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Économie planifiée --- Centrally planned economies --- Économie de marché --- Market economies --- Politique agricole --- Agricultural policies --- Administration --- administration --- Méthodologie --- methodology --- Europe --- Europe orientale --- Eastern Europe --- 711.3-163 --- 338.43 <4-11> --- Planologie: landbouwhervorming; ruilverkaveling --- Landbouweconomie--Oost-Europa --- 338.43 <4-11> Landbouweconomie--Oost-Europa --- 711.3-163 Planologie: landbouwhervorming; ruilverkaveling --- administration.
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Économie planifiée --- Centrally planned economies --- Économie de marché --- Market economies --- Industrie alimentaire --- Food industry --- Politique agricole --- Agricultural policies --- Administration --- administration --- Europe --- Europe orientale --- Eastern Europe --- 338.43 <4-11> --- 330.34 --- 711.3-163 --- Agriculture and state --- -Agriculture and state --- -Privatization --- -Denationalization --- Privatisation --- Contracting out --- Corporatization --- Government ownership --- Agrarian question --- Agricultural policy --- Agriculture --- State and agriculture --- Economic policy --- Land reform --- Landbouweconomie--Oost-Europa --- Economische ontwikkeling. Regionale economische ontwikkeling --- Planologie: landbouwhervorming; ruilverkaveling --- Europe, Central --- Government policy --- -Landbouweconomie--Oost-Europa --- 711.3-163 Planologie: landbouwhervorming; ruilverkaveling --- 330.34 Economische ontwikkeling. Regionale economische ontwikkeling --- 338.43 <4-11> Landbouweconomie--Oost-Europa --- -711.3-163 Planologie: landbouwhervorming; ruilverkaveling --- Denationalization --- Privatization --- administration.
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Industrial economics --- China --- -Economische toestand. --- Agriculture and state --- Agriculture --- #ABIB:aleo --- 307.4 --- 331.30 --- 338.722.0 --- 338.723.1 --- CN / China - Chine --- Economic aspects --- Productiestatistiek --- Economische toestand --- Landbouweconomie: algemeenheden --- Landbouwhervorming
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Mill (John Stuart). Economie. --- Landbouwhervorming. Onderontwikkelde gebieden. --- Onderontwikkelde gebieden. Economische structuren. --- Mill (James). Economie politique. --- Mill (John Stuart). Economie politique. --- Réforme agraire. Pays sous-développés. --- Pays sous-développés. Economie. Structures. --- Mill (James). Economie.
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EEU / Central & Eastern Europe --- SU / Soviet Union - Ussr - Urss --- CN / China - Chine --- MN / Mongolia - Mongolie --- 338.722.7 --- 338.723.0 --- 338.723.1 --- 338.722.6 --- 307.4 --- 338.721 --- 338.724 --- 338.727 --- 338.723.4 --- Buitenlandse handel in landbouwproducten. --- Landbouwbeleid: algemeenheden. --- Landbouwhervorming. --- Landbouwprijzen. --- Productiestatistiek. --- Structuur en evolutie van de landbouwindustrie. --- Teelten. --- Veeteelt en producten van de veeteelt en van de visvangst. --- productiepolitiek en prijspolitiek in de landbouw. --- Buitenlandse handel in landbouwproducten --- Landbouwbeleid: algemeenheden --- Landbouwhervorming --- Landbouwprijzen --- Productiestatistiek --- Structuur en evolutie van de landbouwindustrie --- Teelten --- Veeteelt en producten van de veeteelt en van de visvangst --- productiepolitiek en prijspolitiek in de landbouw
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Land reform --- -Right of property --- -LDC / Developping Countries - Pays En Développement --- 338.722.0 --- 338.723.1 --- Civil rights --- Property --- Ownership of property --- Private ownership of property, Right of --- Private property, Right of --- Property, Right of --- Property rights --- Right of private ownership of property --- Right of private property --- Right of property --- Right to property --- Economic policy --- Land use, Rural --- Social policy --- Agriculture and state --- Agrarian reform --- Landbouweconomie: algemeenheden. --- Landbouwhervorming. --- Law and legislation --- Réforme agraire --- Réforme agraire --- Social Sciences and Humanities. Development Studies --- Development Economics. --- Land. Real estate --- Economic geography --- Developing countries --- Droit de propriété --- Landbouweconomie: algemeenheden --- Landbouwhervorming --- -Land reform --- -Land. Real estate --- -Right of property -
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Land tenure --- Land reform --- Land settlement --- Agriculture, Cooperative --- Resettlement --- Settlement of land --- Agrarian reform --- Agrarian tenure --- Feudal tenure --- Freehold --- Land ownership --- Land question --- Landownership --- Tenure of land --- Agricultural cooperation --- Agricultural cooperatives --- Cooperative agriculture --- Cooperative societies, Agricultural --- Farmers' cooperatives --- Colonies --- Land use, Rural --- Human settlements --- Economic policy --- Social policy --- Agriculture and state --- Real property --- Land, Nationalization of --- Landowners --- Serfdom --- Agricultural contracts --- Cooperation --- Agriculture, Cooperative. --- Land reform. --- Land settlement. --- Land tenure. --- landholding system. --- agricultural land. --- farming sector. --- agrarian reform. --- land policies. --- maanomistusjärjestelmä --- beheer van landbouwgrond --- систем на земјишни поседи --- régimen del suelo --- maaomandi süsteem --- zemljoposjednički sustav --- systém vlastnictví půdy --- regjim i tokës --- ejendomsforhold til jord --- zemes īpašumu sistēma --- sistemul proprietății funciare --- режим земљишног поседа --- режим на почвите --- Bodenordnung --- regime dei suoli --- system własności ziemi --- καθεστώς γεωκτησίας --- system för markinnehav --- földtulajdoni rendszer --- sistema ta’ pussess tal-art --- systém držby pôdy --- régime du sol --- regime de propriedade do solo --- žemėvalda --- córas gabháltais --- zemljiškoposestni sistem --- земјопоседнички систем --- systém půdního vlastnictví --- sistem i pronësisë mbi tokën --- zemes īpašumtiesību sistēma --- maaomistusjärjestelmä --- systém vlastníctva pôdy --- regimul proprietății funciare --- systém vlastnictví pozemků --- system of land ownership --- žemės nuosavybės sistema --- maapolitiikka --- pozemková politika --- grondpolitiek --- κτηματολογική πολιτική --- поземлена политика --- politikat e tokës --- земљишна политика --- polityka gruntowa --- földpolitika --- beartais talún --- politica fondiaria --- maapoliitika --- žemės politika --- земјишна политика --- zemljiška politika --- Bodenpolitik --- política sobre la propiedad agraria --- zemljišna politika --- politică funciară --- zemes politika --- markpolitik --- politique foncière --- política agrária --- jordpolitik --- politika dwar l-artijiet --- política fundiária --- politique agraire --- agraarpoliitika --- územní politika --- agrārā politika --- политики за управување на земјиштата --- jordbrugspolitik --- grondbeleid --- agrarian policies --- agrarinė politika --- αγροτική πολιτική --- politică agrară --- reformă agrară --- reforma rolna --- jordbruksreform --- riforma agraria --- athriar talúntais --- zemědělská reforma --- reformë agrare --- agrárna reforma --- reforma agraria --- agrārā reforma --- põllumajandusreform --- αγροτική μεταρρύθμιση --- kmetijska reforma --- аграрна реформа --- žemės ūkio reforma --- riforma agrarja --- agrárreform --- landbrugsreform --- reforma agrária --- Agrarreform --- landbouwhervorming --- maatalousuudistus --- réforme agraire --- agrarna reforma --- hervorming van de landbouw --- réforme des structures agricoles --- mezőgazdasági reform --- agrární reforma --- riforma dell'agricoltura --- μεταρρύθμιση της γεωργίας --- πράσινη επανάσταση --- reformë e strukturave bujqësore --- reforma de la agricultura --- agrárstrukturális reform --- rivoluzione verde --- riforma delle strutture agricole --- poľnohospodárska reforma --- reforma agrarnog sustava --- hervorming der landbouwstructuren --- reforma poľnohospodárskych štruktúr --- révolution verte --- Reform der Landwirtschaft --- réforme de l'agriculture --- reforma da agricultura --- lauksaimniecības reforma --- Grüne Revolution --- žemės ūkio struktūrų reforma --- reforma structurilor agricole --- реформи во земјоделството --- reforma zemědělských systémů --- riforma delle strutture fondiarie --- revolução verde --- agricultural reform --- landbrugsstrukturreform --- reformë bujqësore --- lantbruksreform --- landwirtschaftliche Reform --- reforma das estruturas agrárias --- μεταρρύθμιση γεωργικών διαρθρώσεων --- Agrarstrukturreform --- den grønne revolution --- zöld reform --- grön revolution --- reform av jordbruksstrukturer --- reforma de las estructuras agrarias --- riforma agricola --- revolución verde --- groene revolutie --- maatalouden rakenneuudistus --- poljoprivredna reforma --- põllumajandusstruktuuride reform --- reform of agricultural structures --- zöld forradalom --- lauksaimniecības struktūru reforma --- riforma delle strutture agrarie --- agrární sektor --- settur tal-koltivazzjoni --- rolnictwo --- земјоделски сектор --- kmetijski sektor --- lauksaimniecības sektors --- settore agricolo --- setor agrícola --- agrárny sektor --- maatalousala --- sector agrario --- põllumajandussektor --- пољопривредни сектор --- Agrarsektor --- landbrugssektor --- sector agricol --- jordbrukssektor --- земеделски сектор --- poljoprivredni sektor --- landbouwsector --- secteur agricole --- sektor fermer --- γεωργικός τομέας --- earnáil na feirmeoireachta --- žemės ūkio sektorius --- mezőgazdasági szektor --- maatalous --- агрикултура --- Landwirtschaft --- poljoprivreda --- poľnohospodárstvo --- zemědělství --- γεωργία --- sektori bujqësor --- agrárágazat --- poľnohospodársky sektor --- mezőgazdaság --- landbouw --- lauksaimniecība --- bujqësia --- landbrug --- lauksaimniecības nozare --- agricultura --- agricoltura --- agriculture --- žemės ūkis --- земјоделство --- agrarni sektor --- zemědělský sektor --- sector agrícola --- agricultură --- agricultural sector --- ganadería --- аграрен сектор --- põllumajandus --- sector agropecuario --- agrárszektor --- полјоделство --- terra agrícola --- земеделска земя --- jordbruksmark --- terre agricole --- art agrikola --- landbouwgrond --- tokë bujqësore --- maatalousmaa --- terreno agricolo --- žemės ūkio naudmenos --- mezőgazdasági földterület --- земјоделско земјиште --- lauksaimniecības zeme --- talamh talmhaíochta --- poljoprivredno zemljište --- kmetijsko zemljišče --- landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche --- γεωργική γη --- poľnohospodárska pôda --- landbrugsjord --- teren agricol --- ziemia rolnicza --- zemědělská půda --- пољопривредно земљиште --- põllumajandusmaa --- tierra agrícola --- bestelltes Land --- viljelymaa --- teren cultivat --- talumaa --- bebouwde grond --- farmárska pôda --- dyrket jord --- půda patřící statku --- mezőgazdasági hasznosítású földterület --- terra cultivada --- tokë fermere --- ūkio dirbamoji žemė --- tierra cultivada --- terreno coltivato --- odlad mark --- megművelt föld --- farmland --- bebautes Land --- καλλιεργημένη γη --- terre cultivée
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