden zijn?In deze brief aan Vlaanderen houdt filosoof Bleri Lleshi een krachtig en inspirerend pleidooi om het roer om te gooien. Want corona heeft een aantal problemen op scherp gezet. Maar de crisis maakt ook duidelijk dat de mens supersociaal, solidair en zorgzaam is. Voor Bleri Lleshi is dat geen verrassing. Al meer dan tien jaar doorkruist hij Vlaanderen om te spreken over hoop en liefde. Hij kent de verhalen van de mensen die het gehad hebben met de richting waarin onze samenleving aan het evolueren was, van de 94-jarige die vluchtelingen Nederlands leert tot de BV's op de barricades voor het klimaat en het middenveld en de cultuursector met hun protest tegen de kaalslag van de Vlaamse regering. We staan op een kruispunt. Ofwel misbruiken machthebbers deze crisis. Ofwel grijpen wij dit moment om te kiezen voor positieve verandering: naar een sociale, duurzame en rechtvaardige samenleving.(
Maatschappijkritiek --- Coronacrisis --- Coronavirus infections --- COVID-19 (Disease) --- Social aspects --- Political aspects --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Social stratification --- BPB9999 --- Politiek --- Neoliberalisme --- Middenveld --- Cultuur --- Sociale filosofie --- Transitie --- Sociaal beleid --- Binnenlandse politiek --- Sociale welzijnszorg --- Solidariteit --- Burgerschap --- Duurzaamheid --- Rechtvaardigheid --- Sociale ongelijkheid --- Crisis --- Politieke filosofie --- Vlaams Gewest --- sociale zekerheid --- BPB2012 --- coronavirus disease --- Epidemie --- seguridad social --- sigurtà soċjali --- socialna varnost --- securitate socială --- slándáil shóisialta --- sotsiaalkindlustus --- κοινωνική ασφάλιση --- социјална сигурност --- sécurité sociale --- socialinė apsauga --- social security --- sicurezza sociale --- sosiaaliturva --- sociālā nodrošinātība --- социјално осигурање --- socijalna sigurnost --- sociálne zabezpečenie --- segurança social --- sociální zabezpečení --- soziale Sicherheit --- ubezpieczenie społeczne --- sigurime shoqërore --- social sikring --- social trygghet --- szociális biztonság --- социална сигурност --- Sozialversicherung --- stelsel van sociale zekerheid --- protezione sociale --- sociale bescherming --- regime de segurança social --- κοινωνική πρόνοια --- valsts sociālā apdrošināšana --- sozialer Schutz --- Sozialvorsorge --- sociální pojištění --- forsorgsordning --- szociális védelem --- sociale verzekeringen --- socialforsikret person --- mbrojtje sociale --- regime di sicurezza sociale --- socialförsäkring --- social protection --- national insurance --- previdenza sociale --- систем на социјална заштита --- Vorsorgesystem --- hoolekandesüsteem --- sociálne poistenie --- assicurazioni sociali --- sistema de previdência --- social beskyttelse --- assicurato sociale --- sociální podpora --- System der sozialen Sicherheit --- seguro social --- társadalombiztosítás --- socialforsikring --- sociaal verzekerde --- système de prévoyance --- socijalna zaštita --- socialförsäkringssystem --- sociale zorg --- sotsiaalne kaitse --- социјално осигурување --- σύστημα κοινωνικής ασφάλισης --- sistema de previsión social --- κοινωνική προστασία --- proteção social --- Versorgungssystem --- sociálna ochrana --- social sikringsordning --- sociální ochrana --- κοινωνική αρωγή --- protecție socială --- régime de sécurité sociale --- prévoyance sociale --- protección social --- previsión social --- sociala trygghetssystem --- previdência social --- assurances sociales --- socialt skydd --- protection sociale --- régimen de seguridad social --- sigurim kombëtar --- yleinen sairausvakuutus --- regime previdenziale --- sistema previdenziale --- sotsiaalne turvalisus --- κοινωνική αντίληψη --- sotsiaalkindlustussüsteem --- systeem van sociale zorg --- regionen Flandern --- região flamenga --- Flaami piirkond --- región Flamenca --- Flandria --- Flandern --- Flandra (Belgjikë) --- Flámsko --- flamand régió --- Région flamande --- Fjandri (Belgju) --- Flandry --- Регион Фландрија --- Flanderin alue --- Фландрия --- flämische Region --- Фландрија --- Flandra --- Flandrija --- regione fiamminga --- Flanders (Belgium) --- περιφέρεια Φλάνδρας --- Vlaanderen --- den flamske region --- Φλάνδρα --- Flandres --- Vlámsko --- Flandes (Bélgica) --- Фландриски Регион --- епидемија --- epideemia --- épidémie --- epidemic --- epidémia --- epidemi --- епидемия --- eipidéim --- epidemia --- epidemie --- επιδημία --- epidemija --- epidēmija --- epidemik --- mor --- pandemi --- έκρηξη επιδημίας --- ligos protrūkis --- пандемија --- hromadná nákaza zvířat --- epidemiudbrud --- epideeminen taudinpurkaus --- járványos kitörés --- taudinpurkaus --- paindéim --- πανδημία --- epidemic outbreak --- surto de doença --- focolaio epidemico --- Pandemie --- izbruh epidemije --- пандемия --- vypuknutí nákazy --- taudipuhang --- explozívna epidémia --- brote de una enfermedad --- haiguspuhang --- udbrud --- vleklá epidemie --- outbreak of a disease --- uitbraak van een ziekte --- масовна зараза --- pandémia --- tautiesiintymä --- epidemische uitbraak --- járvány kitörése --- ognisko choroby --- Ausbruch einer Krankheit --- epidemisk udbrud --- огнище на епидемия --- járványok kitörése --- pandemic --- izbijanje bolesti --- poussée épidémique --- Ausbruch einer Epidemie --- sygdomsudbrud --- ohnisko choroby --- pojava bolesti --- surto de doença infecciosa --- wystąpienie choroby --- apparition d'une épidémie --- surto epidémico --- epidēmijas uzliesmojums --- επιδημική έξαρση --- огнище --- epidemiczny wzrost zachorowań --- izbruh bolezni --- pandemia --- izbucnirea unei epidemii --- sjukdomsutbrott --- επιδημική έκρηξη --- възникване на огнище на заболяване --- flambée épidémique --- Seuche --- pojawienie się ogniska epidemii --- járványkitörés --- taud --- tifqigħa ta’ marda --- apparition d’une maladie --- pandemie --- užkrečiamosios ligos paplitimas --- brote epidémico --- explozivní epidemie --- farsot --- ziekteuitbraak --- slimības uzliesmojums --- tifqigħa ta’ epidemija --- pandemija --- pandémie --- disease outbreak --- pandēmija --- járvány --- Coronavirus-Erkrankung --- boala provocată de coronavirus --- marda tal-coronavirus --- koronaviruso sukeliama liga --- koroonaviirushaigus --- coronavirusziekte --- koronavīrusa slimība --- malattia da coronavirus --- doença por coronavírus --- bolest uzrokovana koronavirusom --- ochorenie spôsobené koronavírusom --- koronavirusna bolezen --- koronavírus-betegség --- koronavirustauti --- coronavirusinfektion --- choroba koronawirusowa --- enfermedad por coronavirus --- νόσος από κορονοϊό --- coronavirussygdom --- заболяване от коронавирус --- maladie à coronavirus --- onemocnění koronavirem --- koronavirové onemocnění --- SARS --- coronavirus pandemic 2019-2020 --- COVID-19 --- COVID --- SARS-CoV-2 --- MERS-CoV --- coronavirus disease 2019 --- коронавирусна болест --- Artimųjų Rytų respiracinis sindromas --- αναπνευστικό σύνδρομο της Μέσης Ανατολής --- Sindromu Respiratorju tal-Lvant Nofsani --- Nahost-Atemwegssyndrom --- közel-keleti légzőszervi szindróma --- syndrome respiratoire du Moyen-Orient --- közel-keleti légzőszervi tünetegyüttes --- respirační syndrom z Blízkého východu --- sars-cov-1 --- mers --- Lähis-Ida respiratoorne sündroom --- covid-19-tauti --- bliskoistočni akutni respiratorni sindrom --- SARS-CoV-1 --- Middle East respiratory syndrome --- близкоизточен респираторен синдром --- Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome --- közel-keleti respiratorikus szindróma --- blízkovýchodný respiračný syndróm --- síndrome respiratorio de Oriente Próximo --- síndrome respiratória do Médio Oriente --- Tuvo Austrumu respiratorais sindroms --- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome --- bliskowschodni zespół niewydolności oddechowej --- Middle-East respiratory syndrome --- MERS --- sindrome respiratoria medio-orientale --- közel-keleti légúti szindróma --- Lähi-idän hengitystieoireyhtymä --- Toerisme --- Maatschappij --- Film --- Flóndras (An Bheilg) --- galar coróinvíris --- Political philosophy --- Sociale structuur --- sociologie --- politiek --- maatschappijkritiek --- België --- coronocrisis --- eenentwintigste eeuw --- 130.2 --- COVID-19 (Disease) - Social aspects --- COVID-19 (Disease) - Political aspects
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'Doen we als mainstream media onze job wel goed genoeg?' Het is een vraag die VRT-onderzoeksjournalist Luc Pauwels al jaren bezig houdt. Want hij ziet te veel verontrustende alarmsignalen. Een themadossier in 'De Journalist' in februari 2021 gaf aan dat de vertrouwenscijfers in de media tussen 2016 en 2020 van 59% naar 51% gedaald waren in Vlaanderen. Dat is niet bijster veel. Uit een eerdere enquête die naar het vertrouwen peilde in 32 beroepen, bleek dat brandweermannen, verplegers en artsen erg hoog scoorden. In België stonden journalisten op vier na laatste.Van desinformatie, fake news was toen amper sprake. Dat veranderde na de verkiezing van Donald Trump: die gooide het politieke discours op een ongeziene manier om. De toon werd hard en brutaal. De uitbarsting van fake news en desinformatie vergiftigt de hele samenleving en is nog lang niet voorbij. Dit moet die mainstream media doen nadenken over hun houding en positie. Lopen ze zelf zo'n vlekkeloos parcours? De antwoorden van Pauwels zijn bij momenten ontluisterend.
BPB9999 --- Mass communications --- nieuwsberichtgeving --- mediawijsheid --- Journalism --- 690 Media, mediarecht --- 692.1 VRT --- Pers --- fake news --- books --- Journalistiek ; beroepsethiek --- Nieuwsberichtgeving --- Nepnieuws --- massamedia --- desinformatie --- BPB2206 --- dezinformacja --- disinformaatio --- παραπληροφόρηση --- dezinformáció --- desinformação --- dezinformare --- desinformatsioon --- dezinformācija --- désinformation --- diżinformazzjoni --- дезинформација --- bréagaisnéis --- дезинформация --- keqinformim --- dezinformácia --- dezinformacija --- desinformación --- Desinformation --- disinformation --- disinformazione --- dezinformace --- desinformation --- погрешна информација --- viltus ziņa --- falske nyheder --- maldināšana --- αναληθές δημοσίευμα --- bulo --- fausses informations --- lažne vijesti --- nepnieuws --- fejknyheter --- noticias falsas --- ψευδείς ειδήσεις --- fałszywa informacja --- bufala --- știri false --- falošné správy --- aħbarijiet foloz --- notizie false --- potegavščina --- неточна информација --- álhír --- embuste --- qerq --- falešná informace --- nieprawdziwe informacje --- nepravdivá informace --- невярна информация --- falska nyheter --- Falschmeldung --- pettus --- gezielte Falschmeldungen --- libauudised --- fakenieuws --- melagingos naujienos --- canular --- bluff --- hamis információ --- измислица --- menzogna --- boato --- falešné zprávy --- misinformation --- лажна информација --- melagingi pranešimai --- valeuutiset --- hoax --- lažna vijest --- фалшиви новини --- Hoax --- lažne novice --- notícia falsa --- media masowe --- sredstva javnoga priopćavanja --- media tal-massa --- масмедия --- meios de comunicação de massas --- средства за јавно информирање --- mórmheáin --- mezzo di comunicazione di massa --- mediji --- масовни медији --- plašsaziņas līdzekļi --- masmédiá --- Massenmedium --- mass media --- tömegmédia --- medio de comunicación de masas --- massmedier --- hromadné sdělovací prostředky --- μέσο μαζικής επικοινωνίας --- masmedia --- žiniasklaida --- joukkoviestintävälineet --- massekommunikationsmiddel --- mass-media --- moyen de communication de masse --- massiteabevahendid --- massikommunikatsioonivahendid --- sredstva javnoga informiranja --- joukkoviestimet --- masinės komunikacijos priemonės --- Massenkommunikationsmittel --- massimeediumid --- mjete të komunikimit masiv --- μίντια --- μέσο μαζικής ενημέρωσης --- мас-медиум --- tömegmédiumok --- massemedier --- medier --- média --- means of mass communication --- meios de comunicação social --- meedia --- masovokomunikačné prostriedky --- tömegtájékoztatási eszközök --- visuomenės informavimo priemonės --- Medien --- masovni mediji --- mijloace de comunicare în masă --- massacommunicatiemiddel --- médias --- veřejné sdělovací prostředky --- media --- masu informācijas līdzekļi --- масовни медиуми --- massmedia --- masmédia --- Fake News. --- Journalistiek. --- Journalistiek --- Journalistieke ethiek --- Fake news --- Desinformatie --- Zelfevaluatie --- #SBIB:309H1025 --- #SBIB:309H302 --- #SBIB:309H1010 --- Mediaboodschappen met een informatieve functie --- De communicator: opleiding, statuut, deontologie, zelfbeeld, sociale positie, --- Organisatorische aspecten van de media: algemene werken (incl. journalistiek) --- mal-information --- félretájékoztatás --- škodlivá informácia --- informare rău-voitoare --- informazzjoni ħażina --- informare greșită --- irreführende Information --- misinformaatio --- väärinfo --- zlonamerne informacije --- hamis tájékoztatás --- má informação --- väärä tieto --- mífhaisnéis --- informacja szkodliwa --- neúmyselne nepravdivá informácia --- virheellinen tieto --- bevidst misinformation --- misinformatie --- pogrešna informacija --- miżinformazzjoni --- informação errada --- nepareiza informācija --- εσφαλμένη πληροφόρηση --- maldinoša informācija --- nesprávná informace --- falsk information --- klaidinga informacija --- pakenkti skirta informacija --- información falsa --- informacja wprowadzająca w błąd --- mésinformation --- drochfhaisnéis --- Fehlinformation --- zavádějící informace --- napačne informacije --- malinformazione --- lažna informacija --- Falschinformation --- κακόβουλη πληροφόρηση --- Schadinformation --- información errónea --- cattiva informazione --- journalistiek --- beroepsethiek --- corona --- pandemie --- coronapandemie --- Covid-19 --- onderzoeksjournalisten --- Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroeporganisatie (VRT) --- coronacrisis --- mondmaskers --- nieuwsmedia --- kwaliteitscontrole --- factchecken --- factchecking --- factchecks --- pers
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