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Comment gagner de l'argent en bourse ? : Méthodes d'analyse fondamentales et techniques inspirées par la pratique des clubs d'investissement
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2871890005 Year: 1987 Publisher: Mons Concraid

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336.76 <493>

Wegwijs in de financieel-ekonomische berichtgeving
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9071986160 Year: 1993 Publisher: Antwerpen Uitgeversbedrijf Tijd

Inzicht in beleggen : wegwijs op de beurs
ISBN: 9020916807 Year: 1989 Publisher: Tielt Lannoo

Informatieverstrekking door beursgenoteerde vennootschappen : efficiënte financiële markten en beursregulering in België.
ISBN: 9050950809 9789050950800 Year: 1999 Publisher: Antwerpen Intersentia

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Money market. Capital market --- Financial law --- Belgium --- Belgique --- België --- Beurswezen --- Bourse --- Sociétés --- Vennootschappen --- Capital market --- Marché financier --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Going public (Securities) --- Corporations --- Disclosure of information --- Finance --- 336.76 <493> --- -Disclosure of information --- -Going public (Securities) --- -336.76 <493> --- 347.73 <493> --- 659.235 <493> --- beurs --- vennootschappen --- informatie --- financiele markten --- belgie --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 347.720.2 --- 333.661 --- 343.534 --- 347.728.5 --- 333.611 --- 347.731 --- U38 - Société cotée - Genoteerde vennootschap --- beurswezen --- corporate governance --- financiële verslaggeving --- recht, financieel --- Beurs ; België --- E080668.jpg --- Vennootschappen ; België --- Initial public offerings (Securities) --- IPOs (Securities) --- Public offerings (Securities) --- Public ownership of close corporations --- Securities --- Close corporations --- Special purpose acquisition companies --- Stocks --- Information, Disclosure of --- Truthfulness and falsehood --- Business corporations --- C corporations --- Corporations, Business --- Corporations, Public --- Limited companies --- Publicly held corporations --- Publicly traded corporations --- Public limited companies --- Stock corporations --- Subchapter C corporations --- Business enterprises --- Corporate power --- Disincorporation --- Trusts, Industrial --- Beurswezen. Geldmarkt. Valutamarkt. Binnenlandse geldmarkt. Valutamarkt--België --- -Law and legislation --- -bourse --- societes --- information --- marches financiers --- belgique --- Handelsvennootschappen : bestaansvoorwaarden, statuten, akten, afkondigingen, folders. Administratieve vormvoorschriften. Regeringsinmenging, erkenning, vergunning. --- Nationale uitgiften van effecten. --- Ontluiken van wetenschappelijke en fabrieksgeheimen, en in het algemeen van het beroepsgeheim. --- Openbare uitgiften. Plaatsing van effecten. --- Organisatie, reglement, bewaking. --- Wetgeving op effectenbeurzen, de goederenbeurzen en de deviezenbeurzen. Raider. --- 336.76 <493> Beurswezen. Geldmarkt. Valutamarkt. Binnenlandse geldmarkt. Valutamarkt--België --- Marché financier --- bourse --- Organisatie, reglement, bewaking --- Nationale uitgiften van effecten --- Ontluiken van wetenschappelijke en fabrieksgeheimen, en in het algemeen van het beroepsgeheim --- Handelsvennootschappen : bestaansvoorwaarden, statuten, akten, afkondigingen, folders. Administratieve vormvoorschriften. Regeringsinmenging, erkenning, vergunning --- Openbare uitgiften. Plaatsing van effecten --- Wetgeving op effectenbeurzen, de goederenbeurzen en de deviezenbeurzen. Raider --- Going public (Securities) - Law and legislation - Belgium. --- Corporations - Finance - Law and legislation - Belgium. --- Disclosure of information - Law and legislation - Belgium.

Listed in Belgium : a legal guide for Euronext companies.
ISBN: 9050953824 9789050953825 Year: 2004 Publisher: Antwerpen Intersentia

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NASDAQ EUROPE (vroeger EASDAQ) - EURONEXT - Overzicht van de verschillende wetten en regels die van toepassing zijn op bedrijven (bedrijf vennootschap) genoteerd (notering) op Euronext en Nasdaq Europe & werking van vennootschapsorganen & openbaarmaking documenten vennootschap - vereisten: openbaarmakingsvereisten & andere relevante regelgeving & schema 's


336.76 <493> --- 347.73 --- bourse --- marches financiers --- belgique --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 347.731 --- 347.730 --- Beurswezen. Geldmarkt. Valutamarkt. Binnenlandse geldmarkt. Valutamarkt--België --- Financieel recht. Commerciele organisatie. Handelsinstellingen --- beurs --- financiele markten --- belgie --- Wetgeving op effectenbeurzen, de goederenbeurzen en de deviezenbeurzen. Raider. --- Financiële instellingen: algemeen. --- Corporate governance --- Going public (Securities) --- Stock exchanges --- Law and legislation --- 347.73 Financieel recht. Commerciele organisatie. Handelsinstellingen --- 336.76 <493> Beurswezen. Geldmarkt. Valutamarkt. Binnenlandse geldmarkt. Valutamarkt--België --- Rules and practice. --- Bulls and bears --- Commercial corners --- Corners, Commercial --- Equity markets --- Exchanges, Securities --- Exchanges, Stock --- Securities exchanges --- Stock-exchange --- Stock markets --- Capital market --- Efficient market theory --- Speculation --- Initial public offerings (Securities) --- IPOs (Securities) --- Public offerings (Securities) --- Public ownership of close corporations --- Securities --- Close corporations --- Corporations --- Special purpose acquisition companies --- Stocks --- Governance, Corporate --- Industrial management --- Directors of corporations --- Financiële instellingen: algemeen --- Wetgeving op effectenbeurzen, de goederenbeurzen en de deviezenbeurzen. Raider --- Finance --- Going public (Securities) - Law and legislation - Belgium. --- Stock exchanges - Belgium - Rules and practice. --- Corporate governance - Law and legislation - Belgium. --- EURONEXT --- DROIT COMMERCIAL --- DROIT FINANCIER --- SOCIETES COTEES EN BOURSE --- ADMINISTRATION/GESTION --- OBLIGATIONS --- BELGIQUE --- COTATION BOURSIERE --- CONDITIONS

Guidelines to the auditor in prospectus and other related engagements
Authors: --- --- ---
ISSN: 22944559 ISBN: 9789046602768 9046602761 Year: 2009 Volume: 2009/3 Publisher: Brussel Informatiecentrum voor het Bedrijfsrevisoraat = Centre d'Information du Revisorat d'Entreprises

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A new regime for prospectuses has recently become effective in Belgium, following the European Directive 2003/71/EC and the Commission Regulation 809/2004. The prospectus Directive has been implemented into Belgian law under the Law of 16 June 2006. This book discusses the role of the auditor in conjunction with various parts of the prospectus. It intends to explain how the auditor has to organise and perform his work and how he has to report on the information required by the Law, the Prospectus Directive and the Regulation. In providing guidelines on the performance of the various audit tasks there is also some guidance on the nature, the content and the qualitative characteristics of the information which is reported on. This guide also takes into account various other documents that give recommendations or advice on the application of the Regulation or on the auditor’s involvement in conjunction with the issuance of a prospectus under the Regulation. Such other documents were published by the Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR) and by the Fédération des Experts Comptables Européens – Federation of European Accountants (FEE)


Corporations --- Prospectus writing --- Auditing --- Law and legislation --- Accountantscontrole. --- Auditing. --- controleleer --- Commercial law. Economic law (general) --- Audit --- accountancy --- European law --- auditing --- Communication in financial institutions --- Financial statements --- Auditors --- Information financière --- Bilans --- Vérificateurs-comptables --- BPB0909 --- audit --- vennootschapsrecht --- 657 --- Bedrijfsrevisoren --- Prospectus --- 347.72 --- 657.6 --- 333.660 --- 347.728.5 --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 336.76 <493> --- 347.72 <493> --- 347.73 <493> --- 657.6 <493> --- Investments --- Report writing --- Business corporations --- C corporations --- Corporations, Business --- Corporations, Public --- Limited companies --- Publicly held corporations --- Publicly traded corporations --- Public limited companies --- Stock corporations --- Subchapter C corporations --- Business enterprises --- Corporate power --- Disincorporation --- Stocks --- Trusts, Industrial --- 336.76 <493> Beurswezen. Geldmarkt. Valutamarkt. Binnenlandse geldmarkt. Valutamarkt--België --- Beurswezen. Geldmarkt. Valutamarkt. Binnenlandse geldmarkt. Valutamarkt--België --- 347.73 <493> Financieel recht. Commerciele organisatie. Handelsinstellingen--België --- Financieel recht. Commerciele organisatie. Handelsinstellingen--België --- 347.72 <493> Handelsvennootschappen: statuut, aandeelhouder, patrimonium, inbreng, winst en verlies, algemene vergadering, raad van beheer, toezicht. Vennootschaprecht--België --- Handelsvennootschappen: statuut, aandeelhouder, patrimonium, inbreng, winst en verlies, algemene vergadering, raad van beheer, toezicht. Vennootschaprecht--België --- 657.6 <493> Official verification of accounts. Auditing--België --- Official verification of accounts. Auditing--België --- droit des societes --- Vennootschapsrecht. Verenigingsrecht --- Uitgifte van effecten: algemeenheden. Bankconsortiums --- Openbare uitgiften. Plaatsing van effecten --- Accountancy --- Financiële communicatie --- Controleleer --- Beursgang --- Aandelen --- audyt --- iniúchadh --- έλεγχος --- verifica ispettiva --- ревизија --- проверка --- revizija --- auditas --- awditu --- podnikový audit --- tarkastus --- revision --- auditoría --- auditim (menaxhim) --- audits --- auditoria --- ellenőrzés --- Rechnungsprüfung --- revisione --- controllo --- внатрешна контрола --- számvizsgálat --- audit společnosti --- audyt wewnętrzny --- audítorstvo --- надворешна ревизија --- belső ellenőrzés --- iniúchóireacht --- Aandeel --- Management --- Corporations - Auditing - Law and legislation - European Union countries --- Prospectus writing - Law and legislation - European Union countries --- Corporations - European Union countries - Auditing --- Prospectus writing - European Union countries --- Belgique --- instrument financier --- Droit public économique --- Droit commercial --- Personnes morales --- Réviseur d'entreprise --- Marché financier --- Prospectus (bourse) --- Rôle

Test aankoop invest : onafhankelijk beleggingsadvies
Authors: ---
ISSN: 07730756 Year: 1981 Publisher: Brussel Test-Aankoop.

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Current periodicals --- Revue périodique --- Investissement --- 336.76 <493> <05> --- Tijdschrift --- tijdschriften --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- Investering --- Periodicals --- investment --- ulaganje --- infheistíocht --- inwestycje --- naložba --- investeering --- investiții --- investiment --- beruházás --- Investition --- инвестиция --- investering --- investicija --- investice --- улагање --- инвестиција --- inversión --- investimento --- investim --- investointi --- investícia --- ieguldījumi --- επένδυση --- capital expenditure --- kapitāla ieguldījumu prasības --- investiranje --- infheistiú --- kapitálové investice --- necessidades de investimento --- investeringsnoodzaak --- Investitionsbedarf --- inversión de capitales --- kapitalo investicijų poreikis --- investeerimine --- necesidades de inversión --- kapitálové investičné požiadavky --- capital investment requirement --- kërkesë për investime kapitale --- Kapitalinvestition --- rischio di investimento --- necesitatea investițiilor de capital --- cheltuieli de capital --- tasso d'investimento --- beruházási igény --- shpenzime kapitale --- kapitali investeerimisnõue --- kapitálové výdavky --- befektetés --- investeringsbehov --- befektetési igény --- besoin d'investissement --- капитална инвестиција --- kapitālieguldījumu izdevumi --- επενδυτική ανάγκη --- investoinnit --- investiční výdaje --- investavimas --- propensione agli investimenti --- kapitaalinvestering --- fabbisogno d'investimento --- kapitalinvestering --- kapitalinės išlaidos --- επένδυση κεφαλαίων --- investimento de capitais --- investissement de capitaux --- perioodiline väljaanne --- periodická publikácia --- сериски публикации --- tidskrift --- периодично издание --- periodinis leidinys --- periodikum --- rivista periodica --- kausijulkaisu --- serial publication --- periodische Veröffentlichung --- publicații periodice --- περιοδική επιθεώρηση --- publicação periódica --- publicación seriada --- periodična publikacija --- periodika --- folyóirat --- publikim periodik --- periodisks izdevums --- wydawnictwo periodyczne --- tidsskrift --- периодично издање --- tijdschrift --- pubblikazzjoni perjodika --- periodicum --- periodiek --- revue périodique --- publicación periódica --- επιθεώρηση --- издание во продолженија --- периодична објава --- periodical publication --- serijska publikacija --- botim periodik --- сериско издание --- seriāls izdevums --- périodique --- periodico --- publikim në seri --- rivista mensile --- serijinis leidinys --- mensile --- pubblicazione periodica --- publicații seriale --- периодично списание --- periodisk tidskrift --- měsíčník --- perioodikaväljaanne --- revista --- series --- časopis --- periódico --- publicación en serie --- serie --- periodice --- periodical --- týdeník --- nepravé periodikum --- jadaväljaanne --- občasník --- Periodikum --- aikakauslehti --- serials --- периодична публикација --- фељтон --- περιοδικό --- Closed periodicals --- Beleggingen --- sraitheachán --- Revue périodique

Test achats invest : Le conseil financier indépendant.
ISSN: 07730748 Year: 1981 Publisher: Bruxelles Test-Achats,.

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Business, Economy and Management --- Business Management --- Economics --- Strategic Management & Business Policy --- Revue périodique --- Investissement --- 336.76 <493> <05> --- Current periodicals --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- Tijdschrift --- Investering --- investment --- ulaganje --- infheistíocht --- inwestycje --- naložba --- investeering --- investiții --- investiment --- beruházás --- Investition --- инвестиция --- investering --- investicija --- investice --- улагање --- инвестиција --- inversión --- investimento --- investim --- investointi --- investícia --- ieguldījumi --- επένδυση --- capital expenditure --- kapitāla ieguldījumu prasības --- investiranje --- infheistiú --- kapitálové investice --- necessidades de investimento --- investeringsnoodzaak --- Investitionsbedarf --- inversión de capitales --- kapitalo investicijų poreikis --- investeerimine --- necesidades de inversión --- kapitálové investičné požiadavky --- capital investment requirement --- kërkesë për investime kapitale --- Kapitalinvestition --- rischio di investimento --- necesitatea investițiilor de capital --- cheltuieli de capital --- tasso d'investimento --- beruházási igény --- shpenzime kapitale --- kapitali investeerimisnõue --- kapitálové výdavky --- befektetés --- investeringsbehov --- befektetési igény --- besoin d'investissement --- капитална инвестиција --- kapitālieguldījumu izdevumi --- επενδυτική ανάγκη --- investoinnit --- investiční výdaje --- investavimas --- propensione agli investimenti --- kapitaalinvestering --- fabbisogno d'investimento --- kapitalinvestering --- kapitalinės išlaidos --- επένδυση κεφαλαίων --- investimento de capitais --- investissement de capitaux --- perioodiline väljaanne --- periodická publikácia --- сериски публикации --- tidskrift --- периодично издание --- periodinis leidinys --- periodikum --- rivista periodica --- kausijulkaisu --- serial publication --- periodische Veröffentlichung --- publicații periodice --- περιοδική επιθεώρηση --- publicação periódica --- publicación seriada --- periodična publikacija --- periodika --- folyóirat --- publikim periodik --- periodisks izdevums --- wydawnictwo periodyczne --- tidsskrift --- периодично издање --- tijdschrift --- pubblikazzjoni perjodika --- periodicum --- periodiek --- revue périodique --- publicación periódica --- επιθεώρηση --- издание во продолженија --- периодична објава --- periodical publication --- serijska publikacija --- botim periodik --- сериско издание --- seriāls izdevums --- périodique --- periodico --- publikim në seri --- rivista mensile --- serijinis leidinys --- mensile --- pubblicazione periodica --- publicații seriale --- периодично списание --- periodisk tidskrift --- měsíčník --- perioodikaväljaanne --- revista --- series --- časopis --- periódico --- publicación en serie --- serie --- periodice --- periodical --- týdeník --- nepravé periodikum --- jadaväljaanne --- občasník --- Periodikum --- aikakauslehti --- serials --- периодична публикација --- фељтон --- περιοδικό --- Closed periodicals --- sraitheachán --- Revue périodique

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